
Jammeh Has Lost The Plot

The Gambian clever jack, President Yahya Jammeh, has mounted his high horse again chasing an elusive dream. President Jammeh has lately bubbles so much negative energy for the West that he unwittingly vents his unspent anger on Gambians to attract the attention of the West. Let us for a moment take out the political animosity from the equation and assess the burning issues objectively.

Within the space of a week, President Jammeh had uttered chilling and nauseating threats and remarks that left people pondering whether he is really sane. Whatever he got from his recent visit in Nigeria, it has only fuelled his bloated ego to showcase his gullibility and leadership flaws. Firstly, he threatened Gambians that anyone who dares take to the streets to exercise their political rights and/or manifest their dissatisfaction of his regime will be crushed mercilessly. Perhaps what he is yet to understand is forbidden fruits taste sweetest. Suppressing a people only plants the seeds of will and determination to break free in their hearts and minds; hence the adage โ€œa dictator can repressed a people for a while but can never suppress an ideologyโ€. Albeit, I have no iota of doubt that he will kill and maim demonstrators just like he killed the April 10 and 11 students, yet he cannot change or halt the wind of change blowing in the Gambian atmosphere. In other words, Gambians will eventually revolt against his tranny even if they have to endure being riddled by bullets rained by his killer elite force.

Like a sadist who derives pleasure by inflicting pain on another, Jammeh always staggers on the wrong side of history by gaffing disgraceful rhetoric to spotlight his incompetence. He told Gambian legal minds that there is no judiciary in the world that is free. He postulated that every government meddles with its judicial system. He can speak for himself like the Wolof teaches ku neeka mo ham maaty la lam. He has only confirmed the fears of many that his invisible hand of jungle justice is behind all judgements of politically and economically motivated cases in the Gambian judiciary. As far as he continues to the caretaker of government, Gambians can kiss goodbye to fair and just dispensation of justice.

The most worrying threat made by Dictator Jammeh recently is his vow to discard the English language as Gambiaโ€™s official language for a local language. The Gambia unlike other countries such as Kenya, South Africa and Senegal there is no single local language which is fluently spoken by all Gambians. For example almost all Senegalese speak Wolof and Kenyans speak Swahili. In the case of the Gambia which language is it; Wolof, Fula, Mandinka, Jola or Sarahule? The reality is that is a far-fetched dream given the circumstances and feasibilities. There are a number of factors which as at now make it quiet impossible for President Jammeh to relegate the English language as unofficial for Gambia. First and foremost, how many of the civil servants are literate on any of the Gambian local languages? How long will it take to school government officials to be able to read and write in the local languages? Secondly, on the international platform how will the Gambia conduct its import and export transactions?

Babucarr Darboe

Chelmsford, Essex, UK


1 Comment

  1. Limbo

    Jammeh is an idiot if he make the official language Jola I will make it a Fula and we see who will be winning LOL. Anyway we will see how we going to do the figures in the Banks and how Doctors will write their prescriptions for the Patience. I have never seen a stupid person not a leader like jammeh in my life. We Gambians let us not take notice of Jammeh he is a dead man walking and he is talking out of his xxx.