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Jammeh Wants Coupists Extradited

Gambian President Yahya Jammeh is reported to have sent a plane to Guinea-Bissau for the extradition of the alleged Tuesday’s coup plotters, credible sources informed Kairo News. The coup plotters, whose identities remain anonymous, fled to Guinea-Bissau following a reported shootout at State House in Banjul. Some of the alleged […]


Gambian Dictator Showing Weapons

President Yahya Jammeh is at best using the national television to propagate his propaganda machinery. In this posted video, Mr. Jammeh, whose government at first wanted to downplay Tuesday’s attempted coup led by the former State Guard Commander, is now exhibiting a cache of weapons purported to have been seized […]


Kairo’s New Year Message

We wish all our readers, audience, whistle-blowers, followers and citizen journalists a Blessed and Happy New Year. We equally wish to express our profound and sincere gratitude to all those who support Kairo News and Radio in whatever way. Without your undivided support and encouragement, we would not have existed […]


A Possible Way Forward Final Part

Sphere Three, The Diaspora Political Force Part Three Immigration has become a global phenomenon that has today left few societies standing in their pure ethnic shells and there is no going back on this. Naturally the impact of mass emigration has also left few societies intact. So it is also […]


US Had No Role In Gambia’s Coup

The United States had no role in an attempted coup in Gambia, a senior State Department official said on Wednesday, after local media and several analysts said some of the assailants were U.S. residents or dual nationals. “The U.S. government had absolutely no role in the events that took place […]


UN Issues Statement On Gambia

  New York, 31 December 2014 The Secretary-General is following closely developments in The Gambia. He reiterates the United Nations principled condemnation of all attempts to seize power through unconstitutional means. Referring to reports that indicate that the situation in Banjul is calm, he calls for all parties to exercise restraint and to […]


Jammeh Has Lost Political Battle

President Yahya Jammeh Has Lost the Political/ Moral Battle and Must Step Down Now! The foiled December 29, 2014 coup effort in The Gambia is yet another blow to an already embattled regime and its head, Yahya Jammeh. As it were, the foiled coup followed in the wake of world-wide […]


Latest On Coup In Gambia

Latest news from the Gambia alleged that President Yahya Jammeh’s loyalists are not in control as they have earlier claimed. Rather, we are told the coup is alive as we write this piece. President Jammeh is said to have avoided going back to the Gambia, believing that the situation remains […]


Jammeh’s Forces 100% In Control?

Forces loyal to President Yahya Jammeh claimed to be 100% certainty in full control of the situation in Banjul where a reported coup was purported to have been repelled. Senior military officials also confirmed that former Col. Lamin S. Sanneh and three attackers are feared dead. One of the attackers was captured […]