
Jawara Saga: Is It A Set Up?

Jammeh and Ebrima JawaraThe son of former Gambian President has finally fallen out with the man who ousted his father from office. Ebrima Jawara, who has so many titles under his belt, was not only arrested but also charged with economic crime.

Ebrima Jawara’s latest news – broken by The Point – was highly predicted. It therefore came as no big surprise to us, considering the track record of President Yahya Jammeh who has and continues to use and abuse his trusted allies before throwing them into the ditch.

Just few months back, Mr Jawara was appointed the Director of the Central Coordinating Unit, Acting Project Director for the NEMA Project, Acting Project Director of the West Africa Agricultural Productivity Program and Project Director of the Gambia Commercial Agricultural and Value Chain Management Project. He also became the Accounting Officer for the World Bank-funded program.

As the Coordinator, Jawara whose colleagues accused him of witch hunting and micromanaging, is responsible for ensuring the smooth and efficient operations of the Central Projects’ Coordinating Unit. The unit is responsible for the effective and efficient, supervision and coordination of all projects and programmes that fall under the Gambia National Agricultural Investment Plan.

Ebrima also oversees Jammeh’s so-called 2016 food self security initiative, aumed at driving out hunger in the country. Was he decorated with all these titles so he won’t smell anything fishy is anyone’s guess?

Mr. Jawara authored a book praising President Jammeh while at the same time castigating his father’s government for failing to develop the country.

We leave Ebrima with the Igbo adage that “a boy who does not listen to his elders shall follow lizards to the graveyard.” You cannot offend your father, brag about it and expect to have peace of mind. At his age, all Sir Dawda Jawara needs is the support of his family to cope with challenges of aging. We are armed with a lot of information on Ebrima but we choose to be civil.



  1. Maxs

    Was Ebrima decorated will all these titles so he won’t smell anything fishy is anyone’s guess?
    I think the answer to above question is yes . This is because , it is Jammeh’s style of traping so called smart and intelligent technocrat . If we could call mr momodou sabally was also decorated in similar manner and he ended up being charged with so many ridiculous charges . I think mr Jawara is also facing similar thing . The economic crime charge is the beginning of his trouble , I predict that there will be more charges on the way. He should prepare himself mentally for possible prison time unless a “special group” of elders ask for forgiveness from the professor , sir His excellency the king of the Gambia , builder of bridges , healer of Hiv Aids and all kind of diseases , commander of all faithful believers , Chief defender of Islam , custodian of Gambia and supreme commander in chief of Gambia Armed forces and Militia forces in casamance .

    • Kemo-Ba

      Looking at public track records of Ebrima Jawara and Momodou Sabally, calling them smart, intelligent technocrats sounds bizarre. These two appear to be anything but cantankerous and sycophants civil servants. This can be discerned from their public utterances.

      What appears to be positive in Mr Jawara’s case though is the unusual fact that charges against him followed almost immediately after his arrest.

      One hopes that his trial and that of Mr Sabally’s are swiftly concluded before an independent and impartial court.

    • Kemo-Ba

      Looking at public track records of Ebrima Jawara and Momodou Sabally, calling them smart, intelligent technocrats sounds bizarre. These two appear to be anything but cantankerous and sycophants civil servants. This can be discerned from their public utterances.

      What appears to be positive in Mr Jawara’a case though is the unusual fact that charges against him followed almost immediately after his arrest.

      One hopes that his trial and that of Mr Sabally’s are swiftly concluded before an independent and impartial court.

    • Jesse


  2. Maxs

    Kemo-Ba, in all fairness mr Jawara and mr sabally are both smart and intelligent technocrats and I think that is not bizarre in anyway . We may not like their association with Jammeh and their sycophancy but the truth is they are both smart and intelligent in terms of their academic backgrounds and experience . Sabally is especially academically very intelligent as this was evidence by his valedictorian ( student with best academic achievement ) at university extension program . If you are following sabally’s trial , you will see that some of the charges are so just laughable and ridiculous , examples the one that has to do with delayance of Vice President flight in South Africa and even the economic crime charge .,we may not like these individuals but we have to be fair minded to see how they are targeted by the very system they supported . The same thing happened to mamburry Njie . Sabally was budget director at ministry of finance before his appointments at office of president . He is smart technocrat but his destruction started when he allowed himself to be involved in politics and was very strong Jammeh’s supporter . Can you tell us why do you think they are not smart and intelligent technocrats as well as what is bizarre in their public record apart from political support and sycophancy to the president ? I really want you to educate me on that please . I don’t think their public utterance which was all about politics make them not smart or intelligent technocrats . Sabally’s boss mamburry Njie at ministry of finance then had similar experience and he ended up been abused . I am not here to defend these people because I despise their political association with Jammeh but when they are targeted and abused , we have to be fair to them especially when they don’t have fair legal trials. Remember we have military dictatorship , at the end of the day Jammeh decides who goes to prison or who is set free .
    Kemo-Ba , what independent and impartial courts are you talking about ? Are you serious of saying that about Gambia judiciary system ?

    • Maxs, Is this Sabally’s and Jawara’s kind of intelligence afterall, running their mouths like the Missisipi for such a dictator like Jammeh or they were hostaged and forced to run their mouths like that??

  3. Maxs

    Kemo-Ba said ” what appears to be positive in mr Jawara’s case though is the unusual fact that charges against him followed almost immediately after his arrest”
    Mr Ba , that is exactly what they should have done in all cases except when they know the individual is aware of investigation and has a power to influence their investigation. The detention of such individuals beyond 72 hours constitutional requiement has to be determined by judge with evidence of interference in investigation presented in court . I think in this case it is the right thing to do rather than detaining people for months or years without any charges . So that is not unusual in my opinion . Detaining someone beyond 72 hours constitutional requirement without charges is violation of their rights . Are you trying to imply that they should detain him while doing their investigation as was done to mr sabally and others ?

  4. Edi boy

    Max, you said it all. I have nothing to comment forward. I like your last sentence of those bogus and hallirous titles of 21st century Dictator mental retard monster Yahya AJJ Jammeh, Bali mansa. I have nothing to comment about Ebrima Jawara because I knew his falling days with Dictator Jammeh is very near after reading his book he praised Dictator Jammeh. One by one Dictator Jammeh will cut of his inner circle allies heads because Dictator Jammeh never trust anybody around him for so long and yet still this so called smart ungrateful to Allah people around him are kissing his ass while turning against their father’s. Ebrima Jawara be well prepared for notorious mile two prison long stay. Good luck.

  5. Maxs

    Ggapm, to be honest with you I don’t know why they ran their mouth for Jammeh. I think they should be in better position to explain that.This is one question I have been asking all along, why are such an intelligent people running their mouth for jammeh and later became victims? My guess is, I always think is greed, lack of self worth, lack of honesty and looking for fame.

  6. Kinteh

    I disagree that it is a set-up. It is clear from the beginning that both have motives going into what – in restropect – can be termed a “purpose alliance”. Everything given has a motive and motives are wide ranging. But there is abundance of proof that any gambian of sound intellect will ultimately run foul of the system in place. Therefore that begs the question why people privileged still walk blindly into a dig waiting for them?
    Giving blame to the Hunter in this case wholly relieves the victim of his god given senses to sense danger wallowing around him. We all have choices, more so a well educated son of a former president. It is the responsibility of the receiver of an offer to accept or decline an offer. Many of the collaborators of this regime failed to spot the dangers awaiting them and have willingly succumbed to the predator. We gambians have to start to learn the art of declining offers and/or gift. Remember gifts or offers always have a motive.
    Lastly I won’t be surprised to hear that his predicament was the will of Allah or most ridiculously that his stepmother lady Chilel went to the marabout to bring the recent bad fortune to his mother’s side of the family. Instead of facing our own miscalculations, we always choose to shift blame on to others. Mostly our perceived suspect for the bad luck is within our extended family. Let’s take responsibility of our own mistakes.

  7. Kemo-Ba

    Ditto!! Kinteh.
    Bax seems to be celebrating the blindingly obvious questionable intellect and high sounding “qualifications” of Messrs Jawara and Sabally (and by implication many others of their ilk) instead of properly lamenting their sycophancy and lack of principle. There is a world of difference between qualifications and intelligence.
    The undeniable truth is that both Mr Jawara and Sabally (the willing actors) lack the latter. I, for all, would like to be spared the arrogance and greed of so-called intelligent persons in favour of impeccable and principled character of “unintelligent” persons.
    As to the usual predictable laying of the blame at the door of God/Allah for people’s rash actions, I entirely agree that this is most abused theological term in the Gambia (and the Muslim world) which has not been remotely understood. Indeed it’s often relied upon by feckless people oblivious to what Allah said in the Quran (13:11) – “Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.”

  8. Bajaw

    I think in line with Kinteh; Ebrima, just like many before, should’ve learned from others’ mistakes, well before them, of association with the Murderous kanilai Killer DEVIL against the innocent Gambians, from the beginning, & later days of the ILLEGAL Murderous Tyrannical kanilai FIEFDOM for the survival instincts of the Murderous kanilai Killer DEVIL…

    Majority of contributing online media comments, managed to infer this stage for Ebrima; NO enabled & enablers will EVER escape reaping “own fruits”, from the delusional tyrannical paranoia of the Murderous Tyrannical kanilai Syndicate, NOR can they escape facing the writhe & curse of oppressed innocent Gambians, they colluded, participated, & contributed in oppressing….?

    Ebrima is also being paid “dividend”; just like ALL before, & ANY after him; whosoever decided to mortgage your soul, & our motherland, by indulgence in oppressing decent Gambians, for the selfish aggrandizement of Murderous yaya Killer DEVIL jammeh, will ALL pay with the Murderous kanilai yaya Killer DEVIL itself, in a way or another…

    Insha Allah

  9. Maxs

    Kemo- Ba, I think it is erroneous and false to assume that I am celebrating the intelligent and qualifications of jawara and sabally. What for? I have properly highlighted their sycophancy, greed, lack of self worth, lack of honesty and looking for fame in their acceptance to kiss Jammeh’s ass. In fact, i have previously stated similar.
    Thing about the blaming of God and lack of personal responsibility for individual actions or conducts for most of Jammeh’s victims. See my comments under the title “over 200 enjoy Jammeh’s Amnesty published July 25, 2015. The question I have is “did people we assume intelligent and qualify don’t make stupid decision, show sycophancy, greed and lack of honesty?” If the answer is yes, why is the fussy about the so called intelligent of these two? Do you think Jammeh himself is not intelligent? Most ardent criminals are intelligent people that is why they are able to do their criminality, greed and dishonest acts.
    I entirely agree with kinteh’s view which he rightly stated about choices we need to make and be personally responsible for those choices.

  10. Maxs

    I think it is trap as I previously stated for these greedy, selfish, sycophant, dishonest individuals to accept numerous offers from Jammeh. Because of these characters, they sold their soul to accept these positions despite their intelligence. They have failed in their personal responsibility to make right choices, therefore the blame should be entirely on them. Jammeh knows that the best way to get these greedy and unprincipled individuals is to entice them with positions so that they can do his dirty job.
    I do not agree that those who accept Jammeh’s offer are not intelligent. They are intelligent but it is all about greed, lack of honesty and lack of principle.