
Pax Jammehnica: King Kanilai 1 of The Gambia

King Kanilai 1 & Dida HalakeDear Editor,

I have just returned from a long-weekend in England’s Ashdown Forest (like KK1 and Nyambali Forest, I am always inspired by the magic of the forest!) to find much hullabaloo by my Gambian Diaspora fans about the fact that His Excellency Alhaji Dr. (etc.) Yahya AJJ Jammeh could be formally declared de-jure  King of The Gambia. Of course we all agree that KK1 has been de-facto King of The Gambia for the last two decades.

Has he done well during the last two decades to deserve the KK1 title? I concede at once that there is much debate and good argument on both sides as to whether KK1’s rule has over the last twenty years been good for The Gambia. I also concede that I would be in an extremely low Diaspora Gambian minority in saying that KK1’s rule has been good for The Gambia over the last twenty years  for two reasons:-

  1. The first reason is quite simply Pax Jammehnica itself: the peace that has reigned over The Gambia for the last twenty years while much war and destruction has ensued all over the world (all the bloodshed thanks to Pax Americana!).


  1. The second reason is that KK1’s reign over the last twenty years has been crucial in getting the economically developed world to treat KK1’s subjects with due respect – and accord them the rights to work, learn and earn in the West. This has in turn established a vibrant Gambian Diaspora in the West which has contributed massively through remittances to the development of the mother country.

My Gambian Diaspora fans objections to the enthronement of King Kanilai 1 is twofold:-

  1. We haven’t had a democratic agreement to it;
  2. Kingship is not appropriate for modern advanced societies.

My answers to these objections are equally short:-

  1. A referendum will be held in The Gambia before the enthronement of KK1 – this will give Gambians in Gambia a chance to say no or yes to KK1’s enthronement (unfortunately, Diaspora Gambians have been too infected by Americanism and MacDonald’s to be given the vote!);


  1. As to the claim that “kingship is not appropriate for modern societies”, one just needs to look at the most peaceful and advanced countries in the world to see that monarchy has been good for them: United Kingdom, Norway, Sweden, Spain, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, King Hirohito’s Japan, etc, etc. By contrast, republican USA is a thoroughly violent society – look at what happened in Ferguson last week, look at the statistics of 20 people being shot dead in 12 hours in Chicago. By contrast KK1’s Gambia, King Hirohito’s Japan, QE2’s United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Norway are very peaceful places.

Finally, as with United Kingdom, the democratic process can flourish under a monarchy – and I am sure KK1 would happily dispense with the running of a government and leave that to a democratically elected Prime Minister of The Gambia.

Finally, a point for my number one fan Lafia la Manju Touray: Lafia would have no objections to monarchy if KK1 had been a Mandinka. But infact, the best monarch is always the one from the minority tribes. For example, Queen Elizabeth II of United Kingdom (who has reigned for sixty-two years!) is from the minority German tribe that immigrated to UK some 400 years ago – while the King of Spain is from the minority Moroccans (Moors) who used to rule Spain some 400 years ago.

Thank you, editor, over to my fans!

Dida Jallow-Halake (aka His Highness Hail Haile-Halake!)


  1. Scarlet Pimpernel

    I wish none of the guys in the bantaba reply to your cheap taunts. Dida,saying that peace has reigned the Gambia for the past two decades is false. By the way, what’s your definition of peace. A place where people are disappearing broad daylight, secret killings etc , and you call that peace? Go tell that to the families of my cousin Koro Ceesay whose both parents died without justice.
    As for Jammeh being crowned king, they can call him or make him Allah for all I care. It’s because of people like you who form part of this fanfare for your own interests.

  2. Dida!
    In the name The Gambian diaspora, I ask you to shut the xxx up and stop making fun of our plight. Stop playing with our emotions. Enough is enough. Your pieces are very annoying in our moment of distress. Is no time for the sacarsm. The dictatorship shall be beheaded and thrown into the dustbin it belongs

    • Dida Halake

      Calm Down Jallow (MK??)!!! Like I said, “there are good arguments on both sides” – and Pimpo has, rather lamely, put some of the other sides arguments. But, I am sure that if the situation under His Highness KK1’s reign is as bad as you all say, you would all have put your Pettinesses aside and formed a United Front with one presidential candidate to face HH KK1. Even Sidia Jatta has argued this past week in Sweden that a united opposition would defeat KK1 in an election (although HH halifa Sallah 1 only managed 2% last time!!). If the Gambian Opposition does not see the need to put up a United Front to face HH KK1, then things are not as bad as you all put it!!! Simple as that! Over 2 U – Jallow.

  3. jadous

    This piece is misleading to say that the crime in non monarch countries the likes of United States is a default of Mr halaki intellect. The problems he is documenting are the result of fighting monarchies that had use humanity as a material to be used and discarded.

    • Sarjo Bayang

      When Halake writes, he does so with calculated thoughtfulness much as some readers may find his take not their way. Salute to you Halake !!

      About the matter of mounting the Kaniali Crown, may be little more light will bring the picture clearer. Neither Halake nor the compact majority of those wishing to see formal declaration of monarchy in Gambia, have on the table good reason (s) to establish the move is feasible. In first place, desire to be ruled by monarchy is not felt-need of gambians by any form of expression. No study has been carried to give people better reason(s) for switching from current political dispensation even though that by itself being subjected to cruel butchering by the man who wants to be king now. Secondly, even if all studies confirm feasibility and viability of Gambia under monarchy, Yaya Jammeh is not the right person. Here is a person who invaded with guns to steal the seat of presidency without due process. After 20 years he must not be allowed to change from democracy to monarchy. Worst of it all, Gambians deserve to make an informed choice. It is wrong for Yaya to steal power, misruled for 20 years, and then abandon the good seat of presidency then choose to be named king. Gambians need a total break from Yaya after he grossly abused political power to build his material and financial power at very high cost. He got to be reasonable. With these few reasons, Your Highness, Halake, there is no better occasion helping to sound good sense in your friend so that he leaves in peace rather than having to be left in pieces. At least there is one very sensible person (your good self Halake) capable of injecting better sense in Jammeh after everyone else failed doing so in 20 years. You can do it Halake. Go ahead..

  4. Bax

    Who are you provoking. .? Bax or Lafia..? Word of advice…Never a good idea to provoke your in-laws at the approach of a cold season, never mind European Winter…Or else, you will be spending many a lonely night, in a cold bed…!!!!!

    Don’t say you’ve not been warned…!!

  5. Dida Halake

    Sarjo says: “Your Highness, Halake, there is no better occasion helping to sound good sense in your friend so that he leaves in peace rather than having to be left in pieces. At least there is one very sensible person (your good self Halake) capable of injecting better sense in Jammeh after everyone else failed doing so in 20 years. You can do it Halake. Go ahead..”

    Halake says: Sarjo, I am wise enough to know when I have been beaten by a wiser head! Goodnight.

  6. Jarjue

    You have to understand Dida had a good life in The Gambia until it was messed up by his stupid accusation of Amadou Samba. This is what brought him down.

    If he can be honest and explain for all the accusations that ran between the two and that this led to his jailing and subsequent deportation from Gambian soil.

    We are all Gambians and for one person or family to want to claim kingship or monarchy will NEVER happen.

    Dida why don’t you push for this in Ethiopia and focus on that country and leave Gambia alone as you are history.

    You have tried all routes to want to get back to Gambia.

    If you continue writing I shall send the online papers the real beef that led to your downfall and all the dealings as you know I know.

    Remember the 400k that led to your downfall.

  7. Dida Halake

    Jarjue says: “If you continue writing I shall send the online papers the real beef that led to your downfall and all the dealings as you know I know. Remember the 400k that led to your downfall.”

    Halake says: Jarjue you must have been sleeping! I actually gave the 400K story to the online papers in my “Interview of the Decade”!!! Don’t you think that I should be proud of having the balls to demand 400K taken from the Daily Observer unlawfully from Amadou Samba?? Please tell the story. And: add that I had the balls (or cheek) to send Amadou’s driver away because he did not bring 10 dalasis to pay for the paper!!!

    Please give Kairo News a good story!

  8. Jarjue


    You made people believe there was a theft from observer when you yourself had no clue about the transaction in question.

    What you did and you always do is – you hurriedly fabricated that 400k was missing so as to score browny points. When you took over observer rather than focus on it’s growth and building it, you were more focused on looking at the past ills and in so you spent more time lying about things that never was or were just to get close to the big man.

    Your lies of the 400k was a lie and remember at the airport when you were snubbed? From then on you were arrested matters on the 400k investigated and the legitimacy of the transaction verified.

    This coupled with your lies untrustworthiness was the final straw.

    Prove me wrong on this matter. Prove to the world that you just do not want to be close to the big man and you would say or do anything to be close to him.

    Don’t you know the big man cannot stand or stomach your presence.

    Give up do something with yourself forget Gambia. You are not Gambian and we shall see that your presence will NOT be welcomed here.

    Round 2 if you continue we continue.

  9. Scarlet Pimpernel

    Hallelujah @jarjue

  10. Jason Miller

    Spill the beans brother Jarjue. Someone should expose this guy . Please spill the beans and bury this shameless old man once and for all

  11. Dida Halake

    Jason Miller says: “Spill the beans brother Jarjue. Someone should expose this guy . Please spill the beans and bury this shameless old man once and for all”.

    Halake says: “I agree with you Jason!!!!! I asked Jarjue to write a FULL EXPOSE for KairoNews – not this little tit-bits!! Come on Jarjue, you have TWO requests now!!”

  12. Jarjue


    Qu1 did you loose the accusation of the 400k? Yes or No.

    Qu2 were you snubbed by the big man before your arrest? Yes or No.

    Qu3 did you tell lies about Past MD’s of observer? Yes or no.

    Qu4 at the police hq in Banjul were you not told that the 400k was a legitimate transaction and after that you were deported?

    Qu5 have you not tried to by any means necessary try to get close to the big man?

    Qu6 why Gambia and not Ethopia as you have ties there and lots you can do there?

    Qu7 name one positive thing you can be notable for at the observer.

    Qu8 do you remember the subcontracting of the main printing jobs?

    Qu9 are you happy in uk? Yes or no.

    Qu10 what motivates you to lie.

  13. maba jammeh

    Kingship in the Gambia will lead to destruction, mayhem, split and Tribal war. Believe it or not, Gambians have been in pain both in and out for so long. Jammeh knows kingship will wipe his family history out of the Gambia. He know that. History repeats itself.

  14. Jarjue


    I see you ve drowned with the little questions that needed a simple yes or no answer.
    You failed with 0 %.
    You see I am going to start with every article you write … Your true intention and what you are trying to achieve.
    During the time of your spell at the police HQ we learnt that you would lie about anyone just to be close to the big man and be in gambia.
    The signs are there for you to see we and the big man do not want need or will allow you to come to The Gambia.
    You are understood to even compare the big man with un religious acronym just to get admired but sorry you have expired.