Search Results for "what"


Medicine Control Agency Wins NQA

By Madi S. Njie Prestige Security Company were awarded winners of the National Quality Award 2019, level 1 (Bronze). Unique Solutions 2017 level 1 winners took Level 2  (Silver); the University of The Gambia – level 3 (Gold) and Medicine Control Agency took Level 4(Diamond). The Gambia’s Finance Minister who deputised […]


Gambia Bans Public Smoking

By Madi S. Njie At least two months into the Enforcement of the Tobacco Control Act 2019, The Gambia government has designated all public places as non-smoking environment. Deputising for the Minister of Health during World Tobacco Day 2019, the Director of Health Promotion at the Ministry of Health and […]


Gambia: Removal of Mosques in Public Places

A sickening sensation assailed me when the NAM for Banjul South, Touma Njie called for the removal of mosques in public places in The Gambia. Just when I started my recuperation from that sickness, from the comfort of my therapeutic cave, Omar Amadou Jallow of all people re-echoed similar sentiments […]


Regarding the Draft Constitution, Part IV

By Foday Samateh  Before proceeding to discuss Local Governments in the draft Constitution, there is an outstanding matter from a previous commentary that begs for attention. It is quite evident that this series has sworn by reforms to National Assembly with three crucial caveats. The weak position of the Assembly […]


Where Do the Gambia Youth Stand?

International Human Rights Day 2019 The Theme for this year’s International Human Rights Day is: Youth Standing Up for Human Rights. In its statement the United Nations provided a justification of this year’s theme as thus, “Under our universal call to action “Stand Up for Human rights,” we aim to celebrate the potential of […]



Sarjo Cham, brother of former MP Mahawa Cham, supported by ANEKED and Lead Counsel Deji Ajare, have filed a complaint before the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Court of Justice. The complaint targets the Government of Gambia for the violations suffered by Mahawa Cham as relate to his […]


Barrow: Losing 60 Young Lives At Sea Is A National Tragedy

President Adama Barrow has described “losing 60 young Gambian lives at sea is a national tragedy.” This is contained in a national televised speech Gambian President has delivered in response to a boat trafedy involving Gambians in Mauritania on Wednesday. Read below President Barrow’s speech in full: Fellow Gambians, I […]


Ousman Manjang 1952 – 2019

A GIANT AT REST Scripting pages of booming accolades in memory of Comrade Ousman Manjang should be a humbling walk in spite of the involvement of the parallel processes of trying to contain the enormity of the loss to us all as well as the task of providing an index […]


Regarding the Draft Constitution, Part III

By Foday Samateh Having now summoned the courage to take Lady Macbeth’s seditious incitement to heart, I will repeat after Dick the Butcher in Henry VI, Part II: “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.” Not literally. I’m no Jack Cade calling for a revolution against anyone […]


Why Citizens’ Alliance Is Born

By Abdoulie John Renowned Political Science lecturer at the University of The Gambia (UTG) said the difficult situation the country is experiencing has prompted a group of concerned Gambians to set up Citizens’ Alliance (CA) with a view to offering a viable political alternative. “We are all disappointed with the […]