Search Results for "what"


Ecuador Will Imminently Withdraw Assange’s Asylum And Him Over To The UK

ECUADOR’S PRESIDENT Lenin Moreno traveled to London on Friday for the ostensible purpose of speaking at the 2018 Global Disabilities Summit Summit (Moreno has been using a wheelchair since being shot in a 1998 robbery attempt). attemp). Read more here:


Whistleblower Contests Dismissal

Cadet Assistant Superintendent Inspector Omar T. Camara would not allow his July 3rd dismissal from The Gambia Immigration Department go uncontested. Camera was accused of failing to accept outpost transfer. In a rebuttal letter to Immigration Director, Mr. Camara said was victimised for blowing the whistle, and that his dismissal […]


My Recollection Of Kanni-kunda Final Part

By Seedy Fofanah Growing up in the village as a boy in those days was very challenging. You were made as busy as a honey bee. Apart from taking your diurnal and nocturnal Quranic lessons, you were required to do many things. If you were not at school taking your […]


Darboe’s Modesty Is Admirable

The Vice President of the Republic of The Gambia Ousainou Darboe behaves like an ordinary citizen on his way to and work. Mr. Darboe is a very down to earth leader who chooses modesty in whatever he does. His recent Faraba Banta visit is a testimony to his demonstration of […]


Why UDP Remains Solid Despite..

The unfortunate events of the last three weeks have undoubtedly affected the hard working grassroot members of the UDP [United Democratic Party] at home and around the world. The UDP party and the innocent members have been all been accused of many unfounded allegations. As a result, the party is […]


Stop Being Oversensitive

It is enough: do what they are doing if you believe you are who you think you are. Over-sensitivity towards others, lack of self-esteem, and death of sense of pride in oneself as well as taking apologetic approach to irrelevant issues are behind the absense of Mandinka or Mande Groups. […]


Indiscipline Doesn’t Pay

The Janneh Inquiry Commission is an independent body with clearly defined remits beyond which they have no power. Secondly, neither [Alhaji] Kurang nor [Amie] Bensouda has any power or authority to decide anything for the Commission. Both are there merely to assist the Commission and are answerable to the Commissioners. […]


MFWA Pinpoints Gambia’s Faults

The Accra-based Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) has pinpointed some faults of The Gambia government. The complaint – contained in a submission to the Human Rights Commission ahead of the review of The Gambia’s report with regard to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights – blamed the […]