
University Chief Fooled MPs


Speaker Abdoulie Bojang was fooled by Prof. Kah!

The Vice Chancellor of the University of the Gambia had fooled Members of Parliament, investigators proved.

“It has been revealed that the National Assembly Select Committee on Education paid a visit to the University of the Gambia following an elaborate report presented to the Assembly by Professor Muhammadu Kah. However to their dismay, what was presented to the Assembly and what prevails on the ground were far from matching,” investigators from the National Drug Enforcement Agency wrote in their 2011 report.

“It has been confirmed by the Gambia Public Procurement authority (GPPA) report on the University of the Gambia that the institution is not working in compliance with the GPPA rules of procurement, thus seriously flouting the said rules and doing things the way the Vice Chancellor and his administration likes.”

The report also revealed that the Gambia College has no Principal and a Registrar, as Prof. Kah accredited himself as the “overseer” and receiving the necessary allowance of D13,000 to that end, even though he visits the College once in a while,

Under the Vice Chancellorship of Prof. Kah, NDEA officers wrote, the trend that the University is taking apparently suggests that it is moving from the traditional British system to the American system which is alien to the Gambian Education System and basically, his style of administration has relegated the progress of the university, and the atmosphere at the UTG now is that everyone is aggrieved.



  1. Lafia Touray la Manju

    Jerre Jeff professor Kah. Sa Ndeye Sai na loll.


  2. Abba Ceesay

    This so-called professor’s backyard is loaded with filth.

  3. Lafia Touray la Manju

    He is still getting his money Abba, and that’s what matters to him.


  4. Abba Ceesay

    You’re right Great Lafia.

  5. karamo

    one day he will fool his very self and very soon……

  6. Kareem

    Yes he is still getting his money but everyday for the thief and one day for the owner. Nemesis will catch up with Kah.. Jammeh seem to be too lenient with him. Can you imagine Kah has been out of the country since the 5th of June, 2014 on frivolous journeys at the expense of UTG. Kah and Dr Jah have ruined UTG beyond comprehension.At UTG, husband and wife run the show and the rest are spectators. Wife nominated for a PhD by the husband and the list goes on——When will Yahya Jammeh answer to our prayers—-.

  7. Bajaw

    Kareem, Jammeh will only answer when he’s sure he’s got no more use for Kah doing dirty jobs for him. Kah & some of his incompetent colleagues are in yaya’s villas with house rent paid to yaya from the University, & how much could yaya himself be fiddling out as Chancellor-in-chief through Kah the vice…..?

  8. Lafia Touray la Manju

    Kareem, that is exactly the reason I said “Ndeye Prof. Kah Sai na loll”.


  9. Kareem

    Yaya Jammeh spoke about lack of humility and arrogance by some public officials. Did he know that so-called Prof Kah is the most arrogant Gambian public officer. Kah will fight, scream and threaten death whenever given an economy class ticket to travel. Kah has been doing this countless times. Some times he will travel on business class when the head of delegation will be in econony class.
    Did Yaya Jammeh know that UTG is indeed a University of MBOKA-FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS?
    OK carefully look at this:
    Muhammed Kah and Dr Jah(cousin brothers)
    Dr JAH and Madam Jah-Husband and wife at the same time in-law to Prof Kah
    Naffy Hydara, Ami Hydara Jah -Director of HR, Cheikh Tijan Hydara-Director of Institutional Research and Sheriff Hydara-siblings). At the same time in-law to Dr Jah and Muhammed Kah
    Jainaba Kah and Muhammed Kah-husband and wife and in law to Dr Jah
    Alieu Mass Kah-Finance Manager-Cousin to Kah and Jah
    We are told Dr JAH AND mUHAMMED kAH recently nominated the following to PURSUE graduate programmes in Europe leaving out more qualified candidates.
    Look at the nominations carefully:
    Amy Hydara JAH(Going to study in Portugal)=WIFE TO Dr JAH AND IN LAW TO MUHAMMED KAH
    Majula Kebbeh( Going to study in Lithuania)-Personal Assistant to Dr Jah
    Mam Marie Kah (Going to study in France)-Cousin sister to Dr JAH AND MUHAMMED Kah

  10. Bajaw

    Kareem, I believe yaya jammeh knows all you lament here. Kah is safe as long as he does yaya’s evil services. Yaya is the MOST corrupt & arrogant amongst state payees; his incompetent round-peg relatives are placed in square holes both within Gambia & overseas in Ambassadorial jobs, etc…. Yaya isn’t one to talk about humility, as he parades about like a god, when in fact he is Satanic chief-Lucifer.

  11. Janko Camara

    Baks, whilst your views appear quite logical and convincing, I think you are being too pessimistic and your views seem to suggest someone struggling within the box when they have an opportunity to explore beyond the confines of the box. I said this because, obviously, there is something we can pick from what you said in your attempt to compare Gambia with Senegal and that is:

    The fact that the Gambia’s current electoral system is designed to recognize the “first past the post” only, this provides enough reason for parties to come together to contest the polls as a united front. What I am saying is that within the current systemic weakness, political parties could still rally around the bigger party and contest the polls to dislodge the incumbent. The basis for such a coalition could be a strong MOU subscribed to and signed by all the parties defining the character and responsibility of the government that wins on the back of such a coalition. With such a government, the first five or so years could be used to correct the country’s battered Constitution; overhaul the entire political and electoral process; initiate democratic reforms; restore our basic rights as a people; etc. At the end of the 5 years, that government would have to resign and an interim government set up (for 3 months) just to conduct new general elections in which a leveled playing field will be created for all parties to partake.

    Baks, whether we like it or not, the truth is that the average Senegalese voter is far more educated politically that their Gambian counterpart. Therefore, a party (like the UDP) that has a far general acceptance from the electorate (based on their performance in previous polls) is likely to succeed in any coalition against the incumbent than any lesser known party(ies). You and I (with some fair level of intellectual sophistication) can better relate to PDOIS and we wished they could be given the opportunity to rule The Gambia, but the average Gambian voter does not have that level of sophistication and information to make decisions (through their votes) based on issues. Instead they are mainly concerned with such things as “Baks does not go to people’s ceremonies or otherwise; he does not interact with people; etc. therefore, he does not deserve our votes”. Whilst this may be true about Baks, they have little bearing on his ability to direct the affairs of the country. But who cares about such fine qualities in Baks. So this sordid reality must be understood and dealt with in a pragmatic manner rather than brushing it aside. Remember, within the time-span allowed for electoral campaign by the regime in Banjul, there is no amount of voter education that can change this voter mentality in the short run. So let us take practical measures to match short term challenges emanating from the environment.