
How OJ-Darboe Brouhaha Started



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United Democratic Party leader Ousainou Darboe has condemned Omar Jallow’s (OJ) futjitsu in calling for him to abdicate leadership of his party.


In an interview with The Standard at his offices yesterday, theveteran opposition leader said: “Why would OJ have a go at me? It depends on how anyone sees it. Some would see it as an attack on me and others would see it as an advice. I cherish an environment where there is free expression of views on matters of public interest. I think leaders of political parties have a right to criticise other political parties on matters that are common to them. But I do not think the right of free speech is a licence for any opposition leader to tell another opposition or ruling party how to run their party. Mr Jallow has done wrong. I do not take it as an advice; I take it as unsolicited advice. If he had read the constitution of the UDP he would not have failed to realise that our presidential candidate is not selected by the congress but by the selection committee. In fact, candidates for all elective positions are selected by the selection committee. When he said we should go to congress to select a new leader I think that was done with lack of knowledge of the primary document of the UDP.

“The PPP is supposed to be a national party with a national platform but its leader is in the struggle first and foremost for Serekunda East not The Gambia . That is parochial. No national leader thinks of a constituency but the entire country. That is the basis of PPP’s very existence. It is a party that is parochial and is not nationalistic in its thinking. What he said about me is a statement that is going to haunt the PPP for a long time because people will ask him why he puts Serekunda East before The Gambia? The long and short of it is that the way PPP is run is not the business of the UDP”.

Mr Darboe added: “I have always said I am not bigger than UDP. It is the UDP that has made Ousainou Darboe leader and not the other way round. If he had been listening to and reading my interviews on this issue then he is not quite right with Gambian people. If he did not understand what I was saying then it will call into question why the leader of a party as prominent as PPP cannot really understand such simple statements. If he did understand them then he is really not being fair to me, UDP and Gambian people.

“He said we should not be following our political and economic interests. But I do not live on UDP. It is rather the other way round. The UDP has been eating into my pocket. So it is not in my economic interest that is making me hold on to the position I am holding until the congress elects another leader. And for political interests that cannot apply to me because I have not lost political glory in this country which I might want to regain. I have never been a minister or National Assembly member so I have not lost any political glory that I would want to regain. What I have lost is my dignity and the dignity of my children to live in a free society and I think that is in common with most people.”



  1. Lafia Touray la Manju

    This is just another manifestation of first republic politician mentality. OJ and Co just can’t accept the fact that Darboe stealing the show from them is irreversible.

    To call an elected leader of a sovereign party to set aside when that leader hasn’t committed any crime or engaged in an unethical behaviour is the dummiest thing an unelected leader of an allied political party would do.

    It’s alright for ordinary people to do this kind of thing but gravely unethical for an unelected leader of an allied party to do the same in the open space just to grab attention and newspaper headlines.

    I thank Darboe for hitting back hard.

    OJ is just a lousy attention seeking Mr Bigmouth.


  2. Lafia Touray la Manju

    This is just another manifestation of first republic politician mentality. OJ and Co just can’t accept the fact that Darboe stealing the show from them is irreversible.

    To call an elected leader of a sovereign party to step aside when that leader hasn’t committed any crime or engaged in an unethical behaviour is the dummiest thing an unelected leader of an allied political party can do.

    It’s alright for ordinary people to do this kind of thing but gravely unethical for an unelected leader of an allied party to do the same in the open space just to grab attention and newspaper headlines.

    I thank Darboe for hitting back hard.

    OJ is just a lousy attention seeking Mr Bigmouth.


  3. Anonymous

    It is funny that freedom newspaper hello gambia fatu show do not know where the president is staying in New York. Bunch of talkers laugh.

  4. Lafia Touray la Manju

    It was the same big mouthed OJ who promised to organise a demonstration in a The Gambia a year ago and nobody heard from him on that since.

    Populist politicians are usually lacking substance. So they compensate their inadequacies with anything that will draw attention to them. Cheap! Cheap! Cheap!



    I think OJ should understand that he is not an ordinary Gambian. He is also a friend of Darboe and the udp,but he has made a blunder. But i knew this will happened,because in OJ´s quarter a lot of them do not like udp and its party leader,why? that’s is their bread and butter. Oj is my hero, i like him so much but am very disappointed. How ever in the diaspora this is what people are campaigning for Darboe to step down, this is why NADD is a failure, they do not want the udp leader to lead, they are just pretending, what some of them are saying is, (is better Yaya stay than Darboe and the udp, the udp supporters are Gambians. For the Gambia our home land, only the truth can bring us freedom not the contrary and not false. Oj is wrong and he should apologize and we move on, because this is very petty. Lastly am sure this is the work of the hypocrites in the diaspora. BUT YOU WILL FAIL!

  6. Lafia Touray la Manju

    “some of them are saying is, (is better Yaya stay than Darboe and the udp, the udp supporters are Gambians. For the Gambia our home land, “- Abdoulie Darboe

    This sinister underground campaign was/is speared headed by Halifa Sallah in the run up to the 2011 presidential elections.

    Anyway, there is a reason why Darboe’s wife was bullied out of her job as Principal of Hotel School while Halifa’s wife is promoted to the rank of Permanent Secretary in the Civil Service by the same regime

    Aa go talk woo!!!

  7. karamo

    Let the UDP stand firm with patience and determination for one day, they can be a force for positive change that will touch the hearts of all gambians.

    Criticisms that are been labelled against the Party and its leadership can only make it stronger, wiser and more accomodating to others i hope.

    The co-called tribalist president jammeh’s days are numbered and the gambia will be a better democracy soon come. the writings are on the wall. Patience is not weakness…

    OJ and the likes of him are a curse to the gambia since the PPP days. They abused our trust, our resources and our dignity and yet he is still talking rubbish. when one says this, some fellow gambians do not like it yet its true.

    The UDP will play a part in any future government in our dear gambia and i do hope they put to shame insincere critics like OJ and the likes of him. I do hope that when the time comes, the UDP will be as democratic as the true meaning of the word.

    Good luck to all other political parties of our dear gambia.

  8. Bax

    Calm down guys…What exactly did.OJ say.? That Darboe and the rest of them should step aside for the younger generation…! What’s hateful in that..?

    You can agree or disagree with OJ but avoid insinuations against him or those who disagree with Darboe/UDP. …Only the electorate can elect Darboe to lead, regardless of anyone’s objection…

    Unless the reporters left significant portions of OJ’S interview from their reports, I cannot see what all the “hysteria” is about….

    OJ, as far as Darboe’s candidature/leadership is concerned, is only stating the obvious…Though no one should dictate to the UDP, it must understand that the sooner they resolve the leadership issue, the better for all..

    • Papa Kumba Loum

      Bax, as you know, we usually do not read from the same page on many issues especially when it involves PDOIS, but I am man enough to agree with your above opinion. I heard OJ’s extensive interview on the said mater and base on what I heard and read, I have not seen any malicious intent on his part. I know both OJ and Ousainou Darboe and I respect their tenacity (including Halifa Sallah) in fighting tyranny in the Gambia. I however believe that many UDP supporters are overreacting. Some of us have criticized PDOIS and its leadership in the most expressive manner and although PDOIS supporters and sympathizers put up a spirited response and rejoinders countering my perceived anti- PDOIS opinions, it now appears that the UDP also has snipers ready to spray bullets at anyone who dare say anything against Lawyer Ousainou Darboe and the UDP Party. Lets us all try and be tolerant.

  9. Dida Halake

    With respect to BOTH Gentlemen, they should BOTH retire and leave it to a younger leadership. Afterall, they have BOTH led their respective parties for 20 years – with nothing to show for it. Ditto Hamat & Halifa. Sorry, just a thought!

    • Papa Kumba Loum

      Dida, I don’t quite agree with you. Nelson Mandela was leader of the ANC for many years before he became President of South Africa. Having said that, however, I believe that the leaders of the opposition parties need to employ better strategies in every aspect if they are ever going to remove Jammeh. I am afraid that given the current political climate in The Gambia, the opposition leaders and the parties don’t seem organized, funded and managed enough in order to unseat the APRC. Jammeh seems to be dictating events and everyone seems to be reacting to what he says or does. Gambian citizenry seem to be at a loss because of this disorganized political parties. Are the leaders of the opposition parties bankrupt of ideas?? Well sometimes it looks like tehy are and that is why i guess the political vacuum continues to be filled by the monster of Kanilia

      • Dida Halake

        Come, come Pa Kumba, Mandela was breaking rocks in prison all those years. By the way, as Mandela and Winnie walked out of that jail fist clenched in a Black Power salute in 1992, we were watching in London in a Kenyan house over a BBQ with tears in our eyes – tears because we had spent all our adult lives adoring the name Mandela. We also wished the ANC would shoot, yes shoot, Mandela at that moment and achieve two aims: Mandela would have become a Saint – and South Africa would have had a REAL REVOLUTION because the White Apartheid Rulers would have been blamed. Instead Mandela became President and the ANC sold out the Black Majority with the likes of Cyril Ramanposa, now BILLIONAIRE owner of mines, giving the order to kill some fifty black miners. Just listen to Steve Biko’s wife talk – the ANC sold out: and that is Mandela’s legacy. Enough said!

        • Papa Kumba Loum

          Dida you obviously don’t have much admiration for Madiba. Although you are however entitled to your opinion, I think you need to be fair to legacy of Nelson Mandela and not taint him with the current corrupt practices of ANC leaders and or the atrocious shooting of the 50 black miners- This man left power well over a decade and a half ago. I believe that you read and research widely and that being the case, you should be well aware of Madiba’s stance on corruption, greed and oppression and especially so within the ANC and South Africa. Now what are these bullets, assassination of Mandela and chaos you wished for in South Africa??? Dida it appears that you are a true bloodletting revolutionary. I only hope that you won’t consider joining the likes of ISIS.

  10. Lafia Touray la Manju

    Your comment is awaiting moderation…

    Oj is bitter that he never had a chance to Pursue his presidential ambition and he see Darboe as the obstacle. Now he is show the seeds of discord and disunity in the opposition.

    Darboe is well blessed. Just look at the support pouring for him and the over 100,000 people who always vote for him in every election.

    Darboe Jula Sankaranka Boro Boro Ming na ning Kartong Ming na.

  11. OJ is quite right my fellow Gambians


    So, where Ousainou steps aside, OJ may find some new ground? Right?
    The opportunist in OJ, I have always maintained, clearly manifests itself here.
    What is it that OJ has to offer that Ousainou and the UDP couldn’t? At least, the UDP does not have a track record of corruption, dirty politics. The indisputable fact is that OJ, BB, the late Buba Baldeh, James Alkali Gaye, Jane Kolley Faye, Kebba Jallow and a host of other PPP members of parliament rode on and thrived Sir Dawada’s IMMENSE GOODWILL!! They had absolutely nothing to offer The Gambia then and still don’t have anything to offer now!!
    The PPP is moribund and rudderless and whatever vestige is left of it must just go away. A reminder to OJ, BB and others that the only reason they attract a few sympathetic ears is is on account of Gambians in the twenty year age bracket do not know about the PPP scars and all they know is hear say.
    Some of our politicians of old from the PPP, NCP, PDOIS just need to GO AWAY!!

  13. saloum

    ” Kairo News will trash any comment that inflames tribal, racial or religious hatred” wow! this is censorship! Kairo. If anyone express such a view they should be ready to take and defend any reaction that might be directed to them. I don’t think is appropriate for Kairo News to censor anyone as in most of your publications you are advocating for freedom of expression in Yahya Jammeh’s Gambia. This is double standard Kairo, don’t you think so?