“The people have prevailed” Lawyer Darboe at Fass Njaga Choi road block
The standoff between the main opposition United Democratic Party and the Gambia police force is appearing get to headway. The Police Commissioner visited the UDP camp site moments ago calling for a negotiation to end the standstill.
The police commission requested the UDP to put a time line on their countrywide tour and a permit will be issued even for the use of a PA system. The UDP official responded by saying, they will remain at the camp site until the permit is brought to them and they will revise their tour dates.
Deyda Haidara
That’s it and nothing else.
We shall be victorious UDP for the people, stand to you words and no retreat. i salute you Mr. Darboe and the UDP leadership. To the other parties TOGETHER WE STAND, DEVIDED WE FALL.
ebra cesay
Hi readers.this thing should ve done before.let this opposition party leaders join together under one umbrella and work together in oder to bring changes in Country
I shall be very proud if this leaders put my point in to their consideration.
Am appling all de freedom medias to join with dis powerful medias like BBC CNN an etc.because many people don’t ve access or money to listing or watching to internet Radios
But many people can be listing to BBC an CNN with out any problems. Now a days people in Gambia thinking wat to eat radether than to buying aset to listing to internet medias
If u want de information to reach fully to people there u ve to join to did people even onece in a week.thank for u good work.keep it up .one day to DE other changes ll come. Inshallau by DE God power.
The only language a tyrant understand is his own language . President knows that Gambians are too afriad of him while at the same time he is the biggest coward who never sleep at night . If Gambians are not too naive and the political leaders have courage long time ago , Jammeh would not have been president for ten years . How can we continue to preach peace when we never advocate for truth and justices in our country ? Jammeh is fraud leader who uses the weakness and naivety of both political leaders and citizens to loot and terrorize us . While some citizens continue to think he has special power , Jammeh has double personalities which even his most trusted aides cannot predict about him . His unpredictability and low self esteem is manifested by his desire in public to show arrogant and pomposity so that he will be recognized .This time around Udp leadership had enough of Jammeh’s thuggery and uncivilized behavior by showing courage and stand for their constitutional rights. A paranoid dictator live on fear and intimidation. If the oppositions leaders understand jammeh and recognize that he is just like big bully in the village who when small boys find out he is the biggest coward, they would know how to deal with him. The ball now is in opposition’s court and Gambian population to continue to support and give encouagement to opposition’s leadership .
Yankuba Jobe
Good start, the righteous will one day become victorious. In Sha Allah
Lafia Touray la Manju
Here is the Gofund link for your donations in support of the UDP and Lawyer Ousainu Darboe;
Any amount is a great contribution. So don’t underestimate the little you can give.
excellent idea and excellent participation. I was pleasantly surprised to see almost $5000 raised.
Edi boy
Very soon monster idiot 21 century dictator jammeh will face justice at the International high court for his 20 years iron fist barbaric ruling. did to his diehard supporters like Brikama governor siffaye hydara, bala garba, fjc, and the list go on. What a mockery answer giving by Senegalese president sall to dictator uneducated monster jammeh. I quote duct or jammeh, I am a Democrat and I have no intention to destabilize Gambia, said president sall of senegal. That is very smart and intelligent president sall respond to dictator jammeh’s comment. So dictator jammeh this smart and intelligent respond from president sall, even one week baby can analysis this comment to you that you pure undemocratic idiot monster dictator of this 21st century who is ruling with iron fist and causing hardship and torment on his country pupil in general. So you make them prostitute like governor hydara, some liars, some hypocrites and some informers just to have bulk of money from you or post or sending their loves one to studies just like what siffaye hydara for his brother to have a scholarship from you to go for overseas studies.
Edi boy
Very soon monster idiot 21 century dictator jammeh will face justice at the International high court for his 20 years iron fist barbaric ruling. Strong warning to his diehard supporters like Brikama governor siffaye hydara, bala garba, fjc, and the list go on. What a mockery answer giving by Senegalese president sall to dictator uneducated monster jammeh. I quote duct or jammeh, I am a Democrat and I have no intention to destabilize Gambia, said president sall of senegal. That is very smart and intelligent president sall respond to dictator jammeh’s comment. So dictator jammeh this smart and intelligent respond from president sall, even one week baby can analysis this comment to you that you pure undemocratic idiot monster dictator of this 21st century who is ruling with iron fist and causing hardship and torment on his country pupil in general. So you make them prostitute like governor hydara, some liars, some hypocrites and some informers just to have bulk of money from you or post or sending their loves one to studies just like what siffaye hydara for his brother to have a scholarship from you to go for overseas studies.