Jawara, Others Face 11 Economic Counts

Assan and Ebrima
Ebrima Jawara and Alasan Bah

Ebrima Jawara and co accused of allocating themselves fuel allowance of D8 million

Ebrima Jawara, Dr Alasan Bah, Sulayman Manneh, Lamin Fatajo and Momodou Lamin Mass all of the Ministry of Agriculture are accused of allocating themselves a monthly fuel allowance of D8,432,720 for two months.
They are said to have done this while serving in different capacities at the Rural Finance Project.

The case which was before Magistrate Fatou Darboe of the Banjul Magistrates’ has now been transferred to the High Court in Banjul.

Meanwhile, the agriculture officials were on 7 September 2015, arraigned before Magistrate Darboe on a ten-count charge including economic crime, stealing by clerk or servant, theft and abuse of office.

After plea taking, the police prosecutor, Inspector A. Manga, applied for the matter to be transferred to the High Court on the grounds that the said the magistrates’ court lacks jurisdiction to hear the case, and urged the court to remand the accused persons in prison custody.

In her ruling, the presiding magistrate, based on section 9 of the Economic Crime Act, ordered that the case be transferred to the Office of the Chief Justice for re-assignment and the accused persons be remanded in prison custody.

The particulars of the offence in count one stated that Dr Alasan Bah, Ebrima Jawara, Sulayman Manneh and Lamin Fatajo, sometime in 2008 and 2011 in Banjul and diverse places in The Gambia, being the project coordinator for Rural Finance Project (RFP), allocated themselves a monthly fuel allowance of D8, 432,720 for two months without approval from the Project Steering Committee.

The particulars in count two stated that Dr Alasan Bah, Ebrima Jawara, Sulayman Manneh and Lamin Fatajo, some time in 2008 and 2011 in Banjul and diverse places in The Gambia, while serving in different capacities at the Rural Finance Project (RFP) under the Government of The Gambia, abused their functions and responsibilities.

Count three stated that Dr Alasan Bah, Ebrima Jawara, Sulayman Manneh and Lamin Fatajo, some time in 2008 and 2011 in Banjul and diverse places in The Gambia, while serving in different capacities at the Rural Finance Project (RFP) under the Government of The Gambia, abused their functions and responsibilities.

Count four indicated that Ebrima Jawara, some time in 2008 and 2011 in Banjul and diverse places in The Gambia, while serving as the project coordinator for Rural Finance Project (RFP), took a loan of D300, 000 from PIWAMP, the repayment of which was diverted into personal use.

Count five read that Ebrima Jawara, some time in 2008 and 2011 in Banjul and diverse places in The Gambia, while serving as the project coordinator for Rural Finance Project (RFP), stole D300,000 , which was meant for loan repayment to PIWAMP.

Count six indicated that Ebrima Jawara, some time in 2008 and 2011 in Banjul and diverse places in The Gambia, being the project coordinator for Rural Finance Project (RFP), fraudulently paid on behalf of Bai Ndongo Faal in relation to a training an amount of D110, 731 to GAMSAVINGS, thereby causing economic loss to Government of The Gambia.

Count seven revealed that Dr Alasan Bah, some time in 2008 and 2011 in Banjul and diverse places in The Gambia, being the project coordinator for Rural Finance Project (RFP), received a fuel allowance amounting to D100,500 which he could not account for, thereby causing economic loss to the Government of The Gambia.

Count eight stated that Dr Alasan Bah, some time in 2008 and 2011 in Banjul and diverse places in The Gambia, being the project coordinator for Rural Finance Project (RFP), caused economic loss to Government of The Gambia through his Africell roaming SIM card.

Count nine revealed that Dr Alasan Bah, sometime in 2008 and 2011 in Banjul and diverse places in The Gambia, being the project coordinator for Rural Finance Project (RFP), diverted an amount of D740,125 meant for the training vote, thereby causing economic loss to Government of The Gambia.

Count ten indicated that Momodou Lamin Mass, some time in 2008 and 2001 in Banjul and diverse places in The Gambia, being the acting Finance and Administrative manager for Rural Finance Project (RFP), awarded contracts to different vendors amounting to D8,113,132 without competitive bidding, thereby causing economic loss to Government of The Gambia.

Author: Bakary Samateh

The Point



  1. This is beginning of long nightmare for these individuals. The consequence of so many convictions of innocent citizens is that by the time jammeh is captured or left office, these people are not qualified to run for the highest office in the land. This is because the constitution ban such Felons to contest for highest office. Therefore those who are honest, principle and have desire to be president should never associated themselves with jammeh regime. It is also part of Jammeh’s plan to systematically make most capable, diligent, principle, honest and decent citizens be convicted Felons as a way to prevent effective challenger for presidency. Those civil servants with such an ambition should watch out. This was the case for Amadou Sanneh. Majority of senior civil servants who worked for Jammeh are already convicted felons.

    • Max is absolutely right.

      But it should be noted that just like there are many decent Gambians working for the state and country (not for the Professor) diligently and judiciously, there are many others who are abusing the trust of the public office. This fact is incontrovertible!!

      However, I wouldn’t worry much about unsafe convictions, such as that of Amadou Sanneh’s, being churned out en masse in the Gambia by some partial and intimidated Magistrates and Judges, many of them are now Gambians. When the time comes, each conviction could be properly reviewed on its unique facts and evidence to determine as to whether or not it was safe in the first place. So, just like all his land grabbing, convictions on the dictate of the Professor can be undone where it can be shown that there has been miscarriage of justice – procedurally and substantively.

      Having said that, by nature of some Gambians, there will be many instances, I am afraid, where evidence of corruption and abuse of position is so overwhelming that convictions in those cases will be upheld in any fair court of law.

  2. Lafia Touray la Manju

    Dr Assan jallow or Dr alasan bah?? Clarification please.

      • Luntango Suun Gann Gi

        My Lord Judge Suntou, Luntango QC for the Defence!

        1. There is NO evidence they did it! Their signatures and the receipts are forgeries!!

        2. If ACTUS REUS is established and they did do it, they did not keep the money because ROBBERS held a gun to their heads! They committed the crime under duress – NO MENS REA on the part of the accused My Lord!

        3. If they did do it, and no robbers held a gun to their heads, they are NOT GUILTY by reason of TEMPORARY insanity! My Lord Judge these are very educated and intelligent people and for them to “…allocate themselves a monthly fuel allowance of D8,432,720 for two months …” surely they must have been MAD, even if momentarily.

        I beg to move, My Lord Suntoumana Bolong (I deliberately cut out the “ba”!)

  3. Dida, H.E has a hand it. He gets a cut from the pie. In any case, the educated brothers allowed themselves to be used and along enjoyed the bonanzas before calamity strikes. You need to call the Chief colaborator to the witness box.

  4. My Lord, the prosecution will accept the Defense claim of insanity even though there is no evidence to that effect on two conditions: 1) the Defendants be put away in a secure mental health institution for an indeterminate period because they are a danger to the public and themselves; 2) Defense Counsel be found guilty of improper conduct by misleading the court and for making baseless claim which has no evidential basis. Finally his fitness to practice be reviewed by the General Legal Council.

  5. Scarlet Pimpernel

    I don’t know about the others but for Ebrima Jawara, i have no sympathy. We come from a society where you can’t insult or disgrace your parents. For him to come out and spew that garbage in his filthy book or pamphlet is outright disgraceful. This is just the beginning of his ordeal and i hope he repents and ask forgiveness from his dad before it’s too late.