
We Must Have Unity Of Action

Abdul SavageAfter all is said and done, we are all in the same fight, and the same team. But one thing that must be present, kicking and alive is UNITY of Action. Some might take the route of “reconciliation”, others “force”, others “rebellion” or “whatever”, but one thing that must be clear and present is Unity of Action.

Even in Islam, and throughout any “fight” or “struggle” in mankind history, one thing that was clear and present was Unity, Unity of Action.
In Islam, we all know that Unity of Actin was there, despite the fact in some instances “force” was sometimes used and employed, but Unity of Action was clear and present, under one Unity leadership.

Islam had what we now know today call an “armed wing”, and even ANC (African National Congress in South Africa) at some point in its “struggle” had an “armed wing”.

SO, for God’s and Country’s sake, WHY on earth “THIS STRUGGLE” can’t get its acts together in Unity of Action, under “one leadership”, with different divisions of labor and specializations. For ethes, one department will be charged with using “force”, another department tasked with using “reconciliation” or another department assigned the task of using “anything under the sun” or “whatever”? This way, duplication can also be minimized or even eliminated, as currently most of these diasporan entities are kind of duplicating themselves.

Nowadays, we would call it “division of labor”, but such was used before the era of Islam, during Islamic renaissance and after, but all throughout history Unity of Action under one Leadership has proven to be effective.

Are you following me here? SO, why can’t all these different, varied and diverse entities in “this struggle” come together in Unity of Action under one leadership, utilizing division of labor, with different departments tasked with different objectives and or missions?

Abdullah Savage

Retired, US Army
Member, Military Order of the Purple Heart
Member, Veterans of Foreign Wars
