
Don't Read Too Much Into UN Statement

JammehIf Gambians rise up against dictator Jammeh tomorrow, the UN, US, AU, Ecowas, EU will be the first to pressure President Jammeh to step down. Diplomatic language is misleading and troubling. However, such a language is always with the consensus stakeholders. Let us therefore put our acts together and pressure the dictator into a damn uncompromising corner, which will put him into isolation. He will then be isolate and left to dry.

‘Dr Mohammed Ibn Chambas, United Nations Secretary General’s Special Representative for West Africa, who arrived in The Gambia yesterday and was received by President Jammeh at State House, said both the UN and Gambia are willing to work closely to bring to book all those who took part in the December 30th attack of the State House

“There is also the willingness on the part of the UN to work closely with the Gambian authorities to thoroughly investigate this in a manner that would satisfy everybody to ensure that the facts are known and those who are culprits in this are brought to face justice with due process and total respect for Human Rights,” Dr Ibn Chambas said in a brief interview granted the press yesterday.

“So on this I think we are very pleased with the Gambian authorities that they are willing to work with the UN to ensure that this matter is thoroughly and properly investigated and there would be a deterrent to all those who may try to overthrow constitutionally constituted governments and authorities in The Gambia and everywhere in Africa.”

The UN Special Rep also briefed the press on his discussion with President Jammeh at State House.

He said:  “I came to present myself as the Secretary General’s Special Representative for West Africa.

“I also used this opportunity to extend to Mr President, his government and the people of The Gambia, the best wishes of Secretary General Ban Ki-moon for the New Year and continuing prosperity for The Gambia. At the same time convey to him the strong condemnation of the UN – and the Secretary General himself, following the unfortunate event that happened here – that came out with a very clear statement underscoring the total rejection of any attempt to accede to power by unconstitutional means.”

Dr Ibn Chambas said that in Africa today there is zero tolerance for taking over governance by force of arms or violent means.

“We know today in Africa, there is a zero tolerance policy for unconstitutional accessing to power and the UN completely subscribes to this, and the UN has stated so very clearly; so there should be no ambiguity about that,” he declared.’

Source: The Point

Author: Osman Kargbo



  1. Bajaw

    With the way things stand now the evil satanic kanilai murderer is already in a tight corner…. It is just a matter of time & extra efforts to knock & finish him off for good which is sooner….Insha Allah. That’s why we have seen him unusually trying to appease Britain & get into their good books & that of the international community’s by pretending to apologise to them when he lied & accused them for connivance in the attempted ousting…. The abhorrent treatment of the bodies of our gallant comrades in their sleep by the evil kanilai murderous devil & agents is PUNGENTLY APPALLING which should be equally condemned by ALL & the international community in particular… In my humble fervent opinion, the medium who uploaded these images made poor judgment on this act of theirs which is unfit for purpose & a disservice to their memories, their families’, the Gambian community at large, & their selfless noble efforts to salvage us all… Life thought us that our deceased are to be respected & treated with dignity… Their families & children in particular, deserves BETTER & don’t need to see this published on public space… The publication of the images WON’T scare NOR deter the rest of us from our noble task of reclaiming our motherland from decadent abuse & reducible by the kanilai devilish predator; death only comes but once… I pray for God’s guidance for courage & strength for the families of our fallen gallant comrades to pull through…. Instead this has strengthened our resolve & determination to finish off the unfinished business until successful…. The struggle continues as their death MUST NOT have to be in vain…. It’ll be quicker & better if our opposition leadership can selflessly sacrifice their selfish individualistic egos to unite & collectively salvage us selflessly without spill of more blood for the benefit of all… God bless & help Gambia; Ameen.

  2. Deyda Haidara

    Jammeh always thought that Gambians were not brave enough to take him head on. Jammeh always had in the back of his mind that his demise will come from US, Britain or Senegalese governments. He is totally suprise that this coup attempt was an all gambian efforts and no foreign government was involved. Henceforth Jammeh will start respecting Gambians knowing that the cowardly nature he tought we are dissipated in thin air.
    Let Jammeh understand that the past coup was meant to spare his life which was an expensive mistake but the next decisive STRIKE will burst his brains in million pieces Inshallah.
    We will come again Inshallah.