
Election Act: UDP Damns Jammeh Regime

collage_20150613220049020The amendments to the Election Act endorsed by the National Assembly are a clear manifestation of the Jammeh regime’s desire to truncate democracy in The Gambia. The majority party in the National Assembly has done what it is known for… blindly endorsing any piece of legislation that comes before it from the executive without properly weighing the consequences.  On July 7th, 2015, the National Assembly in a deliberate attempt to thwart the democratic process in The Gambia passed the elections [Amendment] Bill 2015 with which now increases the deposits for different elective offices up to 900%.

The amendment imposes an obligation on political parties to present audited accounts to Independent Electoral Commission annually.  These new provisions would have been justified if political parties enjoy funding from government.  Several years ago, Bishop Tilewa Johnson as chairman of the IEC proposed the establishment of a democracy fund into which all parties could tap for funding; the APRC NAMs killed the proposal.  There is no justification for the IEC or any other institution to insist on been provided with audited accounts in order to determine how funds provided by individuals are spent.

The passage of this Bill is a betrayal of trust and confidence reposed on the members of the National Assembly by their constituents. From now on, contesting for elective office will be determined by the wealth one is able to accumulate to satisfy the onerous financial conditions introduced by the amendment. This effectively restricts the democratic space by reserving participation in elections for only those with financial means to run for public office.

The election decree 1996 now Elections Act 1996 provided for registration of political parties at no fee.  An outrageous provision introduced by the amendment requires a new political party to pay a registration fee of one million (D1,000,000.00).  In contrast, you will hardly find a business/commercial entity that is required to pay the same amount as registration fee. This unprecedented move by the executive which is using the name of IEC in its anti-democracy drive runs contrary to the provision of the constitution that guarantees freedom of association.

This amendment constitutes an assault on our democracy. The UDP believes that participating in politics or contesting elections ought to be seen as opting for public service with the sacrifice that comes with it  and NOT a “profit generating” commercial/business venture.

The UDP calls on the  president not to assent to the bill passed by the National Assembly if he still believes statements he made on 22nd July, 1994 as the reasons he gave for the overthrow of the Jawara regime.

UDP Secretariat
1 Rene Blain St.
July 9, 2015



  1. Bajaw

    The armed BANDIT masquerading cum-president is the Devil applying the hot-rod unto the backsides of majority of the criminal aprc rubber-stamp MPs to passing this EVIL bill-in-crime…

    The Murderous kanilai Killer Devil can’t wait for the despicable bill-in-crime to be laid on its filthy table & WILL definitely assent to it…

    I take this as a blessing in disguise in that it definitely present the urge for the opposition politicians to temporarily unify to take on the Murderous kanilai Killer Devil & equally aid-abet murderous cohorts…

    We’ll CERTAINLY hold to account ANY tyrannical aid-abets in post dictatorship; ALL must take note…

    God helps & bless the collective endeavour to salvage Gambia; Ameen

  2. Maxs

    The problem is Jammeh is a bad guy with a gun . Sometimes I think USA national riffle Association chairman is right when he stated that ” only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a guy”. I think if every citizen is legally armed with a gun for self defense , the police force , NIA and military will respect the rights and the laws of the country. Imagine if citizens have guns just like Jammeh and his thugs were armed , I think they will behave very well and respect the rights of the citizens. But our problem is that only the bad guys are with the guns in our country terrorizing the whole country . Guns are good thing for self defense when they are legally purchased. I think it will eliminate disappearance , night raid/ arrest and oppression of citizens rights because law re-enforcement officers like police , NiA and military will be very careful when dealing with people. I am sure critics will say it will increase crimes in our country . But already state sponsored terrorism is happening in The Gambia. Though I am not fully supportive of guns readily available in markets for sale just like USA but when I think of our predicament , sometimes I think it is good idea for citizens to be armed for self defense .

  3. Maxs

    The problem is Jammeh is a bad guy with a gun . Sometimes I think USA national riffle Association chairman is right when he stated that ” only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun”. I think if every citizen is legally armed with a gun for self defense , the police force , NIA and military will respect the rights and the laws of the country. Imagine if citizens have guns just like Jammeh and his thugs were armed , I think they will behave very well and respect the rights of the citizens. But our problem is that only the bad guys are with the guns in our country terrorizing the whole country . Guns are good thing for self defense when they are legally purchased. I think it will eliminate disappearance , night raid/ arrest and oppression of citizens rights because law re-enforcement officers like police , NiA and military will be very careful when dealing with people. I am sure critics will say it will increase crimes in our country . But already state sponsored terrorism is happening in The Gambia. Though I am not fully supportive of guns readily available in markets for sale just like USA but when I think of our predicament , sometimes I think it is good idea for citizens to be armed for self defense .

    • Deyda Haidara

      Marx, whenever I read your comments I go to bed happy knowing that there are still some good and intelligent gambians out there rattling the ills and recommending the good.
      Yes, if gambians are ordinarily gun owners for self defence purposes then the NIA will produce court orders signed by judges and exercise restrain before arresting citizens.
      This stupid JK notion of arrest and ask questions later will come to hunt the NIA officers in post Jammeh era as none of them operate under the perview of the law and will have a lot of questions to explain in the courts.
      JK will not be anywhere to defend them as he has NEVER issued written instructions for arresting innocent citizens.
      Wake up NIA, JK is making you do illegal things which you alone will pay for it in post Jammeh.
      JK being a mortal being like all human beings, will be history some day. Maybe for the NIA operatives think that JK will never die or loose power. Think again stupid NIAs..your future is at stake. Only GOD’s power is eternal.

  4. Maxs

    Deyda Haidara, thanks for your compliment . Gun ownership is natural rights of self defense which was first initiated by English common law during their early days of tyrannical regimes and was also adopted by founding fathers of United States such as James Madison when they formulated USA constitution , it is call second amendment rights which is the citizen’s rights to bear arms. Second amendment rights was formulated for many reasons among which is to allow citizens to bear arms to prevent political corruption and tyrannical government. James Madison and others saw the need for citizens to bear arms for self defense because they know that when government is the only one with arms they could be tyrannical and oppressive . USA being a free and open society , the government respect rights of citizens despite the fact that they have best weaponry and military in the world . I have never seen any military checkpoints or any military guy with AK 47 in all my stay in USA as it is happening in present day Gambia. Imagine if I am sitting in my house and some stupid NIA officers want to raid or arrest me without a court order and I have my gun with me ?
    I think it is very important that third republic Encourage the idea of gun ownership in our country for self defense and it has to be very regulated at every level. I believe gun ownership in any civilized and democratic countries in both Europe and USA has contributed to respect of laws and the rights of citizens . This is even in line with our religious beliefs ( Islam and Christianity ) which also advocate for self defense when you are illegally attack . If you look at western societies very well , their founding fathers has studied these great religions and other civilization of governance , they build their constitutions and governance systems based on those systems or religious beliefs they learned . But our African leaders are only interested in enriching themselves and refused to lay the foundation for the future generation . In our Gambian case , we have a tyrant who would kill anyone to stay in power .
    Let’s us use our Brain to critically think and ask questions if we don’t animals are going to be better than us.