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Why Gassama Deserves Nomination

I want Gambians to join me to congratulate Hon. Foday Gassama on his nomination to the National Assembly by His Excellency President Adama Barrow. I wish you best of luck in this noble duty. You deserve it. Mr. Gassama has been a staunch supporter of the United Democratic Party (UDP) […]



The Constitutional Review Commission (CRC) announces that it is on track to carry out external public consultations with Gambians in the Diaspora. “The CRC is well poised to embark on external public consultations to incorporate the views and aspirations of Gambians living outside of The Gambia,” according to the Chairperson […]


New Chamber of Commerce dedicated to Business Development and Trade for Gambian Women

Gambian women make-up 50.8% of the workforce and are most likely to be engaged in the informal economy. This leaves Gambian women “prone to exploitation, low job security, intensive poverty and largely excluded from policy development and support conversations and programs,” said President of newly formed Gambia Women’s Chamber of […]


Gov’t Confirms Former Minister’s Arrest

PRESS RELEASE FROM THE OFFICE OF THE GOVERNMENT SPOKESPERSON Gambia Government Confirms Arrest and Detention of Former AFPRC Junta Member and Minister, Yankuba Touray Banjul, The Gambia—The Government of The Gambia hereby confirms the arrest, detention and charge of Mr. Yankuba Touray, a former AFPRC junta member and Minister who […]


TRRC UPDATE: The National Conversation Continues

The TRRC concluded its second three-week session on February 28, 2019 with a hearing on circumstances surrounding the November 11, 1994 incident and the death of former AFPRC Finance minister Ousman Koro Ceesay in June 1995. During this session, the Commission heard testimonies from 12 witnesses, bringing to 25 the […]


My Takeawy From Kanyi’s Testimony

As I watched the TRRC this morning with sadness, anger and totally immersed in my own emotions, I was left with a couple of things as a takaway: Alhaji Kanyi is an evil person, a killer, a sadist, and a murderer and had admitted to it; but we still have […]


Undermining The TRRC Is A Crime!

If the testimony of Alagie Kanyi is found true then Yankuba Touray and FJC must be prosecuted for interfering with witnesses and obstructing the TRRC! Their actions violate Section 36 of the Act and therefore action must be taken against them! Section 36 of the TRRC Act states that, “A […]


Of Alagie Kanyi’s Murder Confession

It is evidently clear that the ongoing Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Conmission is achieving its goals of establishing facts about the crimes that happened during Yahya Jammeh’s 22 years of dictatorship. It was just few days ago that Gambians started becoming emotional about the testimony of star witness, Abdoulie J. […]


President Sall Wins Senegal Election

Senegal’s president Macky Sall has won his re-election bid garnering 58% of the votes cast, according to provisional results from the National Vote Counting Commission on Thursday. The majority win hands Sall a second term without a run-off vote.Opposition candidate Idrissa Seck came second with 21 percent of votes, while […]


OMVG Will Boost Gambia’s Electricity

Gambian President Adama Barrow is confident that the newly launched OMVG Hydroelectric Substation will increase the current 40 percent electricity supply in the country by 60%. The country’s generation capacity is also expected to increase from 102 to 250 Mega Watts. President Barrow’s revelation were made in Jarra Soma where he […]


The World Bank Education Sector Support Program Launch

The World Bank Country Office in The Gambia and Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education launched today the Education Sector Support Program to support school-aged children’s access to Early Childhood Development (ECD), basic education, and Madrassas (Koranic centers). The Education Sector Support Program (ESSP) funding totals $35 million and consists […]