Search Results for "a"


Gambia Faces Serious Danger Of Reprisal

The Gambia government faces serious reprisal danger for its gross violations of human rights, the United Kingdom rights group sounded the bell. Amnesty International issued a public statement ahead of the United Nations Universal Periodic Review to be held in Switzerland on October 27. The Gambia is among a list […]


Sabally’s Legal Troubles Escalate

The office of the director of public prosecutions yesterday filed an amended additional-count charge sheet against former Secretary General and Minister for Presidential Affairs Momodou Sabally, at the Banjul High Court before Justice Abdoulahi. Sabally now faces an eight-count charge, which includes economic crime, abuse of office, neglecting official duty and […]


Movie Star Turns Failure Into Success

One of the most successful Nollywood stars has explained how she had turned her misfortune into success. Mercy Johnson is a firm believer that “Everything has a reason.” Johnson’s inability to pass the university entrance examination prompted her to taste the waters of Nigeria’s ballooning movie industry. “I failed my […]


Gambia's Search For Political Solution

What Do We Do or What Should We Do – To Make A Functioning Democratic Republic? Some said the solution to our political problem lies with the ballot box. They suggest a perfect coalition of the opposition could defeat President Yahya Jammeh. This is a good hope except that both […]


Gambia's Misplaced Priorities

While all serious governments around the world are controlling their national spending and eliminating waste where possible, the Gambia government went on ten days of a celebration aimed at wasting national resources. Such a celebration is not adding any value to the livelihood of Gambian people. How can we as […]


Disarray In Gambian Struggle

  Why Collective Leadership Makes Sense By Mathew K Jallow ‘It seems Dr Saine’s repetition of tribe, caste, gender and other narrow-minded categorizations, as impediments to unity, serves to justify his theory of the challenges of unity, and absolves CORDEG’s leadership of failure in its primary task of unity under […]


Unfriendly Laws Chase Future Journalists

The Gambia government has been urged to review and scrap obnoxious and unfriendly media laws in the country. “Some of our media laws are not friendly and have been deterring young people from joining the profession,” said the President of Young Journalists Association of the Gambia (YJAG). Nfamara Jawneh said […]


Senegal Declared Ebola Free

  The World Health Organization last Friday officially declared Senegal Ebola free. This development follows 42 days of passing without any new cases of the deadly virus in the West African country. But this does not mean the country is not out of danger, given its location in Ebola-hit West […]