The fatal shooting of a woman has brought back fears and memories of insecurity in The Gambia. A professional security force in any given country will do everything humanely possible to safe lives even during wild chase. If the Joint Security Task Force members are not blood-hungry, they could have spared the precious life of Ya Binta Jarju.
The death comes at a time when Gambians and their government are reeling with fears of violent attacks. Gambian security forces are in a haste to shoot, knowing fully they will get away with their crimes. Even security forces have not been spared in this brutality. One senior security officer had his helmet blown away by a bullet fired by a soldier at a checkpoint. His only crime was to move to the side of the road. The said soldier (name withheld for security reasons) was scared to lodge a complaint, fearing a backlash. He thanked God for sparing his life.
Kairo News is still trying get to the bottom of a story that has left a lot of open holes. The key question that is left to be unanswered is why the taxi driver failed to stop. Is there anything in the car he was trying to hide where security forces have become instruments of brutality.
In this statement published below, the police mouthpiece provided an explanation of how and why the fatal shooting took place. ASP David Kujabi, whose version of the story is culled from Standard Newspaper, needs to be carefully scrutinised.
“On Saturday 7th March between 11:00 to 11:45pm, personnel of the Joint Security Task Force were mounting a routine night vehicle check-point at Manjai Kunda. Vehicles that came by were flagged, checked and allowed to move on. However, a taxi with registration number, ‘BJL 7039 G’ came by and upon reaching the check-point, the driver sped off refusing to stop. A warning shot was fired but the driver kept on driving at top speed.
“This being a sure suspicious behaviour, the security officers boarded their patrol vehicle and pursued the fleeing driver. A second warning shot was again fired but the driver again failed to take heed and instead led the officers on a wild chase. They eventually overtook the taxi and braked in front of it as if to force it to a stop but the driver swerved, took a quick turn and drove through a narrow road nearby. The officers then shot at the car in order to force it to a stop but the bullet instead hit a lady who was sitting at the backseat of the taxi leading to her death.
“This unfortunate tragic incident is regrettable but it must be noted that the security forces of The Gambia will not be complacent in ensuring the security of this nation and its people and this happening not long after the December terror attack meant that all necessary means had to be employed to stem a recurrence. The general public is therefore warned to respect these check-points and cooperate with the security forces as they are meant to ensure their own security.”
This is a sign of any government’s last days…Check Points…Sitting on the edge.
This is despicable act of terrorism on our people . Jammeh has succeeded in making Gambia a militarized and police state where the security forces continue to terrorize the citizens on daily basis . It should be noted that security forces has been blatantly killing people for a long time . These killings ranges from kids as old as three years old to young adult .
This incident is no different from previous killings . The Jammeh milia forces have no regard for Gambian life . Their lack of understanding of their roles clearly is manifesting itself in every day. if the drive fail to stop , a professional forces have means to stop this taxi without lost of life . Having a checkpoint in every two Miles in the greater Banjul area is the unspeakable act of instilling fear and harassment, all in the protection of idiotic jammeh . This trend will get worst as we approach the end of dictator jammeh .
Deyda Haidara
The truth will come out some day. The taxi driver and the boyfriend are two surviving eye witnesses. RIP young lady.
Shoot and then ask questions is the instructions the security personel received by their Commander in Crime.
I would advice Gambians to be extremely careful for they are living in a PARANOIC state where the smallest noise or suspicions are seen as a potential coup d’etat.
Jammeh is at war with the gambians.
Baboucarr Samba
Whoever kills without a justifiable reason has a place in the hell fire. Let’s all pray that these killers perish.
My prayers go to the deceased…May Allah (swt) shower her with mercy and grant her Jaannat…Aamiin..
My sympathy and condolence goes to the family, friends and relatives of the young lady…May Allah ( swt ) give them the strength to overcome this senseless tragedy and unnecessary loss of life…
It may not be appropriate to resurrect the tribal debate here, but it is worth noting that Ya- Binta Jarju is probably a Jola, because the “Jarjus” are predominantly Jolas….
The reason I brought this up is to appeal to those who often make the claim, that Jolas enjoy preferential treatment under Jammeh, to spare a thought for this young lady and the many Jolas (in particular) who suffered at the regime’s hands….least you stand accused of insensitivity to the plight of those people…If this latest act of cold blooded brutality fails to convince us that Jammeh’s terror machine makes no distinction between tribes, then nothing else will…
Well said Deyda, this paranoia is spread all over wherever one travels to in the country… Vehicles & occupants are rushed upon, provoked & threatened with shoot to kill first, on approaching these senseless check points before you are even stopped… The kanilai murderous devil is NOT at peace with itself & will NEVER be until we successfully flush it out…. All must now get prepared & ready, the murderous devilish coward knows the inevitable is reckoning sooner & faster down to the bitter end for the satanic murderous syndicate… God helps & bless Gambia; Ameen.
Ggapm Agapm
Isn’t this war already? Blood licking puppies shot young star. Killing ritual and nothing else. ALLAH have mercy on her soul.
This event, like many before it, yet again highlights the dangerously high level of risks that the Gambian population face from a security apparatus that is either not guided by rules of engagement with regards to the use of firearms, or simply ignores the rules because it is not being held accountable and get away with cold blooded murder…Either way, questions need to be asked of ASP David Kujabi, his superiors and all who support the APRC Administration regarding the legitimacy of the cold blooded murder of a young Lady riding at the back if a single taxi…
The questions I want to ask ASP Kujabi, his superiors and all who support the APRC and follow Kaironews are as follows:-
(1)…When has failing to stop at a check point become an offence punishable by death;
( 2)…What orders are in place with regards to stopping fleeing vehicles..? Is it to “shoot to kill” the occupants or to try to immobilise the vehicle by shooting at the tyres or putting obstacles in its path..?
( 3)…Given that the role of our security apparatus is the protection of the public from harm, including the taxi driver and his occupant (s), at what point do they forfeit this protection and deserve to die..?
( 4)…In other words, at what point was the behaviour of the vehicle considered a threat to public security, requiring the use of lethal force to protect the public and chasing officers..?
Furthermore, in any civilised society, the use of lethal force resulting to serious injury or death, is thoroughly investigated by a competent and independent body, to determine whether such a force was necessary and in accordance with the law…
From the sound of this release, it appears that this matter is closed and the public is warned to cooperate…meaning that you may be killed if you don’t cooperate..
If you support the APRC, then I am asking you whether this is the type of country you wish for your children to live in and grow in..?
And to the perpetrators of this heinous crime and their superiors, be warned that the day of reckoning will come…..
And your crime of Saturday 7th March, whilst manning a check point in Manjai Kunda, will be properly investigated and you will be held accountable…
Because there’s only one Saturday 7th March (2015) and only one Manjai Kunda…You will easily be tracked and brought to justice, God willing…INSHALLAH…
Well done again Kaironews…
Bax, this is just to add to what you’ve said above that, the criminality of the murderous kanilai fiefdom syndicate knows no boundaries, neither their own, nor opposing supporters…. Just for those selfishly bent on sabotaging to hijack the decent CORDEG proposing opposition party unified initiative for individualistic motives rather collective country gains that we all stand to loose under the current predicament…. What can a particular opposition party do under these circumstances on its own without the collective efforts of all genuine Gambians…. It’s better we realise that we need each other strategically for collective strength to see the struggle through for the motherland for the common good rather than selfishly bent on fighting each other for selfish ulterior motives… God help broaden our individualistic visions to the collective endeavour for salvaging the motherland for the common good; Ameen.
Tragic and yet again, there will be no justice ….
Yerro Ba
The incident narrated above linked to our dear motherland is both frightening and thought provoking to say the least. The ASP has said it all that” “while the Joint Task Force were mounting a routine night vehicle check point at Manjai kunda, a taxi with registration number BJL 7039G came by and upon reaching the check point, the driver sped on refusing to stop. A warning shot was fired but the driver kept on driving at top speed”
This in my opinion clearly shows that the task force has not yet mounted their check point while the taxi in question was passing and because they fired the warning shot, the driver became frightened and sped on. Instead of thinking that the driver was frightened, they became even more suspicious and got into their patrol vehicle to engage in a wild chase of the driver.
The PRO also mentioned terror attack saying the security forces will do everything to protect this country and its people. Is this the way of protecting the people? They could have shot at the tire if they become desperate but to shoot at the passenger is spineless and the person who did it was not doing it to protect the people but simply to make some sort of impression.
Bax, it is a known fact that in The Gambia Jolas are enjoying preferential treatment under this regime than any tribe. This is evidence by the appointments of Jolas in all the top security and civilian positions in the government. Tell me if Yankuba badjie was not a jola would he be appointed to the position he is occupying today ? What qualification does he has apart from tribal affiliation? Let us factual and admit that Jolas hegemony is the order of the day. If Jolas are not enjoying preferencial treatment and complete support to jammeh , why would they ban opposition rallies in foni or why oppositions never make in road to jola predominant areas . Jammeh hypnotize Jolas to believe that they should protect him and serve him , if any one goes against Jammeh’s interest , he killed them or imprisoned them . Today if you cannot speak jola language, you can’t even have job when you apply for one . Most ” Jarjus ” you claimed to be Jolas are in fact mandinkas but due to tribalization of this regime , they claimed to be jolas so that they fit in. It is also known fact that Jammeh brutality has no tribal boundaries and Jolas even tends to suffer more in his terrorism towards Gambians.
Michael Scales
Ya Binta Jarjue, has been laid to rest in Old Jesweng Cemetry. A sizeable crowd of grieving relitives and friends gathered to pay there last respects. May we add our deepest thoughts prayers and sympathies, to those already expressed.
It is fitting to spend a few moments on her behalf, to consider her last few breaths on Gambian soil. An innocent fare paying passenger taking a ride home with her partner before midnight last Saturday. By all accounts Ya Binta, was typical of her age, Just 27, with a respectable job, and family, hoping for her future, and duties, as a prospective mother, friend sister, daughter and tax paying citizen.She may have also held a high regard for President Jammeh ? Who can say ? Most Gambian women do.
Eye witness accounts speak of a pool of blood on the ground, covered with saw dust.We can only pray, her death was quick and painless.Whose to say..her offspring may have become a President, or a scientist, discovering a cure, or inventing another technological marvel. For her death extinguishes, a life with a future and all potential unborn life from walking this Earth.
This is a real tragedy.
It was noticed that Freedom Newspaper covered the story, with amazing speed and accuracy. The few details broadcast, canvassed some 16,000 hits in just 24 hours. Such was the unbelievable shock and disbelief, from Gambian’s and friends of Gambia from around the Globe.
I regret with sadness, this dispicable act of violence, which is another notable addition to so many preventable homicides that is the hallmark of the last 20 years on Gambian soil,,,,,, acted out by fellow Gambian’s, on oath to protect and guard, all Gambian citizens.
We wait ,{probably in vain} for Justice.
To Miss Jarjue, may you find perfect rest.
We will not forget.
Quote Maxs….”It is also known fact that Jammeh brutality has no tribal boundaries and Jolas even tends to suffer more in his terrorism towards Gambians.”
Comment…I think you have ended the debate before it even began….But here’s a few things to ponder and to agree with or disagree with…
(1)…It may be a known fact, as you claimed, that Jolas enjoy preferential treatment under this regime, but another indisputable fact, is that the beneficiaries of Jammeh’s incompetence, with regards to appointments, cuts across the tribal divide…
Remember (late) Baba Jobe…No formal English education but appointed under-secretary at office of the president and director of Millennium Airlines and Youth Development Enterprise….
Remember Njogu Bah. ..doggy PhD, with little or no experience in the Civil service. ..appointed secretary General…
Remember Momodou Sabally. ..graduate of UTG, with little or no experience in the Civil service. …also appointed secretary General.
Remember “Professor” Kah, with no history of running a university and a doggy qualification….appointed v/c of UTG. ..
Remember the rapid promotion of some NCOs at the GNA, to officer ranks without the requisite training or qualifications… Some have little or no formal education…Two that are (late) Almamo Manneh and Alagie Martin…
I don’t know Yankuba Badjie, but my suspicion is that he is, most probably, the least qualified to be D/G of anything, let alone a National Intelligence Agency…However, I don’t think his ethnicity has much to do with his appointment…
I think Yankuba Badjie is appointed because he is easily controllable…and the same goes for all.the unqualified, unfit for purpose appointees, because they know that they don’t deserve the positions and must owe loyalty to Jammeh to keep their positions and high status in society..
Trust me Maxs, any day Yankuba fails to do Jammeh’s bidding for him, that will be the day he will not just lose his position, but may also be a guest of Mile.2….and he would still have been.a Jola….Just as Lang Tombong is still.a.Jola…..Just as Ensa (Jesus) Badjie is still a Jola…
Maxs, how could you attribute inability of opposition parties to hold rallies in Foni with a Jola hegemony..?
I would want you to explain that because the Foni I know, is probably as Mandinka as Jola, or even more Mandinka than Jola…
Certainly, in the major settlements that really matter in Foni, in terms of Bullock, Somita, Sibanorr, Bwiam, Bondali, Wasssdung, Kalagi, Sintet, etc….
Politically Maxs, Foni has traditionally been safe ruling party constituencies well before Yaya Jammeh emerged…Except for a couple of rebellious (PPP) unsuccessful candidates, who contested and independents, all.constituencies in Foni were safe PPP seats, even.when Sir Dawda was not from Foni…
Today, with a Foninka as president and the type of misguided politics he practices, a few misguided youths in the APRC, who.may not necessarily be from Foni, have taken it upon themselves to harass any opposition party that wants to hold a rally in Foni because they have been encouraged to do so…
But Max, this is.not new in Gambian politics. PDOIS used to face similar harassment in the first Republic, when misguided PPP militants would confront them.with cutlasses and machetes and prevent them from holding their meetings..
Continued. …
Maxs, I am an opponent of Yaya Jammeh because I despise his style of ruling, but I am not an unfair opponent…. I don’t make claims that I cannot support or substantiate…
With due respect, I don’t believe your claim that those who can’t speak Jola don’t get jobs in The Gambia….That is simply ridiculous…
You also claim that Mandinka “Jarjus” now pass themselves as Jolas….I don’t believe that either…Where would.these Mandinka “Jarjus” be found originally. .? I would to know that too…
Thanks Bax for your respond . I think you are ignoring the fact that I am talking about majority of Jammeh’ s appointments including top security and civilian positions in the country . Why would Jolas whose pooulation consist of less than 14 percent ( I guess highest favorable number ) of total population formed the majority in those positions ? You have only mentioned few people like baba job, sabally , professor Kah and dr njoku bah , you failed to mention how many cabinet minister are Jolas , top military and police leadership that are Jolas ? Among the people you mentioned , only baba Jobe has no formal education but the rest are educated with at least masters degree but you may argue their experiences depending on who you ask . So is unfair to use that as an examples of those who Jammeh appointed and are not Jolas while you leave out the majority who are Jolas . The military , police force and nia senior leaderships are all Jolas . The badjie brothers and the bojangs. Where are other tribes ? Are you implying that only Jolas are the most qualify and most educated to man these positions, Considering the satistics of each tribe in the country , when mandinkas are nearly 40 percent of the population, but they occupy less than four ministerial position and none in top leadership in police and military ? your discount of Jammeh’s tribal appointments is indeed mischaracterization and false pretenses. While you characterized these appointments as non tribal but based on incompetency , easily controllable and unfit , is also another denial of the truth that Jammeh favors his tribe for his personal security and interest .
Bax, if you want to deny my claims that you cannot get a job if you can’t speak jola language , simply go and apply job in any where in the Gambia . My claim is evidence by having majoriy of security forces being Jolas , this includes Nia , police forces and military . Why are other tribes not equally represented in the security services considering their population size in recent years ?
It is equally true that some mandinkas pass themselves as Jolas simply to fit in or to get job . You have jarjus in Nuimi , kiang , kombos and even foni who are mandinkas but now passes themselves as Jolas for the reasons stated above . It is your right to stay in your false pretense and believe that it doesn’t happen . Jolas are less than 14 percent of population during first and second republic , why are they suddenly having such a majority highest position in government ? The reason is Jolas hegemony, and Jammeh’s systematic alienation of other tribes to the benefits of Jolas and his personal interest . This increase in Jolanaization is their believe that Jammeh is one of their own and this is why even today , there is no single prominent opposition who is jola apart from shingle Nyassi who passed away in New York .
To be continued.
Bax, one thing I agreed with you is that any one who goes against Jammeh’s interest whether you are a jola or not , will be eliminated. This is why I stated that Jammeh’s brutality has no tribal boundaries . This is evidence by having eliminated Lang tombong and others Jolas who Jammeh saw as a threat . You mentioned that beneficiaries of Jammeh’s incompetence with regards to appointments cut tribal divide is fallacious because you simply failed to highlight the majority of those beneficiaries . Who are the majority of these incompetence beneficiaries? Are they mandinkas , no . Are they Wolof? , no . The majority are all Jolas . Example , majority of top military promotions are Jolas , example solo Bojang , Saul badjie , ousman badjie , and many others just to name a few . Apart from masanneh Kinteh who occupied highest position as mandinka military officer with a master degree , who among these Jolas have any degree to be appointed in those positions ? Their appointments are based on tribal affiliations. This is the fact .
Politically : During first republic , Ncp and independent has a lot of supporters in foni , and they are never prevented or harrased . They even won seats as you stated . So why can’t current opposition have similar opportinities? They can’t because of total tribal milia-political thugs who think that all Jolas must support Jammeh . Your catagorization that those who may harass current oppositions may be outsiders is another denial or false assertion. Why would fonikas allow outsiders to tarnish their image as hostile to oppositions? Bax , let call a spade a spade . In the first republic , there was harassment but not to the extend of complete ban of oppositions in the whole district . This is what is happening now . Even shingle Nyassi was a victim of this because as a jola , he refused to accept to join jammeh and he was arrested and tortured countless times . The other reason for his tortured was because he failed to join Jolas hegemony and he made this pronounement in many of his speeches. Tell me who was arrested during first republic and tortured multiple times because he failed to join JAWARA as mandinka ? we need to speak the truth and avoid political correctness because it is only truth that will bring peace and avoid unfair treatment of others .
Thank you Mike…You have done justice to this topic…
And please Maxs, forgive me if I don’t continue with the tribal debate….It’s not appropriate here…I apologise to all for even taking it up…
Bax, there’s some substantiation in Maxs’ assertion to some degree…. Whilst it wasn’t the case in PPP government, it’s open secret & known fact that the present murderous kanilai syndicate have a tribally connoted inclination to appointments in most if not all “sensitive” positions/posts open for tyrannical manipulations; not to mention the special nepotistic designed state funding scholarship scheme directly being managed from state house, amongst other illegitimate illegal inducements…. Maybe you missed the Gambia for a while but demographically Foni has been deliberately swamped by illegal settler impurities for political purposes coupled with certain inducements on mutual benefits, hence the region is no longer Mandinka dominated majority anymore…. I encountered a local in Kangfenda village, the junction to kanilai who greeted me in Jola while the soldiers asked us down from our commuter vehicles to search through, I responded in Mandinka that I’m not conversant in Jola dialect; then came the cannon he blasted on me “what are you doing/finding here in Foni then if you can’t speak Jola” as if I have committed an inexcusable crime for being at the wrong place in my own country…??? Yes PPP supporters used to obstruct some opposition party meetings but that doesn’t make it legal for anybody else to do the same as two wrongs can’t make a right…
Surnames can claim originality with history but DOESN’T determine tribal inclination anymore, but rather where the individual claims to belong…. Touray, Janneh, Ceesay, e.g. are Mandingo Morris but Touray & Ceesay are equally predominant in Wollofs too with Janneh to some extent… Jarju can be both Jola & Mandinka, sometimes otherwise referred to as Mamburay… Touray elephant hunters were referenced as “Sama tekeh” by the oral traditional griots in culture which is were Samateh comes from but Jolas lay claims to it too referring to same surname & Jabbi as Kujabi for both surnames… Dibba is both Mandingo & Wollof, Jolas say it’s Gibba… Saidykhan is originally Fula but are Mandingo today; likewise Sabally which is in both tribes… I have met a Manjago in Fass Njaga Choi Surnamed Touray which is a strange area for the surname but who am I to dispute the person… I’m sure we can go on for most or all surnames if we can find the time….
Thanks very much.
Gentlemen, I’m sure we will.have an appropriate opportunity to discuss the “tribal” dimensions of Jammeh’s misrule…
But for now, I don’t want that to be a distraction….
Like I stated, I regret even approaching my earlier comment from that perspective…And I once again apologise. ..
Bax, this is about stating the facts and to acknowledge that Jammeh’s regime give preferential treatment to Jolas though they are his number one victim . This is my point . Tribal debate is essential when we want to use political correctness and to discount that this regime doesn’t engage in tribal nepotism. I have caution Lafia touray my good friend to provide evidence when he accused halifa of propagating tribal sentiment. I am doing the same thing to you to acknowledge that Jammeh favor Jolas than other tribes in his appointments , therefore Jolas have preferential treatment under this regime . I think as a nation , we all need to acknowledge that there is some degree of tribalism / favoritism in Jammeh’s government , then we can come up with strategies to avoid or solve its consequences post Jammeh .Today jola language is the most spoken language in our offices and major bussiness centers and this is not to say people shouldn’t speak any language of their choices but using it to prevent opportunities for all , is unconstitutional and discriminating . Clearly , Jammeh’s tribal favoritism is not a secret and his distaste for mandinkas is open for any Gambian to see as evidence by his numerous hate speeches towards the mandinka tribe.
Bajaw , thank you for bringing up your personal experience in this discussion and I think a lot of people who speak mandinka ( not necessarily mandinkas themselves) will relate to your experience . I had similar experience in early 2000 when I went to yumdum military barracks to see my cousin who was posted there at the time . I can speak jola , Wolof , mandinka , and little bit Fula since I do have friends and family who speak these languages. To my surprise when I greeted the military guy in mandinka at the last check point inside the barrack before their residence, the soldier on guard told me ” we don’t speak mandinka here , you have to speak jola ” , my friend who was with me at the time quickly intervened and spoke jola to this soldier and we were allowed to pass. From that very day , I know we as a country we are in deep trouble and it increased my distaste for a military regime . My friend was not even a jola but he too was able to speak their language . So for Bax to simply denied this fact is beyond belief . All these tribal issues we highlighted is as a result of one man only , that is dictator Jammeh . As I said in many of my postings when comes to tribal discussion , Jammeh is the only tribalist president and politician in The Gambia . The evidences are there for all to see .
As for ya Binta , may God bless her soul , her ethnicity is irrelevant to me and as a Gambian,she doesn’t deserve to die in this manner . Her death is clearly a state sponsored terrorism that have been going on for two decades . This is why I believe we should do everything possible to get rid of this evil and barbaric regime from our country , the earlier we all recognize this regime brutality and think about including every options on the table , the better for us . Our politicians don’t have the courage and means to stand up to Jammeh because they are weak and Jammeh has total control . Therefore a new leadership is needed in all the political parties if we want to have political change . If you keep on doing the same thing over and over with the same players and expect a different results , then you must be a fool . Is Time for a new leadership especially female presidential candidate .
Bax , I think it is a good thing you bring it up because we need to learn and be honest to ourselves what our problems are . I commended you for bringing it up because as you said ya Binta may even be a jola , therefore this regime brutality has no tribal boundaries which we all agreed on . No regret on my part . It was good observation on your part too . We just have to acknowledge that tribal preferencial treatment exist in Jammeh’s government in favor of Jolas .