It looks like there is some glimmer of hope for Gambian activists battling to cope with the fear and panic stemming from the arrest, detention and subsequent arraignment of people accused of attempting to overthrow the government of a “friendly” government. Such a hope becomes evident when a senior high-ranking official of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) describes the mounting fear and panic among Gambians as regrettable.
But this does not mean Cherno Njie and Papa Faal will not be prosecuted for their roles on December 30th event, which resulted to the killing of four State House attackers. In a civilised democracy like the US, suspects remain innocent until they are proven guilty by the courts.
“We are only after the violations of the US Neutrality Act.” Mr. Kyle A. Loven, the FBI’s Chief Division Counsel and Media Coordinator at Minneapolis, Minnesota, told Yero Jallow of Gainako. Mr. Loven, who is reported to have consulted the FBI Special Agent in charge of investigation, acknowled receiving similar concerns.
US-Gambian citizens have been ovet the years known for being peace-loving, law-abiding and industrious people eager to live the American Dream. But the involvement of Cherno Njie, a successful Texan developer and Papa Faal, a US Army veteran and IT instructor, in a forceful attempt to change the government in the Gambia is a complete dynamic shift. This means Gambians are no longer seen with the same lenses, especially in the height of the Jammeh government’s propaganda aimed at smearing the image of some foreign powers while at the same time adding fuel to the fire.
The fear and panic among Gambians in the diaspora, particularly those in the US, is capable of dampening spirits of people fighting for a Gambia devoid of tyranny, lawlessness and gross violations of rights. But the FBI’s resolve to dig into facts of the case before taking action is a sharp contrast to that of the Gambia government’s disregard for the application of due process. Here is a government that does not only take the law into its hands but also rob the courts off their title of being the last bastion of hope.
Clearly, the FBI agents will do their best to protect anyone living in the US, including Gambians, provided their hands are dirty. There is nothing to fear or panic if your hands are clean.
In any struggle including ours, there are the patriotic front, some of whom sacrifices in any shape or form it requires & take for the struggle to succeed….. US is merely acting in conformity with protocol to clear their name from collusion as alleged by the kanilai devilish murderer…. But it is the genuine Gambian community who are the true friends of the international community but being butchered by the murderous satanic kanilai murderer…. Playing by hypocritical protocol alone won’t help but worsen the current Gambian situation under the murderous kanilai tyrant… The international community & US in particular are better off siding with the genuine Gambian community & assist us to end the tyrannical oppression & dictatorship for the sake of Gambians, the rest of the world & humanity at large; US have done it before & are doing it now in other parts of the world… Just why are Gambians being treated like second class humans..??? Gambians will ride the tides & do ALL & ANY within our means necessary, & see to the end of oppressive dictatorship & murdering of innocent people by the predatory kanilai devilish murderer… Diplomatic immunity will be extended to those patriotic comrades who fall victims to this & other nominalised so-called protocol & hypocrisy by the US & Senegal…. Gambia is bigger than individualistic murderous elements in the tyrannical kanilai syndicate & will SURELY survive the test of times…. God help & bless Gambia; Ameen.
Batch Samba Fye
Whether US government officials like it or not, we must not give up the struggle and must be seen standing by Njie an Faal all the way to the end. Fear for the CIA, FBI, or NIA should not scare us in the efforts to take back our nation.