
Modou Ndow Should Not Be Deported

Modou Ndow who is about to be deported.

Modou Ndow will be at risk if deported to The Gambia. Kairo News was alerted to the plighted of an anti-Jammeh dissident in the United Kingdom. Modou Ndow should be given protection from potential torture and detention at the hands of the Gambian authorities if forcefully removed from the U.K.

An alleged April 10/11 2000 victim is about to be deported to the Gambia by the British Home Secretary. Mr Ndow was said to have been involved in the student riot that saw the death of about 14 students at the hands of Gambian security forces on the 10/11 April 2000. He was only 14 years at the time of the student massacre and actually saw his colleagues shot to death by The Gambia’s trigger-happy security officers. 

He escaped victimization at first due to his identity being hidden by friends who refused to name him during the investigations but according to a former school mate who wished to remain anonymous, in 2003 some secret service agents came to the school premises asking few students about him and after his family was tipped off, they feared for his life but had to put a brave face while they prepare for him to leave the country. That same year in 2003, he left the Gambia through some security help without detection and came to the United Kingdom. He was amongst the first Gambians to Mount Massive campaigns against the regime for killing of young children in April 2000. Mr Ndow is well-known amongst many Gambian demonstrators in London demanding an end to the brutal tyranny in the Gambia.

Despite his life in serious danger, the UK/Boarder Agency in partnership with the Home Secretary are more than determined to sent Mr Ndow back to the Gambia where his life could be in imminent risk. A country well known for the disappearance of political dissidents, Journalist, Civil Servants and even private citizens, Mr Ndow who could now be deported in 5 days according to his solicitor who is trying every effort to stop the deportation on humanitarian grounds.

Human Rights groups across the United Kingdom are urged to come to Modou’s aid and appeal to the Home Secretary to reconsider her decision to send Modou back to Banjul. Gambians in the diaspora are also urged to do all they can to appeal in any way to help Modou from being deported.

By Bamba Mass (Political Activist U.K)



  1. Perhaps their are more middle east new intakes now that assylum petitions by Africans cannot be genuine anymore, much more when Africans demand a better treatment by European authorities in most countries of Europe. It is a desire of many police officers in certain member countries of the E.U during excersises, to ask a sub-Saharan, if African police would treat him/her any better than them, or referring to some horrible news event in Africa and asking you if you are aware of that news. I too,was once personally asked by a European police officer to which tribe I belong.
    My experience in Europe and the diaspora as a whole, distances me far from the risk of being poisoned by what @Suntou referred to as EUROCENTRISM, though I like the creativeness in the term with respect.
    Just like the ancient kings and rulers of Africa, the west’s permanent political intentions are that, they are providers and handlers of our destiny. Why be confused seeing our post-colonial rulers acting the same behaviour centuries after? The U.K authorities are sending a message across and that is; the Gambia is a democratic government with the rule of law. This view point of a U-turn may be contradicting to some of my comments about the U.K in other forums but, this is another fact aside that the U.K and West have a common home interest and not a global one, not to mention an African one at all. We think we are anonymous online but that depends on what you are saying. Though you can be hardly arraigned before any court of law for your opinion in the west, you can be haunted by the strangest things in your daily life that you’ll find difficult even for yourself to understand or explain, when it comes the worst places around Europe. We need to make a better home of our country all by ourselves and that is a tremendous task for us. If the West could have done it they would have done it during the onset of colonisation even before the cry for independence in various African countries.

  2. ansu badgie

    Right wing government headed by racist and xenophobic Cameron. I wish you good luck Mr ndow.