Other News


Gambia's Smoking Gun Explodes

Sunday’s fatal ferry accident in the Gambian capital Banjul has been long expected. The incident caused the death of a European tourist when the fast aging ferry tried to dock in Banjul. Unconfirmed reports put the death toll at five. Also harmed in the Sunday incident were 13 people who […]


Our Troubling Seeds of Dictatorship

The seeds of dictatorship, which were planted on July 22, 1994, have been germinated beyond human understanding. Simply put, our country and its people have been inundated in threats. These threats hang over everyone, including our society’s vulnerable members.  Ours is a country where the protector has become the oppressor. […]


Kairo News Is Born!

The growth of technology and knowledge has not only caused tremor among dictators but also struggle with proliferation of the news media. With a click of a button, you don’t only create a website but also start streaming across the world. What is more sweeter than that? This makes the […]