
General Tamba Appeals For Other Prisoners, Peace


“What I will like to appeal here is, to appeal to the President that the gesture that he has demonstrated was highly welcomed by all inmates those affected and those not affected, highly welcomed by our families, loved ones, well-wishers both within and beyond the country. I want to urge my brother, the President to continue to show that heart of mercy and sympathy to those other inmates that have been left behind because everyone that comes to Mile II first thing to do is to repent and I know fully that all the inmates have repented. All of us including those we left there because every morning when prisoners wake up the Christian will busy in church services, having their Bible studies, while the Muslims too read the Holy Qur’an or on their beads praying and this is a daily routine in the prison.

This bring them closer to Allah because of their various religious activities which as well make us repented from our sins, regretted whatever one might have done to be part of the prisoners. I know the president cannot release everyone at the same time but I also prayed that with time Allah give him that heart for him to demonstrate another sympathy and mercy and I have no doubt it is a matter of time he do it again.

I hereby appeal to the Gambians that let’s stand together because together we are stronger, let’s stand together to develop our country, lets stand together and maintain the peace and stability of this nation because it is the only way forward peace and stability of the country is the only way forward for the Gambia.

On a final note, I want to take this opportunity to thank our families, friends, relatives, Gambians and non-Gambians alike within and beyond who has always been praying for us since our incarceration, we don’t expect to see everyone but through their prayer that we fully appreciate. And to extend the appreciation to the pipeline mosque committee under the chairmanship of Abou Dandeh Njie and the public relations officer for the support they have been rendering to Mile II prisoners and I prayed that God continue to reward and protect them and give them the fortitude to be able to continue supporting the Mile II prison. I as well want to thank the Christian Council for their support to Mile II, Sister Theresa as well, I thank the prison fellowship for all their support to and I want to call on others to give support to the prison in whatever way they can.”

Source: Daily Observer.

Forwarded by Dida Jallow-Halake.

A very nice man is General Tamba. I still recall Deputy CDS Peter Singhateh, at a “vous” late in the night, waxing lyrical about the wonderful nature of his boss CDS Tamba. Many spoke similarly well of the man – and he exhibited his generous personality here. Bless him.



  1. Maxs

    General Tamba has started his apologetic and political campaign. General Tamba is indeed lying to indicate that those who are not beneficiary ( those not release ) to these so called amenesty are appreciative of dictator Jammeh pardon . What a stupid and hypocritical statement . General Tamba has began looking for position since day one when he announced that he is ready to work for dictator Jammeh at any time and at any cost . The question the General Tamba should ask himself was ; what lead to his illegal imprisonment and others in the first place ? What was his contribution to advancement of human rights and democratic process in The Gambia prior to his incarceration ? General Tamba has contributed nothing to advance democracy and human rights in the country but he systematically contributed to oppression and suppression of Gambians . Lang tombong is selfish Jammeh’s apologist who has contributed to death of deba marenah and co, this is because he was stateguard commander at the time of their disappearance and has played role in Jammeh’s decision at the time. General Tamba should ask his boss Jammeh , where are deba marenah and co ? General Tamba has no choice but to join dictator Jammeh because he has blood in his hands just like dictator Jammeh . It is not a suprise to him and other Jammeh’s apologist to bounce back to serve their dear dictator .
    Dida, it’s nice to express your ignorance but in your selfish and Myopic mind , you should be concerned about general welfare of citizens rather than praising an individual who has blood in his hands .

  2. Bajaw

    Langtombong’s experience; prisoners “repent” for illegal “incarceration”…???

    Tamba can repent when he’s committed, or intended a crime, & was subjected to legal procedure, tried & mandatorily sentenced based on eluded facts, in competent court of law; but that’s TOTALLY different from when one is ILLEGALLY captured or kidnapped forcefully, paraded on QUESTIONABLY mock-kangaroo-trials, humiliations, torture & times, cold blood killings of Gambians & other nationals for past 21 or so years…

    You repent when you are culpable; committed crimes & duly sentenced; but an incarceration is the ILLEGAL capture of INNOCENTS, maltreatment & ILLEGAL detentions in Gambia for the past 21 years & counting; which NONE can afford continuation in Gambia; the babili parakass mansa still continues to kidnap, those like journalist Alagy Ceesay, etc etc, continued destroying of Gambia community, for selfish Tyrannical aggrandizement…

    The Murderous kanilai Killer Devil’s so-called amnesty is all about politicking, using them, at times recycling some of the released stooges for further entrenching the Evil kanilai Fiefdom…

    Even the Released Incarcerated themselves knows, & still demanding for the release of all political detainees, in INCARCERATION under the Tyrannical Oppressive kanilai Syndicate shows, how FAR & FURTHER, genuine Gambians are DETERMINEDLY PREPARED to go, to salvage reclaim Gambia..

    Only restoration of rule of law, justice & fair play will suffice for Gambia; the Evil Manipulative kanilai Killer is daydreaming if it believe Gambians will not salvage Gambia; just matter of time…

    God helps & bless collective endeavour to salvage Gambia; Ameen.

  3. Janjanbureh

    Lang Tombong Tamba, please shut up. I do know that you are trying to please Yaya because he threaten all of you that if do not support him, he will return everybody back to jail. You are a sorry ass.