
Jammeh: ‘Pa Bojang Betrays Me’

Jammeh and Pa BojangPresident Yahya Jammeh has every reason to be upset with Pa Ousman Bojang, Kairo News investigation has uncovered. Gambian leader is still reeling with a fallout out with Pa Bojang who he (Jammeh) describes as “a betrayer of the highest standing.”

Power of Attorney for Pa Bojang

Double click the image document and see why Jammeh is still upset with Pa Bojang!

Despite graduating from high school and armed with no business or management experience, President Jammeh had appointed Pa Bojang as the General Manager of Kanilai Group International (KGI). Mr. Jammeh on June 3rd, 2009, went beyond and above when he gave his cousin [Jammeh and Pa Bojang are siblings of a brother and sister] a Power of Attorney. This empowered Pa Bojang “to access all the accounts of the KGI wherever they exist, withdraw monies, or close them as he deems fit and open new account without let or hindrance.”

As indicated in the attached Power of Attorney obtained by Kairo News, Mr. Bojang who referred himself as “the former donkey driver”, was “also empowered to hire staff or fire any staff of KGI International as he deems fit.”

Pa Bojang spent three months in southern Senegal before finally moving to the United States last year. He has kept a distance from the online media after his jaw-stirring marathon interview with journalist Fatu Radio Network. The said interview had reportedly shaken State House walls, with President Jammeh and his immediate family members crying and searching for answers to their unanswered questions.

Pa is believed to be running between New York and North Carolina busy trying to adjust with tough and challenging life in the United States.



  1. Deyda Haidara

    Conflict of interest is all apparent in this piece of paper.
    Being a president does not warrant one to use the office to issue power of attorney based on private and profitable business enterprise.
    This is the main reason why many countries ban a president engaging in private business whiles in office.
    This hugnry man came and cling to power just to ENRICH himself and his wife.
    The next STRIKE will never spare his life, who wants to hear him anymore?

  2. Baboucarr Samba

    Waw! Slowly but surely Jammeh will be stripped off secrets.

  3. Bajaw

    Pa Bojang will be a vital state witness in post dictatorship proceedings against the murderous kanilai predator… Pa has shown maturity in the little that he has already said, in that he will be willing in future to give more evidence against the kanilai devil, its wife & other criminal elements… Pa may be silent & quiet for now because his mother has been threatened to be persecuted by the kanilai devil & its murderous elements if he muttered word again… I believe all that will change once he is sure the kanilai devil is apprehended & his mother & family are safe… God bless Gambia; Ameen.

  4. Pls let every gambians kn dat wat goes round must come around as jammeh n his tyranic administration cus am nt going to term it as legal government. Which meant for embezzling public funds or taxes to his coffer n keep killing gambians like flies harassment intimidation torture n arbitrary arrests of our old afe moms n dads including sisters n some are still lock up behind bars for decades without being brought to trial n mmissing gambians journalists eg chief manneh deyda hydara omar barrow n others including killing 44 ghanians in cold blooded n am real disrupted n flabbergasted about Ghana president n ho s holding an ecowas leadership by praising murderer jammeh after killing ur native in manner which should be file before Hague. Bt let jammeh n his so called gallant soldiers kn dat we are not going backwards until n unless we compliment our task or mission by removing him in any means necessary. Cus since jammeh came to power through barrel of gun he had killed many intellectual gambians n I will mention few ousman koro Ceesay d first finance minister in junta regime captain sadibou hydara captain Basiru Barrow captain mamat cham captain Sheriff mendy lieutenant dumbuya n dismissal of top officers like samsedeen sarr pa ann laurence jarra n many more. So y gambian soldiers still remains toy for dis monster jammeh without been in one hand to removed dis idiot n murderer on top of gambians. So dat we can have peace n tranquility

  5. Oooo Noooo, I cannot believe this; that people are still trying to puzzle it out to bring to light the bunch of filthiness that represent our dear families, our dear people and motherland as a government.In fact good poetry is becoming ineffective in this struggle right now at this point of time when brave Gambians have proven to the rest that indeed there are good sons of sons amongst us, and they are ready to be martyred.The fallen in the 30th Dec.landmark operation shall live within the hearts of all true Gambians forever more . INSH’ALLAH their souls will be rewarded in the Holy Jana’t. Amiin