
Are PDOIS Being Exceedingly Difficult?

By Pata Saidykhan (Political activist and Blogger)

For us to attain any gains in our pursuit of freeing The Gambia from the tentacles of a 20 year dictatorship, we must embrace the culture of impartiality, brevity and honesty in our actions as well as our political discourses.

For far too long, many observed that most of our political pundits, commentators and those with voices and platforms have been exceedingly kind to certain politicians whilst holding others by the collar. My observation is that PDOIS have been cut more slack than their counterparts, possibly out of respect or we do not see the need to address their shortcomings. I am not blaming anybody for that but it will be so unfair to hold these parties and their leadership to a different yardstick and expect to make any meaningful progress in this war.

Pata Saidykhan,

Pata Saidykhan

As 2016 elections nears and talks of Party Coalition intensify to devise ways of halting the accelerating wheels of Jammeh’s tyrannical administration, a lot of people, myself included, are almost certain that Jammeh will never be defeated at the polls. There are a lot of factors that play against our favor but the one thing that gives us a remote hope of putting up a strong fight via elections is when we are able to have a United Front putting up one candidate against Jammeh. Personally, that will be the only time that I would support any elections in 2016, though I’m a nobody.

Many who are pessimistic of any sort of political union argued that the differences between the political party leaders are so deep that they could never put them aside to look at the greater good of the nation. And their position is premised on their experience of the past election cycles. Despite the absolute urgency of now, we have seen indications that indeed, a coalition is farfetched.

While the Group of Six (G6) Opposition Political Parties are adamant on their demands for electoral reforms for them to participate in elections, we have seen NRP and Hamat Bah contest 2 National Assembly elections going for the 3rd this month. Their party, they said, do not believe in election boycott. We came down hard on Hamat and accused of aiding and abetting a dictatorship. Then we have GMC and Mai Fatty put out two press releases that we considered to be endorsing Jammeh’s positions on homosexuality legislation and the recent verbal amnesty extended to diaspora Gambians. We even had an issue with him believing that Yaya is a ‘good Muslim leader’. He got accused of being opportunistic and wanting to kiss up to Jammeh.

When we feel frustrated that we are missing out on the timely opportunities to pounce on Jammeh, we point our daggers at UDP/Darboe and PPP/OJ for not dragging their supporters to the streets. But what do we expect of PDOIS and their leadership?

Personally, at the look of things, PDOIS are more likely to be the fishbone in our collective throats than NRP are, for the following reasons:

Although I respect PDOIS as an autonomous, sovereign Party, I am troubled by their reluctance if not refusal, to compromise their position even when we all know what’s at stake. That for us to rid Gambia of her predicament, each have to give up a position for us to reach a consensus. To me, because of the limited options available, a lot of variables would have to be forgone so all members at the negotiation table could be respected as equal stakeholders. That is what I called Compromise.

Since I am Not privy to any discussions taking place between these parties, I am going to argue on what we have all seen and known since the G6 demands were put forward:

a). In May 2013, PDOIS were the only Party not represented at the Raleigh Conference when an invitation was extended to them because they thought the diaspora needs go back to the drawing board to get our houses in order before they could partake in any National discourse.

b). In 2013 when Jammeh had his former Presidential Affairs minister read that unfortunate, inflammatory statement on TV that had the potential to stir ethnic tensions, the G6 members organized a press conference to condemn it. PDOIS was absent because they thought they needed to do thorough investigations before having an opinion about it.

c). From that, birthed the GUC rallies in Buffer Zone and Brikama, which they were absent too, since that was related to the same issue.

d). CORDEG invites all parties to ‘discussion’, PDOIS were absent because they were on a countrywide tour.

Now, let it be known that I am NOT a registered member of any local or diaspora Organization nor am I a member of CORDEG, so I am not holding brief for them. But as a private Gambian invested in our national affairs, I have been dehydrated and sickened by the 20 years of tyranny that poses an existential threat to our beloved nation. I have made it clear that I’ve subscribed to ‘any means necessary’ model of ousting the Jammeh dictatorship. Therefore, I do believe in the significant role the Political parties could play in making this happen. But we cannot idly sit by and watch the petty political and personal differences between these parties derail us, even when they are expected to recognize and respect the dire urgency of our situation. From the release PODIS had put out responding to the supposed CORDEG-Political Party meeting, indications are that history is about to repeat itself. They are ‘firm’ and would take a lot to have them shift positions.

With all their shortcomings, we are told that CORDEG in fact DID invite all Parties to a ‘discussion’ which PDOIS had acknowledged but claimed they were “engaged in a village to village tour to exchange opinion with the people in order to know what they want and what they think of PDOIS’ programme”. And their frustration that none of the party leaders at the meeting didn’t distance themselves from the meeting confirms that those parties actually did partake in the ‘brainstorming’ session. Therefore to claim that the CORDEG meeting was ‘News’ to them is not totally true. What I found a little disturbing in this was PDOIS’ inability or unwillingness to multitask significant issues. I am not expecting them to abandon their engagements but I am convinced that if interested, they could have delegated a party official. Reiterating that “Malick Kah had no mandate to represent PDOIS and did not represent PDOIS at the meeting” raises questions about the internal running of the party.

Lest we forget, when the DUGA ‘occupied’ the Gambian Embassy in DC, PDOIS were not pleased especially with the involvement of their Party member in Coach Pa-Samba. Though he was not representing his Party, Coach almost got reprimanded and reminded of the code of conduct of party members. We have seen the same, if not worse, in embarrassing their European Branch’s chief. It is obvious that the Party members are answerable to the Central Committee instead of the reverse.

Evident in this release was the rigid nature of PDOIS’ handling of matters with their colleagues in the letter written to them following the said meeting. As equal stakeholders, PDOIS could have been a little respectful to the rights of their ‘Colleagues’ to be sovereign and trust their ability to be engaging all participants in this fray without throwing a tantrum, which prompted Darbo’s tarse response via text. To request a postponement of a scheduled all-important meeting because of a meeting they were not part of is worrying. They could have gone ahead regardless of the CORDEG issue, with the meeting to do with the confidential pact they were to sign. But because they did not have it their way, they bounced. I am afraid but Banka & Coach’s fear that these leaders have deeper differences that they would never put aside are getting validated.

We cannot have the same sickness bedridden us again after 4 election cycles. All parties and their leaders must be held accountable to the same standard. When we choose to cherry pick, we’re setting ourselves on a political suicide mission because we’re handing Jammeh the silver platter to turn the Gambia into a monarch. And to prevent that, we have to speak the truth to our partners on the ground – PDOIS especially. Politics is about evolution and adaptation, and thus far the Gambia’s oldest political party is stuck in stale ways of politicking. These parties must be forced to respect and run after our votes as Gambians instead of wanting us to allow to be herded.

In my subsequent blogs, I’ll be writing to all parties and their Secretary Generals in a bid to start dialogue as a private citizen but also give my assessment of them and how I think they could do better where I think they fall short. I don’t know why I think my take would matter anyway. Until then, PDOIS and NRP are our pinpoints, based on what we see. And we have to address it.

Good Morning And Peace To The Planet!



  1. Aisha

    I agree entirely my brother. Which kind of man release a text message justifying a point? Pathetic behavior.

    • Lafia Touray la Manju

      It is a personal text message from the leader of the main opposition party in the country to a leader of a junior party. It should not have made its way to the media without the consent of Lawyer Darboe, the sender. This shows that Halifa Has no ethics. This is a flagrant breach of confidentiality and also of a sacred political protocol.

      Thanks for spotting it my sister. It turns out I am not the only one watching.


  2. Lafia Touray la Manju

    Wow! I told you guys. people have noticed it all over. PDOIS needs to be left alone or nothing will be achieved. They are not interested in our unity but their brand of unity, which is basically about Halifa dictating every single word to the rest of us for our unquestionable consumption. I don’t know about you; but I am too dignified to be for that.

  3. As a follower of the political discourse on Gambia, i would say your question whether or not PDOIS is exceedingly difficult has not been answered. From the write ups one can deduce that the PDOIS is a party that wants to work with agreements based on principles but are finding it difficult to work with people who do not subscribe to principles.
    If you read carefully, PDOIS has mapped out a road to unity on two options. So it is clear that PDOIS is very much interested in unity of forces. This is why they are saying they are already working with the rest of the parties on electoral reform which they say has gone far.
    PDOIS, it seems wants other stakeholders to also come up with their agendas as to how this unity can be forged rather than just calling them to a meeting to talk for the sake of talking. Stakeholders should come up with their package which all can look at and see if that is workable or not.
    You talk about Raleigh and some sort of unity was forged there and it was based on that agreement that a rally was held at Buffer Zone and since PDOIS is not a part of that pact they did not attend the rally. You find it difficult to understand that!
    As far as CORDEG invitation is concerned, i think CORDEG is in some kind of haste to hold their meeting but to go behind the party only to go for its supporters is unprincipled, to say the least. PDOIS said they have a programme, village to village tour to find out what the Gambian people think before they could get into any negotiation with any stakeholder, you say they are reluctant. They said going to America at this stage only to tell people what they think will be a distraction to their work when they have already put their thought in the public space. This is why Halifa said they thought other parties would also say what type of unity they would support which they did not say still now. Is PDOIS not more ready for unity?
    In my opinion PDOIS is openly telling people that they are building their party among the people, then hold a congress, select their candidate who will then negotiate with other leaders on any pact. They say until they do that they cannot engage in any talks on unity. That is not reluctance, that is a process they say they are taking. You don’t believe them? I do.
    We should not believe that electoral reform will not happen, it all depends on circumstances. I believe that PDOIS feels that for any party to be listened to it must have some base among the masses and it is calling other parties to do the same so that whether or not there is electoral reform or unity parties would be strong anyway to either go on their own or to unite and fight together depending on the circumstance.
    PDOIS also call on the Diaspora but i am not sure if we are listening. It calls on us to call a conference and come up with a programme and fight for our enfranchisement, electoral reform and Human rights, because it believes that these are the key issues the Diasporas can unite around irrespective of party affiliation or what have you and which parties at home can collaborate to make them achievable.
    For me i see that people are just unnecessarily obsessed with unity among the opposition parties at home but do not want to focus on unity among the diasporan groups. If the diasporan groups are not hearing each other, how can they hope to unite the opposition? Halifa has just said that the opposition has agreed to work together and fight electoral reform before Raleigh but that has been aborted and again they have started to work for electoral reform and they have gone far but another Raleigh stuff is aborting that too. Is like any time you start something progressing, others come to derail it. Is that encouraging? Eg giving CORDEG to do something which has already been done.
    At least they have achieved something and i for one thinks that it is a positive move and we should encourage the parties on that path.
    But Halifa is also encouraging the diaspora to work to achieve unity among ourselves so that the two groups can eventually meet as only two entities to work out the modalities. Is this difficult for us to do? Why is it so difficult? Before telling someone to make peace in his home you should have peace at your home first.
    As far as i am concerned, it will not be easy to put parties together who have different agendas but since we already know PDOIS agenda, let us seek to know UDP,s, NRP’s, PPP’s etc as we also tried to formulate our agenda in the diaspora, hoping to eventually collaborate with the home front to achieve our goals. We should not make politics difficult for ourselves.

    • Lafia Touray la Manju

      ‘As a follower of the political discourse on Gambia, i would say your question whether or not PDOIS is exceedingly difficult has not been answered. From the write ups one can deduce that the PDOIS is a party that wants to work with agreements based on principles but are finding it difficult to work with people who do not subscribe to principles.’ Yero bah

      It is pdois’s principles that others don’t agree with. They believe in the socialist concept of equality among political parties. The reality though is that no such thing exists in modern politics.


  4. Momodou L Jaiteh

    Excellent piece. I have the same arguments against PDOIS for years. They lack the willingness to evolve with true nature of modern world politics.

  5. Deyda Haidara

    My sincere advice to Diaspora Gambians is to leave the political party leaders on the ground alone. Several people in the past have tried again and again to bring them together to no avail. Our personal experiences with them is that they will never come together even if a angel descends from the sky to implore them to do so. We have seen people proposing millions of dalasis to them if they come together and they refuse the deal based on personal egos and frivolous principles. These leaders on the ground are on a different planet and care less about change in the Gambia. Since they live in the Gambia and are free to come and go as they wish, they think they have a advantage over the several thousand Gambians in self exile who cannot set foot in the Gambia as long as Jammeh is in power. They behave as if Jammeh will some day hand over power to them after an election. They are all dreamers who are least interested in changing Jammeh but rather impress on competing amongst themselves in a dream world. None of these leaders are poor and little do they care about the suffering masses and the gambian exiles who want to come home.
    They are the most selfish individuals one can think of, they see themselves big for nothing.
    Diaspora Gambians should brace up and take the route of “by all means necessary” if they want to seriously ressetled in the Gambia peacefully and democratically. OJ and Ousseynou Darboe cannot compete in the next election and both do not have candidates in waiting. Halifa thinks he is the default candidate eligible on a unity ticket. Hamath Bah plays ball with Jammeh as confirmed by late Baba Jobe who handed him monies to play the “jumping jack flash” legitimization chip for Jammeh in case. Mai Fatty and Gomez are outsiders who have no political base in the country.
    With the above scenario in place who one earth can Diaspora Gambians bank on amongst these 21 days campaigners every 5 years?
    Jammeh is more concerned about what the diapora is doing and planning than these skeletins leaders under his nose and watch.
    Thanks Pata for a brilliant diagnostic.

    • LSamateh

      Deyda, it is comments like this that inflate and pump the ego of Halifa. On the ground, he is negligible and lacking influence, and in the internet, he is Mr big. If he is at fault, let us limit it to him and his party. But some of you cannot just say the truth without bringing in others who have not committed any fault. Diaspora cannot do anything without the willing participants on the ground. The day dreaming have to stop.
      Every single honest broker knows, PDOIS have been the obstacle in every single gathering and yet again, they haven’t disappoint, Are you even able to say the truth behind a pen name,? No.
      But some in diaspora cannot bring themselves to criticise them, do you think Halifa is not aware of such sentiment? He is, and he is reading your generalise critique right now. Thanks Pata for stating the faultline.

      • Deyda Haidara

        M L Samateh, firsly I donot subscribe to your views for several reasons amongst which 1- PDOIS is doing a good job with Farooya and that’s it. Lawyer Darboe is doing a good job at courts and that’s it. OJ is doing a job by being the most vocal amongst the leaders and that’s it. Mai Fatty says he is doing his little bit at the international level and that’s it. Hamat and Gomez did nothing and they are last in the class. Please tell me if these little efforts mentioned above will ever bring change in our country? NO.
        I for one will not go the election route and do know for sure that elections cannot remove Jammeh from power. For me it’s a waste of time, money and energy for nothing in return.
        I do not need to expose my self for I belong to freedom fighter movement who are planning on taking on Jammeh by FORCE. Certainly not the December 30th style but Inshallah Jammeh will be NO MORE when we are ready. That’s all I can say for the moment and it is up to you to judge.

      • Lafia Touray la Manju

        LSamateh, I agree with you entirely.


  6. Bax

    Brother Deyda. …Good luck to you and the freedom fighters but you are in no better position to deride the opposition….You (military option advocates) have tried, as many times as them, with the same result..

    So please, keep the faith in what you do and let them keep the same faith….It is no point arguing whether a swimmer can swim across the Bintang Bolong before he gets to it…Wait until he gets there….

    Arguing whether Jammeh.will relinquish power if defeated is pointless because he hasn’t been defeated yet…We will cross that bridge when we get there. …So again, stop helping Yaya Jammeh by encouraging voter apathy….

    • Deyda Haidara

      Hello Bax, since Halifa and PDOIS love to refer to history, let me then recall the political history of the Gambia. During DKJ’s regime there was the first coup attempt in 1981 by Kukoi which failed. Then came the second coup of Yaya Jammeh&Co in 1994 which succeeded and held the fort to the present day. Going by the 1994 coup success, one can say FORCE passed the test. Going by a possible election change in our political history, it has never happen in the past with DKJ’s democratic regime and will never happen with Yaya Jammeh’s autocratic regime which is worst. Politicians have a single chance once every five years (to test) whiles coup plotters have multiple chances any time they wish. Who controls the destiny of who? How on earth can an opposition party which is granted only 21 days of campaigning every five years shape public opinion and win elections? This is the fundamental (probability difference) between the two routes to change. Now, if you think Jammeh is the only gambian capable of launching a successful coup and stay put, then Gambians should rather admit him as the King of the Gambia and brace up for Prince Muhamed Jammeh intronization when the king becomes old. You will agree with me and still quoting history that a dictator has never organize elections which he lost to an opposition leader, again please don’t quote the Ivory Coast case for obvious reasons that do not exist between the Gambia and her former colonial master.
      Again if it comes to helping Jammeh, it is certainly the opposition parties that always help legitimize his bogus election victories for him to be admitted in the concert of nations as president. The coup plotters always send shivers in his spine, drives him crazier and give him sleepless night for days, months and years. Who is helping Jammeh brother Bax?
      As things stand today the Diaspora gambians are the biggest stakeholders in matters affecting the Gambia on several fronts amongst which, the lobbies to isolate Jammeh internationally, the lobbies to cut the funds pipes to his criminal government, the millions of $$$$$$€€€€ remittances to poor families and of lately the use of force as evident on the December 30th. Placing the diaspora on a second rank, is malicious,ungrateful and down right nasty.
      As for us Freedom Fighters, our movement has never tested Jammeh and when we trike, we will not miss Inshallah. Our objective is not the seat of power but rather to open up the floodgates for politicians to fill the vaccum. So pray for us. In GOD we trust.

  7. Bax

    I agree with Mr Yero Bah on the two points he made at the opening of his comment…

    (1)…That the writer has failed to answer the question whether PDOIS has become an obstacle. ..

    In.the writer’s attempt to make this case, he cited several instances where PDOIS was not present to proof his allegations or answer his question. .

    For.example, he.cited the Raleigh Conference and alleged that PDOIS was absent because they wanted the “diaspora to go back to the drawing board..” (if I remember right, this isn’t quite correct)..

    I.think what PDOIS proposed was for the diaspora to meet and adopt a unified position. ..This could then be communicated to the parties…The.parties will also adopt their own position and then the two groups can meet to adopt a common position, which will then be promoted by the parties on their political platforms…It was after the initiative failed that PDOIS advised for going back to the drawing board…

    Nevertheless, given.what became of the Raleigh initiative, hasn’t PDOIS been vindicated..?

    So too must the question be asked…What has become of the ” anti-Mandinka” euphoria..? Another loud noise with nothing to show for it….

    PDOIS, as we all know, has written.and spoken extensively against tribal and other divisive politics. ..and will definitely continue to…They do not need a single platform for that…

    (2)…And.that PDOIS, being a principled party, is finding it hard to work with entities that do not want to be guided by principles and use the urgency of the current situation as an excuse…

    There dispute that PDOIS is the only party and political group in The Gambia that is not the product of a historical accident…

    As we are constantly reminded by some of their members, PDOIS is the product of a conscious decision, aimed at establishing a value embedded political, economic and social systems….

    And the founders, most of whom.are still alive today, have set principles that guide their actions and their party members, so that they are consistent with their values…

    All honest people will acknowledge that the PDOIS Leadership has not betrayed their values and principles for once, and I don’t think they are about to do that…So people better get used to that…

    Finally, isn’t it an.irony that the very people who accuse the opposition of only going to the people at elections time, are now having an issue with the PDOIS Leadership for doing exactly that.?

    PDOIS is clearly interested in a united front, but it seems, only a strategic one for a specific period… And that, given the current political realities, is the most sensible option…

    But I guess it doesn’t matter what PDOIS does, as long as it refuses to betray it’s principles (against the parasitic and monarchical “Mansa Kunda” system of government and of the ruling party “dictatorship”), and participate in enthroning the PPP incarnate…

    No heart feelings and PEACE. ..

    • Deyda Haidara

      Diaspora Organizations are not pingpong balls to be played with.
      This intellectual masturbation must STOP. I said, you said, endlessly engaged in a blame game will not take us anywhere. It only helps Jammeh entrenched himself. Who are we fighting Jammeh or amongst ourselves?
      Maturity and Purpose are the rare ingredient in gambian political struggle. Every stakeholder wants to pull the blanket on his side whiles forgetting the BEAST, what a SHAME.

  8. Janjanbureh

    Bax just keep on dreaming. You PDOIS disciples will never see the light. Most Gambians don’t care whether a party is form by accident or not but can they free the people from bondage is the question. PDOIS as a party is a complete failure because they care less about the opinions of the average Gambian voters. Deyda, you all can continue your efforts and don’t mind Bax at all because he is against anything that will free Gambia from Yaya’s dictatorship. God bless you and all of your efforts. Thank you.

    • Deyda Haidara

      Thanks Janjanbureh. We are not pingpong balls for politicians to play with including Yaya Jammeh the beast.
      We are here to set the records straight. Jammeh is the target. A target that only a well calculated suprise mission can dislodge. We will not relent or deviate from the target.
      Have a nice weekend.

  9. Bajaw

    I believe Pata is spot-on… PDOIS are brilliant at colourful proposal writing but it’s futile & useless to devise bright coloured statements with little relevance to the subjects/people on the ground it’s meant for…. Every proposal reference MUST have to FEASIBLY take into account & INCLUDE the situational practical REALITY on the ground at the MATERIAL time for ACHIEVABILITY if they AREN’T just about building white elephants…. Knowledge & education is quite different from book-knowledge or memorization otherwise locally referred to as “cramming” during my old school days; hence the two are mostly mistaken for each other…. Intellectualism is many a times confused between the two highlighted above…. There are the educated/knowledgeable intellectual who flexibility uses their brain/s to analyse, digest & adapt to remedy situational circumstances at any material time/s for successful implementation for achievable goals & the rigid book-knowledge memorizers who unreasonably & hypocritically hid behind principles insistently hiding their ulterior motives & weakness, etc etc…

    PDOIS aren’t a single individual party, why can’t they deligate others to attend the diaspora meetings to argue at the meetings/seminars their very reasons forwarded for failures to attend if they are TRUE to the general collective endeavours for the collective salvation as Pata rightly observed….??? This gives some credit validation to Lafia’s assertions of micro-management manipulations; again after decades of existence PDOIS are still engaging villagers, maybe in Wuli based on Seedia’s personal influence & Serre Kunda for obvious reasons on what “villagers make of their programs” without much significant progress, I wonder were they obtained their political activity permits from if they are not conniving, actively condoning & willing parties to aggravating preferential treatment when other parties are being denied; again Lafia’s insinuating about special treatment for Halifa’s Madam & PDOIS for weak-condemnation statements only, comes back glaringly….

    PDOIS are ‘irresponsibly difficult’ if I were to choose the heading for Pata’s piece above or rather hypocritically dishonest in assuming, asserting/claiming their community roles as incumbent, required & expected of them in political status as community & country ‘liberators’, BUT rather cowardly hiding behind so-called rigid non-adaptive principles to deceive, mislead & misinform on communal issues that aren’t open to their selfish hypocritical manipulation…..

  10. Bax

    Janjanbureh said…”Most Gambians don’t care whether a party is form by accident or not….. ”

    Comment. …I think you deserve an award for this statement, because in a nutshell, you have exposed the real obstacle to effecting change in The Gambia, through the ballot box…

    May I also add that not only do most people care less about a party’s history, they don’t (also) even care about what they say, in terms of alternatives to what they are opposing, if they say anything at all…Many align themselves with parties depending on (1)…Who leads the party. &… (2)..What can they and their offspring get by associating with this party.. ..And that’s a huge problem for our democracy..

    Many will probably agree that, regardless of Sir Dawda’s good human qualities, he has failed as a political leader because he too, was a product of historical circumstances.

    History has recorded that Sir Dawda only joined a political movement in 1959, only 6 years before we gained independence, when it was crystal clear that the “independence hurricane” was unstoppable.

    However, even then, we learnt that it took some convincing to persuade him to quit his government job and join the PPP, as the leader, which was founded by some uneducated folks from the protectorate…

    Thus the new leaders, because they were comfortable working with the colonial administration, unlike the Edward Francis Smalls, who were agitating for political change because they knew something was wrong, continued the “tradition” and became the “white men” in black skin…The black “colonialist” from.within, enjoying the same privileges and ruling by the same laws…

    The irony though, is that history is almost being repeated again before our own.very eyes…The resemblance between the formation of the PPP and the UDP and the similarities between the emergence of (Sir Dawda) Jawara and Lawyer Ousainou Darboe, as leaders of their respective parties, is amazingly remarkable….The “story” could have been a movie script written in Hollywood…And it has been told enough, so I will not bore this forum with it. .

    Unless we change this docile attitude and be like our neighbours in Senegal, where the mere attempt to amend the constitution resulted to the fall of a leader, the phenomenon of coup d’etat, as a means to effecting political change, will be with us for a long time…Jammeh may be just the beginning…

    By the way, I did not ask brother Deyda to abandon his options for change…All I said was for him to stick with it and not be an obstacle to others. ..

    • LSamateh

      Janjanbureh, don’t waste your time with Bax. In all honesty, he do state some salient things on other aspects of Gambian body politics. however, most readers are left open mouthed with his pdois misinformation. In actually act, every single political party came into existence due to one thing or the other. If you call it accindental, evolution, etc, that is up to you.
      In post Jammeh, we will even have more political parties, and the nature of there formation will mean very little. An irrelevant argument if you ask me, but then, this is the petty pdois mentality for you.

    • Deyda Haidara

      I concur 100% brother Bax…so let the PPP/UDP/PDOIS circus go to Nollywood.
      We are enjoying the movie…(Lol).. but please make sure you give the diaspora organizations its dues and credits with RESPECT.
      Let Jalibaa and or Super Eagles play on… Jammeh must laughing for now but let him also know that we will come back for him and will not miss him Inshallah.

  11. Bajaw
    “I believe Pata is spot-on… PDOIS are brilliant at colourful proposal writing but it’s futile & useless to devise bright coloured statements with little relevance to the subjects/people on the ground it’s meant for…. Every proposal reference MUST have to FEASIBLY take into account & INCLUDE the situational practical REALITY on the ground at the MATERIAL time for ACHIEVABILITY if they AREN’T just about building white elephants…
    May be Bajaw is describing himself in the above paragrapgh, he certainly cannot be ascribing the above to the PDOIS people.
    Let us look at what you said again.If a proposal is done on behalf of the people, is it not better to consult those people and share it with them with a view to finding their opinion on it? PDOIS is saying that they have tried a top down approach in 2016 but it has not worked so they should now try a bottom-top approach by reaching the Gambia people to know what they think of their situation. Is like sitting in your house in New York and making a proposal to build a market for the villagers of Dumbutu without consulting them as to whether they appreciate that as their top most priority. You may be shocked to find out that after building your market, the Dumbuto people have refused to utilise it because it is not what they want despite its magnificence but what they would have preferred is a borehole instead. You want to salvage a people but you don’t know how they want to be salvaged or whether they in fact want salvation. And clever and educated Bajaw who does no cramming and does not want to build white elephants said this approach is useless.
    I don’t think Bajaw believes that the PDOIS Central Committee knows only book learning or are cramming books, which books? Those who are confused should ask for clarification. I think our problem is we are not honest ourselves and we should begin to admit that. When i hear people talking about how many years PDOIS exist, i just laugh because the PDOIS did not say they have come for this number of years and thats it. Such people should look at the history of other liberation parties like the ANC and so on to find out how long it took them to achieve real democracy.
    Bax said PDOIS is not of a historical accident, so it means that this is a party that has its strategic objective and have identified the challenges and or obstacles as to how to meet its ultimate goals.
    You see those who see nation building as a two-day matter can never understand those who have consciously map out a route to liberate a people. Your frustration is noted; that you just want change of person from the helm and that is enough for you. I think PDOIS also recognise the need for such a change. But where you differ with PDOIS is, they want to bring about a genuine democratic and governance change. It is either you agree with them on that or you disagree but to say that they are confusing book and what knowledge, i think is misplaced.
    Mark you any country that did not go through a democratic revolution will continue to have serious governance challenges in it’s development history. My understanding is that this party PDOIS wants to shape a future for the Gambians which will ultimately free the people and make our country a sovereign free, democratic republic once and for all.Check the history that results to Magna Carta, its not a two-day struggle.
    I respect you because you have chosen a path but Pata and his ilk who do not belong to any party or organisation even in the diaspora and who calls himself a political activist has no moral gound to lecture anybody on the way forward for change. May i ask what sort of activism is he engage in, blogging? When will the ordinary Gambians benefit from his knowledge and activism?
    You see we must be serious citizens of a nation. We are too important to play with our lives. The future of this country is in our hands and we must know that. We have almost two years before election and we must allow the parties on the ground to put their houses in order. It is not easy to dislodge a dictator as some have already said. I don’t trust those who announce their intention to attack a country in public space. I think what they are doing is simply putting the lives of the people living inside the country at risk. I think these are reckless statements intending for no good but to make a regime unduly alert its security and creating difficulties for the people and providing a flimsy justification for it.

    • Deyda Haidara

      Yero,the BEAST has been and will always be the nasty bully that we know of him. Jammeh has been an active terror from day one. Whether or not Freedom Fighters come on forums to push messages, Jammeh will continue terrorizing even his own loyal supporters. Jammeh is simply an animal who will always behave like a conqueror in the jungle life.
      Our messages can have the double effects both as warnings (deterants) or making him do crazier things to speed up the digging of his own grave.
      This is what Freedom Figthers manuals call the “psychological warfare” approach. It is part and parcel of the liberation struggle.

  12. Yerro Ba,

    I could not have put it better myself.

    The day just got much better.

    Keep to that script.

  13. Janjambureh

    Thank you Mr Samateh and Mr Haidara for your thoughtful advice. But I just cannot understand PDOIS and some of its disciples. They tend to put party before the country as if they are not interested in winning elections in The Gambia. We have seem in South Africa, the ANC worked with the Communist Party of South Africa, Pan African Congress and other parties won the elections and free the country from apartheid. In UK the Conservatives worked with Liberal Party to win and shared power. This have happened in many places in the world where different parties with difference ideologies worked together to free their countries from misrule or change their governments for the better. What is wrong with Gambian political parties? Why can they not sit down put their egos aside and free the country from this agony. Gambians are sick and tired of all these games. Either be part of the team or get hell out of the way. The problem can be fix without some being part of it just like the independence fight but they joined later to get credit.

  14. Bajaw

    Yerro Bah, the Magna Carta history is quite different from ours today… Hence every situation needed it’s own unique feasibility study, digestive analysis for practical situational implementation for the determined products, outcomes or goals…. I’m no stranger to the bottom-up approach which is surely not the colourful statements that PDOIS are always about. In this one they have devised, is to come in the end when the country is under democratic dispensation out of our current murderous tyrannical fiefdom. Which is still a continuous top-bottom approach exactly what PDOIS claims to avert from…. Majority of the voting population are illiterate, can’t digest & subscribe to the senseless PDOIS so-called principles which is why Halifa & PDOIS will continue to run in circles unending without much success for most of the political life of the party if they aren’t ready to adapt to the reality instead of fantasizing… Despite the illiteracy of the majority of the population they do know & can surely digest the merger of a unified political force for the collective salvation which they will surely react to, & will impact positively; which is the most needed bottom-up approach in our current authoritarian murderous tyrannical fiefdom but PDOIS aren’t interested because they can’t manipulate in their favours. This is the only truthful bottom-up approach needed & required to move us out of our current predicament…. I’m not frustrated but rather fervently concern for innocent lives being endlessly stifled which could rather be averted if not for the selfishness of the opportunistic politicians consciously & unconsciously aid-abetting the murderous kanilai devil…. Instead of rightfully claiming their selfless roles & duties as incumbent, expected & required of them in their political leadership positions… There’s still some time to seal the faults for a collective endeavour to see us through, if not all must tighten our belts for Plan-B option to salvage the motherland… God help & bless Gambia; Ameen.

  15. Gambia

    How I wish all those venom spitting commentators can go back to the Gambia and contribute even for the rest of 2015 in bringing the unity to reality.

    We have all ran away from the country and enjoying the freedom of the west when no one is willing to sacrifice even a day’s paycheck for the Gambia.

    Pdois had been sacrificing all their life for 28 years for the country. This is their position and they have made it clear. If you feel they are not delivering, go back and play your part as a citizen and stop waiting for others to do the job for you.

    All are blaming the local politicians for lack of unity. How many organization are there in the diaspora??? How many??? Why can’t they come together with only 1 as the sole Gambian diaspora organization. At least you are all free from all the obstacles that the home parties are dealing with. Even a mere demonstration how many gambians attend it. Please the job belongs to all of us. Let us stop pointing fingers and look at ourselves as the cause of our predicament as Gambians. Senegal, Burkina, and all our neighbors do their changes. They are all citizen driven and they don’t wait for the politicians.

    Go back home and set up your own party and make a difference. The entrapped Gambians want change. If you feel you are up to the task, the door is open.

    To whom the cap fits, let him wear it.

    • Deyda Haidara

      Wow, Gambia, at least the cap does not fit the Freedom Fighters. When Jammeh was planning his coup plot, he did not shout all over the country that he was planning for it. I am simply a mouthpeace privy to underground plans to take Jammeh head on. I am also here to boost the moral of Gambians that all is not lost and that a more formidable mission will finally nail the coffin on the BEAST. Inshallah.
      Now as for you proffessional politicians, we exhort you to stop the blame game and mud slinging and put aside your differences and work together. We also would like PDOIS to show greater respect to Diaspora Gambians. These Gambians never folded their hands and leave the local politicians shoulder the change process alone. In all honesty PDOIS is the only party that always put stringent conditions for participating in unity foras be it at home or abroad. Halifa said the Gambia is at croosroad and that statement alone requires extraordinary efforts for them to ignore certain details and forge ahead.
      Failing which, new breed of younger politicans will come on board once we the Freedom Figthers level the political field for politicians to compete.

  16. Deyda Haidara

    Yero, since the bottom-up approach is your new catch phrase, let me start by addressing your bottom statement referring to Freedom Fighters. Lest you forget that Jammeh accessed power by use of force in 1994 whiles putting the country at risk that you so direly dread. The only fear Jammeh % Co had been, will Senegal intervene to restore DKJ back to power for the second time?? Luck smiled to them because president Abdou Diouf was very mad at DKJ breaking the Senegambia Confederation pact, which was part and parcel of the deal for Diouf to send his army to crush the 1981 coup d’etat. The freedom fighters will some day succeed in toppling Jammeh even at the risk of collaterals simply because Jammeh is always surrounded by soldiers heavily armed and civilians who work for his government.
    You mention about the ANC struggle but failed to mention that they had two branches, the armed wing and the political wing. When one is fighting a dictatorship one is oblige to use the “all means necessary means” to free themselves from bondage and servitude. It is of course different when one operates in a truly democratic country such as in Senegal, Ghana and Nigeria etc., then the armed or force factor becomes irrelevant and counter productive and should be condemn. The only option for change in a democratic environment is the political discourse that takes precedence. Brother Yero, the political history of Senegal went thru several stages. First Senegal was almost a one party state with heavy restrictions on freedom of speech and association. There was a deep ideological difference amongst clandestine movements and the political parties based as “left, center and rightist ideologies” Those were the days of the cold war period between the Soviet Union and the Capitalist world headed by the US. Then came the break up of the Soviet Union and the emergences of new Eastern European countries, which brought in a new dynamism in world politics. Hence, it is no more the ideological struggle that matters over party politics to conquer power thru election processes. This period is exactly where PDOIS stuck and refuse to upgrade and adjust to the new paradigm. Hence PDOIS obsolete understand of what is needed by the people to earn their votes. DPOIS is so obsessed with ideology that they relegate the political realities on the ground on a second position. Again this is where their multiple failures comes in all the presidential elections they participated in the last 30 years. Ideology is of little relevance in real politics, specially, in a democratic environment. Tell your mentors at PDOIS that change is permanent even under a scientific socialism regime. China is prime example of change on the economic front.
    You see Yero, I can go on but I prefer to live the political landscape to your competitors “PPP/UDP/APRC etc.” to take you on that platform adequately.
    We, the passive politicians cum Freedom Fighters are well versed on politics and sometimes more than the active politicians vying to conquer power thru democratic means. Our buck stops at leveling the playing the field for you the professional politicians to enter the ring and seek votes of the people. I can bet again that when we reach that stage, PDOIS will be the last in the race lest they change their approach to attract more interest from the people they wish to govern.
    Finally in all honesty I can teach Halifa politicking lest he behaves like an ostrich. “Lol” My final word to him is to show more respect to Diaspora Gambians.
    Have a nice weekend.

    • Haidara, Did you hear what Gambia and Bax said? I bet you didn’t. The platform you are operating from is a different plain from that of PDOIS. You can teach Halifa politics but you may not be at the vantage point to play his role. We must recognize each others role. Sometimes it does not mean that leaders must be more knowledgeable than everyone else. I am sure Halifa is very much aware of that.But we must also appreciate tactics and strategies of each group before attacking them. I hardly see anyone asking questions, everyone is in the know of everything. Halifa said those who do not want to shoot to kill their way to power must engage the people to build a base among them. Those who opted for the military solution should also be aware of that, that they need the people in whatever they want to do, otherwise they will fail. Farafenni is one good example. They had all the guns and the camp under their control but nobody joins them because they had no business with the people and the people did not know what they were up to.
      Look, I think you are a very intelligent person and i think you know very well that Halifa can and will never disrespect anyone let alone those living in the diaspora. Should we go back to that again. Look at the strategy he is telling us regarding ourselves. Halifa calls on the diaspora to call a conference of all the diaspora groups and agree on three main issues.1.Enfranchisement of the diaspora, 2. Electoral reform and 3. Human rights. He said all of us can agree on these three issues irrespective of party affiliations and we can collaborate with them to push these agenda forward. Can you imagine if all Gambians can now vote and those votes count? The diaspora is operating in a freer environment and therefore can make informed decisions than those who live in the Gambia with all the restrictions as you said. It looks like we do not want to take part in voting to effect genuine change. Are you saying that Halifa is relegating you to a second fiddle? Far from it. He is thinking of the best way the Home front can work with the Diaspora to effect change. If you do not agree with his proposal you should state yours rather than ascribing something to him which he did not say.

  17. Bax


    I do think you have the potential to be a good contributor here, but unfortunately, you have not shown that yet…And worst, until you provide the evidence to back some of the claims you are making, you risk being dismissed as a bitter individual whose frustrations are taken.out on PDOIS and those who agree with or support their positions…

    For example, you made the claim that “most people are left open mouthed with my PDOIS misinformation”…..Where is your evidence for that claim..? When did you last conduct a survey to arrive at this conclusion..?

    Similarly, you made the claim that PDOIS knows that, post Jammeh, they will not benefit from such and such that they are currently enjoying….Again where is your evidence for that..?

    Which PDOIS “misinformation” have left you open mouthed, if I may ask you..? I am sure you know what “misinformation” is..?

    If you want to be taken seriously, you should be able to provide the type of PDOIS misinformation I provide(d) that left you open mouthed…

  18. Bajaw

    Coming back to your mentioning ANC, the true freedom fighters have devised the realistic flexible approaches to their situation at the material time by having all options inclusively, which worked for them; even though they had the Mongazulu Buthelezi the apathy aid-abetter of their own & his party of detractors, just like our very own PDOIS & few actors in our case today…. Their unrealistic nonconformity attitudes & in this instance in particular, have sank them to very new lows I never expected of them… You still want to credit them educated intellectuals who can positively utilize their brains & mindset rather than the book-knowledge memorizers with rigid so-called principled mindsets they’ve exposed themselves to be…??? Yerro, I think it’s PDOIS & some of you the loyally blinding sycophants who needed reasoning… If Halifa & PDOIS have spent decades without any significant improved progressive support base countrywide, except in Wuli based on Seedia’s personal connections only & in Serre Kunda, who do he think he is to dictate to the rest of us both within & outside Gambia…?? Yet you don’t want to admit there’s something drastically wrong with your party…? Whether Pata is a nobody is quite irrelevant but must be acknowledged when he speaks the truth relevant & pertaining to our collectively common good, in this trying times of our history when most truthful realistic approach is required to salvage the motherland…. God helps & bless Gambia; Ameen.

  19. Bajaw

    Gambia, I think it’s prudent to critique along & rectify each other when one thinks the other underperforms & even mis-performed on issue of collective concerns, importance & relevance to the common good that affects us all; & we’ll continue to do just that regardless of what anyone thinks or make out of… Acknowledgement & acceptance of mistakes aren’t any form of condoning weakness but rather acceptance of a form of self-assessment & aspired willingness for self-improvements wherever necessary whenever on can, as all humans are fallible beings… What is vital is for all to direct/indirectly contribute our invaluable bits to nation building to better our society & improve Gambia for betterment of humanity at large… Like all other places, from Apathied South Africa, to Burkina Faso down to bleeding Gambia, not all who contributed to turn & change of events necessarily were all based on the grounds…??? It’s quite impossible & unmerited for what you are calling for…?? It’s those based outside today who are the major contributors to subsidising the economy through the various remittances regularly wired to the families & love ones back home….? Hence we are unquestionably the contributors running & solely responsible for the economic, social & moral stability of Gambia today at this very material time when it all mattered most…. In fact the day all left for home & no one left to remit the families Gambia will literally crumble economically, socially & morally… Hence we all will & must aspire to contribute our utmost in our various separate ways & means, whilst keeping tab on one another to critique & criticize to obtain the maximum & utmost efforts out of one another; & I don’t believe that should ever be a crime….

  20. Bax


    You are quite right that critiquing has to be part of our culture because it is an essential ingredient towards assessment, evaluation and accountability…

    However (and I am not being disrespectful or dismissive), I have in this particular discussion, and except for the question about why PDOIS did not send a representative to this “brain storming ” session, all I’ve seen is an emotional outpouring of one unsubstantiated allegation after another… almost like a Lafia disciple..

    In order to avoid conflating different issues, which may look alike but completely different in every conceivable respect, let us concentrate on the issue under discussion..

    Could you tell us in simple, unambiguous terms, why PDOIS needed to attend this meeting and how its absence is going to hinder the work of the opposition, via a vis..alliance efforts and electoral reform…?

  21. Bajaw

    Bax, you aren’t being disrespectful at all by speaking your mind & would like to add & remind you that I’m a disciple to us all including you & other PDOIS diehards here whoever comes up with proven point/s, lest you forgot you too & me have always been on same side for numerous considerable times; but Lafia’s observations, some of which I’m already on record here to have doubted before until substantiated, have been proven by Halifa’s dictating tendencies & unreasonable rigid posturing never expected of his calibre… As if I’ve known already I’ve attempted answering part of your this request in the other topic “PDOIS Responded To CORDEG Statement”…

    First PDOIS has gone on attempted hoodwink expedition by preparing & pronouncing a deceitful colourful statement, expected & assuming to lecture us all on, which ISN’T achievable under the current state of affairs due to the tyrannical hostilities on the ground… Does Halifa think he was buying sweets to students in a lecture hall to sweet-talk & brainwash our individual & collective intelligence…??? In contrast our current immediate needs which are the most needed bedrock & cornerstone for any realistic meaningful proposal in our current predicament as in all bottom-up strategic approaches & implementation for achieving the end product goals are our collective immediate freedom by freeing & salvaging the motherland from the tyrannical yoke FIRST, & level the political playing field for all parties as required; instead of formulating one meant for implementation as if we’ve now got through the salvaging stage & in a democratic society; this is quite impossible at the moment & far from where our current situation lies under the murderous tyranny… PDOIS as one of the active political players, just like all, are needed to assume their rightful responsibility in the collective endeavour for our collective salvation but shouldn’t prove difficult being obstacles to every single efforts due to their uncompromising principles which are ALWAYS either their way or NOTHING…. Our dictatorship is so entrenched that we need ALL & EVERY opposing hands on deck to be able to surmount some serious challenge for our freedom FIRST, which is why PDOIS’ contributions & not dictations are so vitally needed & required; when successful every Gambian & friends including PDOIS won’t be excluded despite some clandestine foot-dragging, as all stand to gain collectively, & so all must aspire & work together to contribute our various efforts for our freedom collectively rather than choose to distract for selfish individualistic gains… Bax, I’m sure you know there are Gambians who are equally educated as Halifa & the PDOIS central committee, if not more educated & can be teaching Halifa & the rest of them…??? I don’t know why ghost-Deyda has been such a wizard that he always keep dipping into my head, taking words out of my mouth saying them before I even know, LOL!!!

    For Halifa to think they can devise & pronounce deceitful colourful statements to obscure intended ulterior motives undetected are an insult to the nation… Please take note today & henceforth that my pronouncements no matter how firm may be are far from emotional as I don’t blame anyone else for much, except murderous kanilai yaya devil jammeh & murderous cohorts who chooses to destroy our beautiful country but would rather have themselves destroyed God willing, for peaceful Gambia have done NOTHING to deserve whatever we are going through currently… This doesn’t mean I spare overlook/choose looking the other way when someone else chooses/attempt to trick on the common good… God help the collective endeavour to salvage Gambia; Ameen.

    • Deyda Haidara

      Lol, lol, lol, Bax..just as you, I studied Halifa’s mindset and can pinpoint the holes in his brain cells…Lol..

  22. Pappa


    Wonder never ends! Why the hate and resentment of PDOIS; especially Halifa Sallah???

    In recent CORDEG’S Press Release in question; PDOIS clearly reacted accordingly, clarified its position on every paragraph and address every point in CORDEG’s Press Release covering the following;
    1. False allegations & misrepresentations on CORDEG’S untimely Press Release
    2. On Electoral Reforms ( including advocacy strategy of PDOIS & its position as a political party on 2016 Elections)
    3. United Front
    4. Fund Raising
    5. Unity Summit
    6. On The Role of Diaspora
    7. Role of Political parties

    So what is your point PATA? Only to agitate or engage on smearing campaign, squabbling for headlines or to be on spotlight, soliciting rancour, bickering, et tu Brutus style of opponents character assassination for daggers out to stab Halifa Sallah as the prey and trying to destroy PDOIS credibility???


    “PDOIS has respect for every sovereign Gambian and the exercise of right to freedom of association to promote any democratic cause as one deems fit. We have no qualms with CORDEG. What then is the point at issue ?

    When Dr Saine communicated with the Secretary General of PDOIS to express the desire to hold a discussion some months ago he was told that PDOIS was engaged in a village to village tour to exchange opinion with the people in order to know what they want and what they think of PDOIS’ programme on how to end impunity and poverty.

    He was told that unless we complete this exercise the party would not be able to engage in any dialogue on the political situation in the Gambia. There was no ambiguity in our position. It was as plain as noon day. The meeting of 23rd February was news to us which we gathered after it happened. Nobody informed us of such a meeting.

    The point At Issue
    ON 1 March 2015 CORDEG issued a Press Release indicating that its executive members met “with UPD, PPP Leaders and PDOIS Representative.
    The Press Release added: “Hon. Ousainou Darbo, Hon. Omar Jallow (OJ) and Malik Kah of PDOIS’s European Chapter, met on 23 February 2015 with CORDEG executive members to discuss important matters relating to the scheduled 2016 elections.”

    PDOIS has since clarified that it had no meeting with CORDEG. We have conducted our investigation and are satisfied that all PDOIS members are fully in agreement that no PDOIS member could represent the party in any negotiation without a mandate from the Central Committee. We have put our house in order and could assure everyone that such development would never arise again. For the avoidance of doubt it needs to be reiterated that Malick Kah had no mandate to represent PDOIS and did not represent PDOIS at the meeting. Hence CORDEG should adjust its records and its Press Release by expunging PDOIS from the pact it formed with the two party leaders. “

  23. Pappa

    Please reconcile the facts and leave PDOIS (especially Halifa Sallah) alone? Because they are on right track steering the party on course & right side of history!


    @ Yero Bah..My first question to you is ,,what is wrong with sitting on the fence? May I also ask,, what is wrong with the force option, and sending coded messages? You see Mr Bah, some of us don’t think that election can remove yaya jammeh so our best option is to flush him out AND NOBODY CAN PREVENT THAT.
    please don’t come up with this excuse about jammeh going SAVAGE on the Gambian people because we are going public with military option .jammeh has been brute to the Gambians for 20 years.May I remind you that the killing of Koro Ceesay was just a test drive for him.We all see what he has been doing ever since.WE MUST FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE.We will continue to REMIND jammeh that he is not a god.He is only human drunk with power, and his hands are dirty with the blood of the innocence.We MUST clean them”seeet”.You do you Mr Bah and we will do us.We will meet at the finishing point.Insallah.FOR THE GAMBIA OUR HOMELAND.

  25. Pappa


    BY Suntou Touray WHO STATED THAT ” UDP too held formal meetings with Cordeg. We will clarify tomorrow.” ON 5 March at 23:52 ” FOLLOWED BY THESE COMMENTS???

    Pata PJ COMMENT “Ooh man! So where does the confusion lie? That Mr Kah/Darboe/OJ were NEVER present or it shouldn’t have been considered a ‘MEETING’? 6 March at 06:16 ”

    Suntou Touray REACTED “Pata PJ it was an unarranged phone call to UDP where Malick is said to be representing PDOIS. They (i.e. CORDEG) manipulated events and issue a completely over the top press statement. Everyone knows PDOIS don’t allow any outside distant supporter to speak for them. So yes it was not a meeting. 6 March at 07:37 ”

    “I MADE THIS COMMENT; “Suntou Touray In this Press Release or public statement of 01 March 2015 CORDEG purportedly “met with UPD, PPP Leaders and PDOIS Representative Hon. Ousainou Darbo, Hon. Omar Jallow (OJ) and Malik Kah of PDOIS’s European Chapter, met on 23 February 2015 with CORDEG executive members to discuss important matters relating to the scheduled 2016 elections” (without NRP & GMC but public statement said to be misrepresentation, not credible or reliable).??? ”

    In December 2013 PDOIS was also alienated or sidelined in UDP-GMC-PPP-NRP rally (boycotted by NRP for unilateral decision to contest by-elections after CORDEG promoted….” partnering with the UDP, NRP, GMC and PPP for a series of unity rallies “)???? ”


    THEN “Suntou Touray FURTHER REACTED TO MY COMMENTS THAT ” ….Cordeg did not met with UDP leader. They place a phone call. Secondly, they did not arrange to have any discussion, they just call. So in essence Cordeg knows they are giving out an inaccurate public statement. If you can sit and support a false narrative be my guest.

    UDP leader accept their phone call out of courtesy. There was no agenda sent, none. So please don’t assume that people cannot reason. If OJ is in cahoot with them, others were not. The talk of divisiveness my brother don’t bother me. The truth is out there, those who thrive on it tend to be quick to bandit it around. It is call switching of labels. Thank you. 8 March”.

  26. Bajaw

    Papa, just to put records straight, EXCEPT for our UNDENIABLE rights & stakes in Halifa & PDOIS as active political figure & party, as Gambians regardless of membership/affiliation, nobody is ever interested in hassling anyone personally…. Nobody, e.g., hassles/mentions Dr Lamin Bolonding Bojang formerly of the extinct PDP anymore, for he’s maturely chosen politically to retire gracefully… Hence Halifa & anybody else have their choices for maturity isn’t with age only; one must get out of kitchen if can’t stand the heat….

    A rationale true Case Study of the current Gambian situation, with total honesty in implementable bottom-up strategic approaching for true & successful outcomes for achievable goals will not choose to overlook the VITAL opposition parties temporary unifying as in the PDOIS colourful response statement which has been first rallying point for salvaging & collective freedom from our current tyrannical yoke; without which all other tactics will bear less fruits/if any at all currently, as called for in CORDEG press release…. Instead of being righteous & assuming their rightful place as incumbent, required & expected of them, or rather being truthful in stating their fears, assumptions/suspicion of such temporal merger to their disadvantage where all can put heads together to formulate the strategies to pave mutual acceptable way forward, we have seen PDOIS resort to their clandestine summersaulting, misinforming in attempt to deceive which only those with clean conscience for country ONLY, can’t afford to ignore… What should be clear to us all is; Gambian issues aren’t about individuals, like me, you, Halifa, OJ or Darboe, neither about PDOIS, PPP, UDP, but rather about the integrity of the motherland which is & continues to be precariously at stake, & the collective RESPONSIBILITY of All to see to our collective invaluable individual efforts to rescue as our UNDENIABLE birthrights… There’s NO “more than 50% majority” for voting anymore in our Constitution; which has been expunged & rather selfishly replaced by the kanilai murderous devil & cohorts which the temporal opposition merger will surely redress & impact positively…. Then the sky is the limit for all politicians in a democratic Gambia…. What must be clear & noted is that there are some of you hiding behind political slogans designed for selfish individualistic exploitations which the present & current breed of Gambians won’t tolerate nor accept ANYMORE… Thanks very much.

  27. Pappa

    Bajaw with due respect you have not put any records straight but came out to bash PDOIS; in doing the right thing ti clarify its position on CORDEG’s impromptu Press Release!

    If we are to set records straight, let’s fast track and ignore NADD & G6 which PDOIS are vanguards but consider how CORDEG emerged instead of a properly constituted “STEERING COMMITTEE” borne out of Raleigh opposition front conference; among other flip flops by diaspora dissidents?

    1. Is CORDEG properly constituted, legitimate and credible?
    2. What is essence of CORDEG instead of maintaining “STEERING COMMITTEE”; as envisaged from Raleigh?
    3. I can argue that no opposition leader is eligible to be embedded in CORDEG. Can you justify why any opposition leader should be in CORDEG; because none of them are eligible to be there? Moreover why Sidia Bayo (considered to be an opposition party leader but who actually claimed an illegitimate unregistered party; including NTCG propaganda blunders and/or hoax); is more ‘eligible’ to be in CORDEG than other prominent dissidents?
    4. Under what format of organisation structure CORDEG can legitimately be the proper representative organ of diaspora dissidents among other CSOs’?
    5. We can recalled in December 2013 CORDEG promoted….” partnering with the UDP, NRP, GMC and PPP for a series of unity rallies “ without PDOIS, why justified PDOIS alienated or sidelined in UDP-GMC-PPP-NRP rally (boycotted by NRP for unilateral decision to contest by-elections after)????
    6. Did PDOIS ever issue a Press Release or made a statement for disapproval, not supporting or not endorsing Raleigh initiative for uniting opposition front?
    7. Are you telling me CORDEG scandals with Alakali Conteh & GDAG, Jainaba Bah’s allegations, Mai Fatty GMC leader’s allegations, petitions of Yero Jallow (alleging ‘CORDEG reduced to celebrity status’ or clique) and Lamin Darbo’s does not have any impact in credibility of CORDEG; before latest development with PDOIS?


    • Pappa

      Edited for opening statement as follows;

      “Bajaw with due respect you have not put any records straight but came out bashing PDOIS; for doing the right thing to clarify its position on CORDEG’s impromptu Press Release!”

      Also what justified PDOIS alienated or sidelined in opposition unity rally sponsored by CORDEG in December 2013?

  28. Bajaw

    Papa, every organization or party have their individual issues pertaining to questions on the credibility…. I will make it clear that I’m not a member neither deputising for CORDEG. Since CORDEG have been constituted & mandated by the conference I see NO reason/s why they can’t continue to exercise & execute the mandate entrusted; what is clear is that CORDEG doesn’t falter & look into the eyes of individuals/particular party unwilling to partake in the collective endeavour which PDOIS is notorious of, due to selfish wanton manipulative tendencies in their favour or NOTHING…. So you & PDOIS again in your manipulative manoeuvres just want Gambians to do the same to what you have done to your Malik Kah by discrediting & nullifying his mandates because he choose to break away at this time from your party’s “animal farm” hierarchy dictatorship tradition/principles….???

    From the formation of PDOIS, Seedia was deliberately handpicked to lead because Halifa doesn’t stand a chance to instigate much more create any meaningful support base; this is the only reason PDOIS managed recognition in Wuli in particular & nowhere else outside Serre Kunda. Since Seedia’s short stint, your Dictator in chief relegated him & assumed the mantle himself, which he’s is in no mood to relinquish to anyone else which questions the assumed democratic credentials you portrayed… So why can’t PDOIS engage with CORDEG & other genuine Gambian organization for the collective endeavour to salvage the motherland when everybody else, as well as PDOIS have our own downsides, instead of looking for loopholes & flimsy excuses including doubting CORDEG’s credibility, to sabotage all & any efforts that can’t be open to manipulative dictates for selfish aggrandisement…?? Why can’t PDOIS be SINCERE to the collective endeavour without constant subjective selfish manipulative manoeuvres rather than subjecting/exposure to exploitations, wantonly insert their dictatorship tentacles into all collective efforts & endeavours which tells ALOT to us all & any sane person who independently owns his/er mind of what goes on behind closed doors inside your party…?

    Coming back home to the current proposal which is about way forward out of our current tyrannical predicament, NO opposition party SINCERELY GENUINE to Gambians can choose to selfishly manipulate in favour/choose to constantly boycott as evident in PDOIS since from word go….

    In all & any meaningful endeavours & struggle to utilize the developed strategies, devolves round an engine oriented mechanism for successful outcomes called SWOT – Strengths – Weaknesses – Opportunities & Threats; while strengths & opportunities are the positives that needs to be utilized to maximum for outcome, weaknesses & threats are the negatives to note of, disable & eliminate/considerably minimized not to hinder the targeted achievable goals… Whilst this is the case in CORDEG’s intentions PDOIS seems to be on different planets hinging on the negatives, which makes their intentions more suspicious…. With the “simple majority” now replaced the “more than 50%” of votes in the our manipulated Constitution, it’s our collective Strength as initiated by CORDEG to unify temporarily to outdo the kanilai murderous devil & advocates if we all are to be TRUE to the political non-military course as PDOIS pretend to advocate… Whereas going about it in individualistic party ways like contrarily suggested by PDOIS just rests on the Weakness which is counterproductive & in the murderous kanilai devil’s favour… While the temporal unified opposition is the strength & only current opportunity avail to us, which can undoubtedly work in our favour, the individual party ways & separate effort & the tyrannical hostilities employed by the entrenched murderous kanilai idol worshipper & advocates are the threats which are working in counter & must be noted to avoid & minimize at all costs…. Hence the CORDEG efforts, no matter how controversial PDOIS would like to discredit them, are on the right course/path here for the collective endeavour for Gambia SELFLESSLY, whilst PDOIS continues in their path of their SELFISH manipulative tyrannical tendencies both within party & beyond in their dominative aggression on all & everyone who seems to own an independent mindset…..

  29. Bajaw: I am beginning to doubt whether you are in your proper frame of mind. It is difficult to deduce the head and tail of your argument. You have been told a hundred times that PDOIS has put in the public space since 2014 an Agenda which includes UNITY and put it so clearly for those who can understand. If anyone has another strategy on unity, please go ahead and do the same so that all can see and critique. Even if PDOIS were to participate in the CORDEG telephone conference they were going to present the same tactic as outlined in the Agenda 2016 on unity. So CORDEG knows about that already. Why cant CORDEG asked others to come up with their views and stop interrupting the work of parties for their own reasons?

    • Pappa

      Thanks Yerro Ba dressing down this empty barrel (Bajaw) trying to impress in discourse without knowing intricate complex issues & dynamics at play; writing lengthy but making pointless views; (lots of noise) and incoherent arguments!

  30. Bajaw

    Yerro, I have already made clear before, except my independent personal opinion I’m not holding brief for CORDEG nor for any other organization, party or individual, so you know where to redirect your question/s….

    I believe everyone are entitled to opinion; hence you are entirely entitled to your opinion about myself/person which I have no qualms about… One sometimes got to be “mad” in mind for thought provoking, to be able to at times critique oneself & others…LOL!!!! Your party needs some ‘soul-searching’ especially on your insensitivity/intolerance to critiquing & criticisms…. This is the 21st century…. Thanks very much.

  31. Pappa

    COMPATRIOTS WE (ALL OF US AS GAMBIAN CITIZENS) HAVE TO BE VERY CLEAR ON THIS STRUGGLE TO SALVAGE NATION ALL OF US OR EVERY SINGLE INDIVIDUAL HAVE ROLE TO PLAY AND THAT; ” this cause is bigger than any individual or group of individuals, elites, cabal, clique, cronies, opposition political party, party leader, ethnic group and/or tribe!”


    “We ask all our citizens to be an integral part of the change they seek by getting involved in whatever capacity suits them. Change is always a difficult task and along the way it is easy to become despondent, fearful, tired, angry, and sometimes be tempted to throw in the towel. But because the cause we have embarked upon is a just one that must be pursued, we must all strive harder to achieve these important goals. We however, can do it only if we come together as one and face the opponent. This cause is bigger than any individual or group of individuals.” Lawyer Ousainou Darboe UDP Leader’s 2011 New year message.;EMPHASIZING TO “COME TOGETHER AS ONE TO FACE THE OPPONENT!” = UNITY LONG OVERDUE! REQUIRING PROPER ORGANISTION, PROPER PROTOCOLS & PROPER COMMUNICATION ON EQUAL FOOTING!