
Magistrate Jaiteh Joins The List


Magistrate Jaiteh

Is Magistrate Jaiteh Targeted

For Freeing Caliph Hydara?

The Magistrate who threw away the senseless case against the Caliph General of Darsilameh Sanghajor has joined the list of those illegally arrested and detained without appearing un court or charged. Magistrate Ebrima Jaiteh in May this year freed Sheikh Muhideen Hydara and Alkalo Buyeh Touray, nailing the coffin on a year-long trial.

Magistrate Jaiteh has been illegally detained at the Serious Crime Department in Banjul since his arrest on Friday, November 6th. His only crime – if there is any – is to transfer a case that is beyond his jurisdiction, which is outrightly bizarre and nonsensical, to speak the blunt truth.

Even his family at Madina Salam in Kombo South District is surprised about the detention of a very hardworking man who is determined to advance his country. 

“Yes I’m under detention at the Serious Crime Unit at the Police Headquarters in Banjul,” Magistrate Jaiteh tells Standard Newspaper. “The reason for my arrest is as a result of a land case I struck out from the court and transferred it to the Bundung Magistrates’ in the Kanifing Municipality on the basis that my court lacked the jurisdiction. I acted professionally and decided that the case could not be heard in my court based on a point of law.”

Certainly, the Jammeh government has not and will never forgive Magistrate Jaiteh for letting Hydara off the hook. Is it not the same government that has been fiddling into the functions of the judiciary, as evidenced in the frequency hiring and firing of judges for handing down justice against its favour? 

It was about time that Gambian authorities understood that no one can stand on the way of justice if even if you put all the judges behind bar. Magistrate Jaiteh should be released immediately or charged if he is accused of committing a crime.



  1. Dabo Jula

    Where are his comrades in the profession? They could show solidarity to Mr Jaiteh by facing the status quo to jump start the change we all yearning for. Being silent means they agreed to the way they been treated.

  2. Kinteh

    Dabo, the malaise of standing aside and look, is among the reasons why this overdue state of affairs continue in our dear land.