Search Results for "what"


Jammeh Leaves Gambia For Guinea

The plane carrying the Gambia’s defeated President Yahya Jammeh’s has just left the country for Guinea. The outgoing President’s departure superceded his decision to declare what would be his last public announcement on national television, agreeing to relinguish power. Yahya Jammeh lost December 1st presidential election, conceded defeated and congratulated […]


In twenty thirteen few months after being elected the fourth President of Kenya, Uhuru Muigai Kanyatta signed the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) which today has come to be a major reason for the strike which has crippled Public Health facilities. Kenya is under a nationwide strike championed by public sector doctors […]


Wind Of Change Blowing Throughout West Africa

By Emmanuel Daniel Joof (Papis)   THANK YOU ECOWAS/ECOMIG.   MERCI SENEGAL.  Nous vous aimons Sénégal   First it was President Macky Sall of Senegal who defeated President Abdoulie Wade, then President Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria defeated President Goodluck Jonathan, then President Nana Akufo-Addo of Ghana defeated John Dramani Mahama, and […]


Senegalese Troops Enter Gambia

Senegalese troops have entered The Gambia to ensure Adama Barrow assumes power as the country’s new president, a Senegalese army spokesman has said. It comes shortly after Mr Barrow took the oath of office at The Gambia’s embassy in the capital of Senegal. He has been recognised internationally. But strongman […]


Barrow Could Be Sworn-in Outside Banjul

By Daniel Finnan The inauguration for Gambia’s President-elect Adama Barrow may take place outside of the capital Banjul as President Yahya Jammeh continues to refuse to leave office, according to Nigeria’s Foreign Minister Geoffrey Onyeama. Barrow is expected to be sworn in on Thursday, however talks on resolving a political […]


Yahya Jammeh Still Counting Losses

With only two days left in office, Yahya Jammeh still thinks he can keep the Presidential Crown. Instead of accepting defeat and allow everyone to breathe air of peace, Jammeh stays awake brainstorming on how to execute his plots. He declared public statement upon statement aimed at conflicting the Gambian […]


Democracy Versus Dictatorship: How Yahya Jammeh Can Avoid Reenacting The Battle Of Marathon In The Gambia

By Ayodele Ameen, Executive Director, HURIDAC The political impasse in the Gambia has attracted the inputs of many commentators with different interpretation of the unfolding events. Outgoing President Yahya Jammeh has decided not to relinquish power despite the result of the election which he lost. Many political analysts and mind readers […]