
Nogoi Explains Her Torture Ordeal; Confirms Solo Died Of Torture

IMG-20160504-WA0005The woman who has been held since April 14th has explained how she was horrendously tortured by Gambian security agents at the National Intelligence Agency in Banjul. In a sworn affidavit on May 11th in Banjul, Nogoi Njie also confirmed that Solo Sandeng was brutally tortured and that she found him unresponsive.

Attached are the eight page statement. Click the image to enlarge it.  Nogoi 1 Nogoi 2 Nogoi 3 Nogoi 4 Nogoi 5 Nogoi 6 Nogoi 7 Nogoi 8Ends


  1. Gambia.

    May Allah’s curse and wrath be upon Yahya and whoever is helping him harm our people.

    May their lives in this world, their graves and akira be filled with the worst torments from the depth of Hahangnama. Amen Ya Rabbi!

  2. Baba

    It is clear that every word said by Nogoi is true. Strange old men interrogating detainees at NIA headquarters, men dressed in black and wearing black masks and gloves torturing people to death, sheep and cows being brought in – of course from their Kanilai boss – for them to party after their evil deeds. This bears all the marks of the most evil dictatorships in world history. Nogoi’s narrative gives us a glimpse of the dark culture of evil that Yahya Jammeh has created in our country. We know that the men in black are his killers. But who are these strange old men? A dark history unfolds in Jammeh’s Gambia whose details will one day shock the conscience of the world, much like Hitler’s concentration camps shocked the conscience of the world. May the All Mighty God end this evil regime now.

  3. may the evil they did follow them. Amen


    Yaya is the worst person one can ever think ok. Yaya should be executed in public view and his body slice for all Gambian’s to see.

  5. manjou

    Very sad but let see the end of Yaya.really sad.

  6. Joe

    All this arrested protestars are my heros, i pray may ALLAH help them there and guide them from those evils. I wish for all of them to be happy and well free soon to meet the families at home. AMEEN%

  7. Deyda Haidara

    I for one, am not surprise about the “junglers” actions. This has been their modus operandi ever since and their only reward for doing such criminality are sheep, a cow, benachim, drugs, alcahol and rank promotion.
    What surprises me really is the line up of the APRC men for asking the victims after being SEVERELY beaten to join their CRIMINAL party. The APRC is surely and squarely not a political party as we thought of them but rather a criminal political organisation operated just like the Casamance MFDC rebellion’s forceful recruitment exercise in the bushes of Casamance.
    In post Jammeh the APRC must be banned for partaking in a serious violation of human rights in connivance with the NIA.
    My heart bleeds and my mind revolts. Any decent APRC supporter should now resign or banned from attending in any social gathering such as naming ceremonies, marriage ceremonies and burial ceremonies.
    Such human animals do no deserve our social interactions and should be exposed.

  8. Luntango Suun Gann Gi

    Yes, DH, truly shocking. Sheer barbarism. Dodou Manneh is a brave High Court Notary – God keep him safe too.

  9. Bajaw

    Sister Nogoi’s revelation singlehandedly destroyed DEVIL yaya jammeh & devilish elements’ lies, torturous oppressions & murders which have been the orders of day since July 1994…..

    Since Adolf Hitler’s unfortunate gas chambers, why should oppression, torture, sexual molestation & killing of humans be part of, much more tolerated in any decent societies…..

    In failed States such as Gambia since July 1994, it’s all citizens’ responsibilities physically & otherwise to stand-up to defend the Constitutional rights to decency; particularly the opposition leaderships, some of whom have abdicated their pledged responsibilities as required & expected of them with the exception of Ousanou & UDP……

    Whilst it’s all citizens’ collective responsibilities to stand up & be counted in a failed state, it’s more so the various opposition leaders collective & individual responsibilities to “bell the cat” when their required constitutional duties comes calling; as we’ve witnessed in the noble deeds of the electoral reforms demonstrators, & the spontaneous reaction of comrades lawyer Ousainou Darboe & entire UDP leadership…..

    For any struggle to succeed, all citizens & particularly the various opposition leaders must be prepared to forgo our individual & communal PRIVILEGES in comparison to our individual & communal RIGHTS to existence as a people…..

    Just like yaya kanilai Killer DEVIL always does with our country & regional & International Community organizations, we CAN’T always cherry-pick what suits us in our interests individually or partisan, & ignore, in attempts to avoid what’s RIGHT & favours us all COLLECTIVELY; this applied selective manipulated exploitation, individually or partisan is the major obstacle to our successful liberation as a country….

    The end product of the Political Reforms Demonstration is for levelled political field for all Gambians to exercise our rights in judicious dispensations of our affairs of State; when this is attained, subsequently the Murderous kanilai Banditry, (which is) wrongly assumed (referred to as) a “regime” will be changed inevitably for our freedoms, which is the aim & goals of all genuine Gambians & friends….

    In struggles, just like ours, we have moles & selfish ulterior motivated politicians; who are prepared to go any lengths, to hijack for selfish aggrandizement ends; or otherwise sabotage for the continued entrenchments of the status quo; long as it’s not theirs to manipulate for selfish kanilai-type aggrandizement….

    In trying to defeat murderous autocratic dictatorships just like ours, ALL avenues must be exploited & set to play to successfully counter & liberate a people; (in that) all areas NECESSARY including those temporarily affecting the people themselves, MUST be applied, if (when) they are areas being vitally manipulated by the dictatorship for their very survival….

    Hence the EU proposed targeted sanctions, the temporary UN peace keeping missions ban being advocated & called for, alongside others (to be determined), will undoubtedly affect us TEMPORARILY as the citizens but are all vitally geared towards our successful liberation in LONG-TERM, which will all be reinstated after the Murderous kanilai DEVIL’s demise….

    For us to succeed in this our struggle, ALL must be prepared to contribute our constitutional quotas truthfully; but NOT in trying to cherry-pick what temporally benefits us individually & partisan, whilst (especially when this is) counterproductive for our total liberation & long-term survival as a people….

  10. My Sister, Nogoi Njie

    I have no words to say, I am crying. Nogoi, you are my sister, you are a Gambian mother, may Allah be with you. Allah, The Most Powerful, I entrust my sister, Nogoi Njie, to You. I entrust to You, Allah, The Most Powerful, my sister Nogoi and all other defenseless innocent women and men of the Gambia. My Lord, Allah, Nogoi does not know who are the strange old men, and she does not know who are the men in black masks and black gloves, but You know them, You are the All-knowing and the All-seeing, You know and see a tiny black ant on a black rock in a thick light blocking forest during a dark cloudy night. Surely, You know and see the old strange men and the men in black masks and black gloves, whom my beloved sister and a Gambian compassionate mother, Nogoi, does not know. They hide from my sister, but they cannot hide from You, my Lord. They have defaced and degraded Your lovely creature, whom you created in your own image and gave your own spirit. They have challenged you, they have vowed to do mischief on the earth by destroying Your woderful images and spirits, and that nothing would come out of it, and that anyone who opposed their mischief could go to hell. But, my Lord, You too have vowed that those who do mischief on Your earth would never escape from You. Surely, they can never escape from You for two simple undeniable existential facts: they live on your earth that does not weigh to You a weight of a mosquito’s wing, and they cannot stop the time, which is driving them ever closer to You. Today, they are enjoying sheep and cow meat to celebrate the degrading of Allah’s image and spirit; tomorrow, that meat will be witnesses against them, their cells and skins will be witnesses against. My Lord, do not make their tomorrow long overdue. You have the power to change a condition within an eye’s blink, Your lovely creature and wonderful spirit, my sister, Nogoi Njie, cannot wait any more. She wants Your urgent help now, please, come to her help.

  11. Bax

    I wish to add my voice to the voices of all who abhor this barbaric act. There is no place for such inhuman and sadistic behaviour in any society, let alone, one that is supposed to be Islamic. This just exposes the fraudulent nature of, and sinister motives for, Jammeh’s “Islamic Republic” declaration.

    I wish to also express my deepest sympathies to Madam Nogoi Njie ( and the rest) for the unjustified pain and humiliation she was subjected to by these animals, whose only difference with the wild, is their human forms.

    It is indeed a testimony of Madam Njie”s courage and determination not to be cowed into silence and submission, that she was able to recollect so much, under such extremely difficult and life threatening circumstances, and not only has her courage exposed us into the darkest insights of Jammeh’s vile and sick mind, expressed through the workings of his intoxicated agents, it has also provided valuable material that would, no doubt, be useful when the day of reckoning arrives, as it surely would one day.

    I think it is time that APRC officials are confronted with such damming material by all journalists, wherever and whenever possible, to deny them any claims of ignorance of the brutality of their administration, when the day of stock taking arrives.

    Once again, my sympathies to the victims of this barbarian regime that has place in our country, but has continued to squat in our government for two decades ..

    • The Hammer

      Stop the hypocrisy, we all know why Jammeh continues to torture our fellow citizens. If you are sincere you will call you party to stop obstructing unity.

      Meening Meening Tafal Tafal..
      the country is on to you.

      • The Hammer Bax knows very well the readership he is speaking to and not a Hammer which is dumb and deaf and deficient of understanding.

      • Maxs

        The Hammer, Bax is being hypocritical, so don’t mind him. He is on record here blaming the peaceful protesters. He claimed that the protest was poorly planned and messy. He continued on his peace preaching while badmouthing the protesters. His concern was to maintain status quo.

        • Bax

          Please, quote where I bad mouthed the protesters. Do you consider the view I expressed that the Westfield Junction demonstraation was, “Poorly planned” and that the result was “messy”, as bad mouthing..?

          What was the aim of the Westfield demonstration..? Wasn’t it to draw a massive crowd of demonstrators into the streets ..? Fatu Camara’s interview with Solo’s daughter is on YouTube and you can verify this for yourself. Did the crowds come out.?

          If your answer is “Yes”, then my view that it was poorly planned is wrong..

          Can’t you see from Madam Nogoi’s affidavit what a mess this was.? Can’t you see that she was not even a demonstrator.?

          I know you are hailing her as a heroine who went out to demonstrate but that is false.

          Oh yes, she is a heroine, no doubt, but not for the reasons you think.

          She is a heroine because she stood up to the criminals in their own torture Chambers;

          she refused to be cowed into switching her party loyalty;

          she refused to be silenced into submission ;

          she told them, in their faces, that their appeasement was immaterial; and most importantly,

          she exposed them to the entire world and provided vital material for future reference…

          That’s why she is a HERIONE..Not because she was a demonstrator that wants to bring regime change..

          That’s the difference between you and I. I can approach issues from a variety of perspectives, depending on the facts, but your limitations prevent you from being able to do this and that is why you continue charging me with the false label of “hypocrite”.

          My sympathies and understanding for your limitations, but can’t do much about that.

          • Maxs

            Bax , can you please listen to yourself here in these two contradictory statements . Either You have memory problem or you are hypocritical in your statements . Listen to yourself :

            Bax said ” I know you are hailing her as a heroine who went out to demonstrate but that is false ”

            Here is another statement ;

            Bax said ” oh yes . She is a heroine , no doubt but not for the reasons you think ”

            Bax , how can you state two contradictory statements next to each other ? What is wrong with you ? So at one instance Nogoi Njie was not a heroine but another instance she was a heroine . You always involve in double talk . You cannot have it both ways . This is the hypocrisy I always point out in your presentation .
            Even if Ngoi Njie didn’t plan to attend demonstration initially , she did stopped at Westfield and asked solo Sanderg what was going on . She later bought water and stayed with them before attempted to get a taxi to Banjul . She knew solo Sanderg was a member of UDP . Mere fact that she stopped and asked was an indication that she is a patriotic citizen . This is because there were many people who didn’t stopped and joined . I bet you will run away when you know that it was demonstration . So please save us with your illogical and demented explanation .
            Gambian people are with Fatoumata sardeng and her family throughout this crisis . This is why there is daily protest calling for solo to be released dead or alive . You are blind to the truth and that is why you don’t see the truth .
            Your sympathy and concern is not geniune . You will be happy if the status quo remain .

          • Bax

            What you have shown, once again, is your deficiency in understanding what others are saying, and that leads you to wrong conclusions. I can only sympathise with you. Those who can understand and decipher the meaning of simple statements can see that there is no contradiction in my statements.

          • Maxs

            Bax , it seem nobody understand you and every one takes your statement out of context. Your writing are disjointed and word salad .
            Tell us what your leadership is doing in this current situation . Are they giving an adivse to the Dictator ? Where is their leadership ?

  12. Bax you ‘ve earned my respect and admiration in the way you maturely articulate yourself. This is why you ‘ve sentenced Lafia and Dida to silence and submission and the obstinate Max and his likes will soon follow suit. You are the types Gambia needs at this moment but not those who would love to trade insults and profanities against our respectable oppositon leaders, who are acting within the confines of the law for a solution to the problem.

    • Maxs

      Bamba, of course Bax will earn your respect and admiration because you have the same indoctrinated ideas. In this forum, it is only his fellow indoctrinated disciples Without any independent thinking who continue to agree with his distorted, confused and hypocritical views. If Gambia needs the types of Bax as key players or contributors then our country is in trouble. Bax being a supporter of people dictatorship organization of indocrinated socialists (pdois) have demonstrated that he didn’t care for general welfare of Gambians as long as negative peace (peace without tension) prevail in the country. He didn’t care for positive peace (peace with justice) which is why he continue his negative propaganda in an efforts to discourage every geniune actions.
      Tell us what your party leadership are doing regarding the current issue. That is what we want to hear than to make another outlandish claim that they working within the confines of law.

      • kamalo

        Max, you are beginnng to sound like your chief nemisis the one who occupies the seat at State House.

        You remember when he referred to NADD as National Association of Donkey Drivers or something to that effect. You are stooping to the same low in your condescending remarks about PDOIS.

        And what it does is that nobody takes you seriously. You are just using this medium to vent out your anger and frustration. You can do better than this.

        • Maxs

          Kamalo . Tell us what your leadership is doing right to contribute their quote solving current crisis . Instead of fighting for common interest ,your leader has just come up wiith his ideas to promote his selfish interest . You the indoctrinated people are falling for it .

          • kamalo

            Max, I have responded to you query above. I am yet to see it posted.

          • Comment by post author

            Kamalo, we have not seen your comment. Can you post it again? Thanks

          • kamalo

            Editor: It is unfortunate that I do not make a draft first when I post. I just write on the comment box and post. I will find time and respond again.

          • Matty Jobe

            Max given time please write an article about this important point. Gambians need to see PDOIS for what they truly represent.

  13. Max calm down and cut the scrap. Your arguments are devoid of objectivity and reasonability. You are just a busybody on this from and what the Gambian erudite political heavyweight Halifa Sallah refers to as cyber warrior, thus reducing yourself to a meaningless proverb in the ectoplasm of existential defination. No wonder you don’t speak for the UDP executive who must have been appreciative of the efforts of the opposition leaders in their this trying times.

    • Maxs

      Bamba , before we start any meaningful debate , can you please tell the readership what people dictatorship organization of indocrinated socialists ( pdois ) have done in this current political tension which will make UDP leadership appreciative of them ?
      Please stop reducing yourself and mr sallah to a laughing stock by your reference of him as an erudite political heavyweight . Mr sallah is the most dislike politician in The Gambia , nobody like him and he hates everybody . Even Dictator jammeh has better score than him in terms of likeability . His poor rating and political performance over 40 years is an indication of highest negativity. Mr sallah is the Ted Cruz of The Gambia . Mr sallah cannot work with anyone except himself . He needs to be at UTG where he can lecture sociology even with that his students will give him poor rating because he didn’t know how to summarize his points much more to do power point presentation .

      • Morro

        Max, I like your well thought analyses and the critical and mature approach you take when looking at issues. Above all without fear!

        • Maxs

          thanks morro , these are confused people.

    • Bax

      Thank you Bamba. He doesn’t speak for.anybody and anyone who differs with him must be an indoctrinated disciple of PDOIS. Incredible

  14. No amount of verbal pomposity will be able to stray the future generations of the Gambia from reasoning that is free of all forms of indoctrination and abstract political ideologies. The crap will mound if anyone thinks some scrap got to cut here. Another idea of ‘erudite political heavyweights’ could be those who lead ordinary masses into action, leaving their beloved ones at home, and not those who expect to be led by the politically unsophisticated masses. Referring to anyone here in the forums as ‘cyber warrior’ is the most exhausted effort one can demonstrate here in the Gambia’s national debate. Everyone here might have agreed or disagreed with someone here, but we hope the ‘point making’ or ‘point losing’ doesn’t embolden or marginalise any folks stipulated constitutional rights respectively.

    The opposition leaderships can keep their parties strategies and moves secret though, the online forums in my point of view are ‘shoot off platforms’ for a democratic people of the Gambia in the future.@I think I should urge @Max and everybodyelse in the forums to sharpen their pencils even if @Max particularly, need clean the tip of his pencil a bit and that is to say; refrain from vulgarity.

    • Maxs

      Ggapm thank you. Pdois claimed that they are the most educated Gambians and the rest of us are dump people . I will sharpen my pencil to ensure that dishonesty and selfishness does not prevail on this page . They stand for nothing . Our people are being killed by Yaya Jammeh and these clueless people are busy making false propaganda . Halifa is a very selfish person who will never be president in The Gambia . He knows that . If he want he can release countless press release every day but he is not going to be president .

      • Lets keep it up @Max.
        Well, I would say, statesmen and citizens aspiring leadership should be in the forefront, especially in demonstrations that are meant to bring about a democratic civil society. It is of my view that, neither dictatorship, communism nor fascism will have a place in the mindsets of this generations’ Gambians.

        • Ggapm, every political entity has its agenda and tactics to employ at each given time and circumstance. You will come to appreciate that only when you run an enterprise such as a political party. A political party is only dictated to by its members especially when it comes to matters like demonstrations, etc.I definitely agree with you that dictatorship, communism and fascism have no place in Gambia. However, how to bring that change about is the crucial question that should exercise everyone’s mindset.

      • kamalo

        Max, you are wrong. PDOIS did not make the claim that they are the most educated Gambians. You are the one who is making that supposition. You are the one who is also saying that the rest of us are dump people.

        This is the problem that almost all of the PDOIS critics have, including your very self:

        1. They attribute statements to PDOIS that PDOIS does not make.

        2. They assign positions to PDOIS that PDOIS does not take.

        And based on these wrong assumptions they create their own arguments, and not only that, but bring PDOIS into the fray with their outlandish claims.

        This is intellectual dishonesty. This is being disingenuous. It makes your whole argument lack merit and sincerity.

        There is nothing wrong if you state your position on how you want our country to be govern.

        But it is wrong if you want to impose your position on how our country should be govern on others. More so when they do not share the same position with you.

        This is exactly what you have been doing, over and over again, in all your arguments that concerns PDOIS in general and Haifa in particular. It is just a futile exercise.

        You cannot change PDOIS. Neither can you change Halifa.

        You can heap insults, make false accusations and ridicule both PDOIS and Halifa. It wouldn’t change anything. Get over your act.

  15. Maxs

    Matty Jobe , I will be working on that to tell Gambians who are these so called intellectuals who are follow by few indoctrinated and confused people . The problem with PDOIS is that it is cult like organization which leadership has some form of intellectual mystification in their followers mind. They have operate on the same strategy as Dictator Jammeh . The only reason these followers have such strong support for the leadership is their belief in Authority’s appeal or so called expertise of the leadership. They failed to critically examine the appeal of PDOIS.

    • kamalo

      “Matty Jobe , I will be working on that to tell Gambians who are these so called intellectuals who are follow by few indoctrinated and confused people .”

      Max, stop deluding yourself. You do not have the intellectual acumen to take on those you called indoctrinated and confused people, much more those who are indoctrinating and making them confused. You have to get pass us first before you can even get to them.

      “The problem with PDOIS is that it is cult like organization which leadership has some form of intellectual mystification in their followers mind.”

      Max, I wonder what is so cult-like about PDOIS. You do not know that is why you are not telling us. PDOIS is a phenomenon. It has been and will ever be.

      Just because you cannot understand or explain this phenomenon doesn’t make it a cult. PDOIS has thoroughly explained and make itself understood. You just don’t want to understand. You want PDOIS to be something else. The figment of your imagination.

      “They have operate on the same strategy as Dictator Jammeh . The only reason these followers have such strong support for the leadership is their belief in Authority’s appeal or so called expertise of the leadership. They failed to critically examine the appeal of PDOIS.”

      Listen to yourself, Max. The lack of coherence or any semblance to a genuine inquiry is depicted in these convoluted phrases, “belief in Authority’s appeal” and “expertise of leadership”. What the hell are you talking about?

  16. The Hammer

    Max do you think we are dealing with only a few indoctrinated and confused disciples? I asked because they seems to me everywhere and well organized.

    I see a paradigm shift, though slow I think more and more Gambians are beginning to figure out what PDOIS stands for. No matter now many press releases they put out Gambians are beginning to see that the party exist for the sake of the few individual rather than for the Gambia.

    The ideals of these few individuals are more important than the interest of the state. To PDOIS APRC staying in power is better than a UDP party lead opposition that can flush out APRC.

    It defies common sense why a 3 percent party refuses to join a bigger party to attain a common goal.

    This has lead me to believe that PDOIS is equally guilty of the crimes meted against Gambia by APRC.

    The sooner, and the more they are exposed for what they are the better for Gambia.

    What they need to figure out is the this is not 1980s Gambia where only a few citizens have degrees.

    History will not judge PDOIS kindly.

    I bet when pushed each and every other opposition will agree to join a party lead union.

    I wish more people with your skills and ability can join the campaign of exposing these fraudsters

    • kamalo

      “Max do you think we are dealing with only a few indoctrinated and confused disciples? I asked because they seems to me everywhere and well organized.”

      Hammer, thanks for the compliment. We are indeed well organized, both in our conduct and also in our ability to understand and respond to the evolving political crises in our country, with frankness and objectivity.

      “I see a paradigm shift, though slow I think more and more Gambians are beginning to figure out what PDOIS stands for.”

      If Gambians are beginning to figure out what PDOIS stands for, they are a day late and a penny short.

      PDOIS have Gambians figure it out ages and ages ago. The open discussion forums. The symposiums of the eighties. The rallies and political meetings in every part of the country. All genuine Gambians know what PDOIS is all about.

      The Gambians that want PDOIS to be something else, obviously, have a problem with PDOIS. Their agenda is not the party’s agenda. Their political wishful thinking does not resonate with the party’s vision and mission.

      ” No matter now many press releases they put out Gambians are beginning to see that the party exist for the sake of the few individual rather than for the Gambia.”

      And how do the Gambians see that the party exist for the sake of few individuals than for the Gambia?

      You know that there is no serious, critical and objective way you can justify your statement above. You do not create the basis to make that argument, and I wonder what would be the basis of your argument.

      This is one of those off handed remarks that has no merit and should be taken for what it is. Just sheer nonsense.

      “The ideals of these few individuals are more important than the interest of the state. To PDOIS APRC staying in power is better than a UDP party lead opposition that can flush out APRC.”

      The ideals that PDOIS harbor as a party are the ideals that will inform their conduct of the affairs of the state. In this respect they share they same interest with the state. The ideals of the party shall be the ideals of the state as well

      Can a UDP party-led opposition flush out the APRC? And does PDOIS want the APRC to stay in power than a UDP party-led opposition?

      The answer to both questions is not in the affirmative. A UDP party-led opposition cannot flush out the APRC. PDOIS does not want the APRC to stay in power.

      PDOIS does not want the APRC to stay in power, precisely, the reason why it has been campaigning to replace the APRC in power.

      For the UDP being able to flush out the APRC, the political events of the past month or so have proven otherwise. If this was ever in doubt, the political crisis as a result of the peaceful demonstrators, give a clear testimony that the UDP cannot hold its own against the APRC.

      The rest is fast becoming history. Unless something dramatic happens, it is all going to be part of the political narrative of the last 21 years.

      “It defies common sense why a 3 percent party refuses to join a bigger party to attain a common goal.”

      It also defies common sense, why a 3 percent party is constantly berated to go out into the streets to demonstrate, so that the tide can change in favor of a bigger party that is at the mercy of a ruthless regime.

      More so when the goals of the 3 percent party and the goals of the bigger party are yet to have everything or anything in common.

      “This has lead me to believe that PDOIS is equally guilty of the crimes meted against Gambia by APRC.”

      Why? For not going out into the streets? For the 3 percent party refusing to join the bigger party. This should be the only reasons why PDOIS should be guilty of the crimes meted out against Gambians? Are you for real?

      “The sooner, and the more they are exposed for what they are the better for Gambia.”

      You are certainly doing a good job in your exposure. What a joke.

      “What they need to figure out is the this is not 1980s Gambia where only a few citizens have degrees.”

      What does it matter if it was in the 1980s or now. Nothing has changed. PDOIS has been consistent in their agenda; their programs, their mission and vision, and their political objectives and goals. They have been sincere to their beliefs and they have uphold their principles. What more do you guys want?

      “History will not judge PDOIS kindly.”

      History will judge PDOIS very, very kindly.

      “I bet when pushed each and every other opposition will agree to join a party lead union.

      I wish more people with your skills and ability can join the campaign of exposing these fraudsters”

      Good luck in your campaign. We are here waiting for you. We will know who are the fraudsters.


  17. Kaironews, please keep the pages open so that all shades of opinion are heard. Maxs and his few followers should not dominate the pages with confustion and vulgarity. The merits of Kairo are above little minds like Max. PDOIS did not register as a party to be dictated by those who have ulterior agendas. PDOIS is dictated to by its members alone and can be influenced by sensible analysts only not these arrogant few who do not have any clue as to how societies are organized. Sooner rather than later it will become clear that those who opt for violence and disorganization because of their personal inclinations are the biggest losers.

    • Comment by post author

      You are writing as if you have not been following the debates on the comment section. The pages are open and will remain so. If you have anything to write about the topics being discussed the ball is in your court. Thanks. Editor

    • Maxs

      Come on Yero Ba , please be fair and honest. Tell us the relationship between your leadership and Dictator Jammeh. Why is he silence at this hour when he should show leadership if he is not truly in bed with the dictator ?

  18. Editor: Thank you for your reassurance. My experience appears to be different.

  19. The Hammer

    Haha @ Yerro Ba

    Max you are making the PDOIS folks cry to the head master. Please stop exposing them.

  20. Maxs

    Hammer , don’t mind Yero Ba , he is complaining and he refused to tell us what is his party doing to ensure electoral reforms

    • The Hammer

      They are under pressure they cannot press release themselves out of this one. Now that Gambians know the difference I hope fewer people listen to them. If PDOIS doesn’t change direction soon they will render the party useless.

      A party cannot be about a few individuals and their outdated ideology

      • Hammer, where pressure is is known to all those who have brains to think. PDOIS has already clarified the option they wish to take and all clear thinking people have acknowledged that option.Many people are of the view that PDOIS should not waste their time on something that has nothing to do with them. However, PDOIS leadership appears to have taken time to contribute to resolving the crisis which deeply affects a sister party. I hope the UDP does not listen to you people who have ulterior motives to use them for their nefarious agenda for which they knew nothing about. Sooner or later it will become clearer.

  21. Maxs, what is your party doing to ensure electoral reforms? What I know is that my party together with other parties in the opposition have formed GOFER (Gambia Opposition For Electoral Reform) or better known as GROUP OF SIX. I am not aware of any other agenda with regards to such. If you know one please inform me.

  22. Can’t be about the UDP.., a reckless question like, ‘what is your party doing to ensure electoral reforms?’ or say,’heartless question’
    Only a true democratic process can let scrap like this to unfold.

  23. Ggapm, you are right, the question Maxs is asking “what is your party doing to ensure electoral reforms?” is a reckless and heartless question devoid of commonsense.

    • But you can see that you didn’t quote @Max then, so therefore only returned his question……..isn’t it? Great to know that @Max’s got one more follower.
      @Yerro, I can see that the PDOIS line-up of ‘cyber militants’ are growing old and tired. Kamalo goes as far as, ‘ I don’t make drafts first when I’m making comments’ or however he framed it.
      You can’t believe someone is thinking that folks necessarily have to make a draft in responding to comments online. Too much of drafts are nothing but preparedness to get as slippery as an eel in this case. Hope time schedule allows me to read all of folks contributions and comments which is of a much bigger priority in my opinion.

  24. kamalo

    “@Yerro, I can see that the PDOIS line-up of ‘cyber militants’ are growing old and tired. Kamalo goes as far as, ‘ I don’t make drafts first when I’m making comments’ or however he framed it.”

    Ggapm, far from it. We are not growing old neither are we tired. We will always endeavor to make sense out of your senseless ramblings.

    The reason I responded to the editor that I do not make drafts first before I post, is the fact that he asked me to repost my comment. I could not repost the comment because I have already posted it. It was a very lengthy post too. If I had a draft I could have reposted it.

    The good thing is that I can remember most of the points I have highlighted in that post. May be I should revisit Max’s post and try to regenerate the same response.

    “You can’t believe someone is thinking that folks necessarily have to make a draft in responding to comments online. Too much of drafts are nothing but preparedness to get as slippery as an eel in this case.”

    I do not make drafts. Never did. And that is exactly what I told the editor. It is just that he was asking me to reproduce something that I no longer have. If anything that post should be somewhere within their domain, because it was waiting for approval.

    We do not need any preparation to respond to you guys. We used your owns words and thought processes to indict your lack of understanding of the issues, and rubbish all your arguments.

    ” Hope time schedule allows me to read all of folks contributions and comments which is of a much bigger priority in my opinion.”

    We await your comments that concerns us. We will be responding as well.
