
Gambians Set For Another UK Potest

Gambian-ProtestersPress Release

There will be a protest on August 15th to denounce the deteriorating Human Rights situation in the Gambian and the proposed expansion of the Death Penalty to cover all crimes. To finalise preparations for the protest there will be a Human Rights Symposium with Human Rights Organisations (such as Amnesty) and UK MPs invited to attend on July 25th.

Plans for the August 15th protest including the Protest March route will be finalized at the Symposium on July 25th. All those who abhor injustice are welcomed and urged to attend to highlight the ongoing repression and deteriorating Human Rights situation in The Gambia. Already we have seen the IEC and NAM try fail to pass a bill to stifle Gambian Democracy and Expand the Death Penalty to every crime. This is a very worrying development and we cannot just pray that this doesn’t come to fruition. We must do all we humanly can (within the limits of the law) to expose the regime. Failure to do so will complete Jammeh’s armory to legally execute any opposing voice.

The Symposium on Human Rights in the Gambia will be held at in London and there will be some light refreshments provided on the day so please confirm your attendance for the Symposium. Plans to meet and confirm the attendance of Amnesty, Human Rights Groups and MPs are currently being progressed. Please keep in mind that the maximum capcity for the venue is 65 people and we’re also expecting guest Human Rights organisations to attend. For more information on the venue please contact Abdoulie Jobe and for information on the event contact Yusef Taylor.

A Petition will be circulated on the day of the Symposium for all present to sign and an online Petition will also be published soon after that to allow maximum signatories.

Please feel free to send us your comments and opinions which we’ll happily incorporate into the program. July 22nd 1994 changed our country forever!!

Abdulai Jobe –

Yusef Taylor –
