
UDP Female Supporters Victory Dance In Fass

News of the pressure on Gambian police paid off when the permit was issued and the road block removed. The UDP leader, Lawyer Ousainou Darboe who slept on concrete cement floor for 5 nights with his supporters remain calm and focus. Mr Darboe is said to receive the issuing of permit with his usual calmness.

Lawyer Darboe sleeping On Concrete floor

Iconic photo of Lawyer Sleeping on cement floor in Fass Njaga Choi for five nights.

Kaior News gather that, Lawyer Darboe merely said, “the people have won, praise be to God”. He then convene a short meeting, preparing for any further unexpected hitch ups. The iconic photo of the Fass Njaga Choi standoff was the photo were Mr Darboe was lying on a mat on the floor.

A dance of joy and conviction at Fass Njaga Choi. UDP caravan moving on. However, the people of Essau are to said have called the Caravan back to hold a rally there before moving on.


  1. karamo

    God bless and protect them all for they are the true heroes. Their efforts will never be in vain……

  2. Maxs

    It is through dictator own language that he will learn to understand that power belong to the people. When fear and intimidation are eliminated, a dictator is no more . This is why when their security collapsed, they hide in rat holes as evidence by Iraq saddam , Lybian Gaddafie and Ivory Coast Laurent baghboug ( I can’t spell his name lol) . I can tell you if Jammeh see significant threat to his presidency, he will leave Banjul in a minute but his situation with Gambians is hide and seek game because while we are too afriad of him , jammeh is also very very scare of people . A true character of a dictator in any where in the world. If a dictator is brave as they want us to believe, they won’t be hiding in rat hole when there is no security .
    I must congratulate mr Darboe for his courageous act , however I am very cautious about what dictator next plan will be .


    All dictators are thieves, and all thieves are cowards at heart; therefore Gambian president yaya jammeh is a thief and a coward at heart.The Gambia own yaya jammeh, not the other way around.I would also like to take this oppturnity to tell Mr Wuyeh Sayang, president yaya jammeh’s NIA chief in Dakar to leave our associated press reporter Mr Abdoulie alone.. If you don’t, we will tell the Senegalese government how you were able to uncover their secret pertaining to the kukoi samba sayang saga.Gambians will recall that this was the time when Njogu Bah, the former SG rained insults on former Senegalese president Abdoulie Wade.We will even go further to expose yoye dirty works to the Senegalese gocernment.We have already identified the car you driving around always with a diplomatic plate.Soon the hunter will be the hunted.The Liberty train is ready to join the freedom train.. Peoples get on board, doesn’t matter where you sit.FOR THE GAMBIA OUR HOMELAND..


    All dictators are thieves, and all thieves are cowards at heart; therefore Gambian president yaya jammeh is a thief and a coward at heart.The Gambia own yaya jammeh, not the other way around.I would also take this oppturnity to tell Mr Wuyeh Sayang, president yaya jammeh’s NIA chief in Dakar to leave our associated press reporter Mr Abdoulie alone.. If you don’t, we will tell the Senegalese government how you were able to uncover their secret pertaining to the kukoi samba sayang saga.Gambians will recall that this was the time when Njogu Bah, the former SG rained insults on former Senegalese president Abdoulie Wade.We will even go further to expose yoye dirty works to the Senegalese gocernment.We have already identified the car you driving around although it is private, yet always with a diplomatic plate.Soon the hunter will be the hunted.The Liberty train is ready to join the freedom train.. Peoples get on board, doesn’t matter where you sit.FOR THE GAMBIA OUR HOMELAND..

  5. The picture is really great! and I like the mother’s humble smile, so brilliant and natural like spring. Surely, they say; when there is life there is hope. May Allah/God watch over our heroes.

  6. Bax

    Much has been said and written about the cowardly nature of Yaya Jammeh’s dirty regime, that preys on the peaceful nature of The Gambian people, but nothing exposes this coward like the actions of first, the UTG Students and now, the UDP to stand their grounds and demand their rights…

    The sudden backtracking of this recalcitrant and seemingly,”No compromise bull frog”, is a clear testimony that he is a coward, a very big coward, who is full of himself and full of stinking garbage, as well…

    The trend has been set…The loud mouthed coward has been exposed..And there must never be.going back to the old ways of sitting back quietly and expecting the international community to fight our battle, in the face of impunity and endless.abuses…..We.must lead to get the support we need. ..

    This is a victory for the UDP. …A victory for the opposition. …A victory for the struggle…A.victory for abiding citizens, residents and friends. …And a victory for People Power. ..

    When a people are ready for change, there is no power on earth that can stop them…It seems The Gambian People are showing the beginnings of the signs that they may be ready for change….

    The opposition must grab the opportunity to move the people towards that change for the sake of our once beautiful and peaceful country..