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US Condemns Jammeh’s Election Challenge

We strongly urge the Gambian security forces that entered the headquarters of the Independent Electoral Commission yesterday morning to withdraw, and not to threaten or intimidate members of the IEC. This unnecessary and unprovoked show of force is seen as a move to subvert the democratic process in The Gambia, […]


Teacher’s Union Picks On Jammeh

The National Executive Committee of the Gambia Teachers Union (GTUNEC) and by extension, the Board of Directors of the GTU Co-operative Credit Union (GTUCCU), the Status of Women’s Executive Committee (GTUSWC), Conference of Principals of Senior Secondary and Upper Basic Schools and the Association of Heads of Lower Basic Schools […]


The Yahya Jammeh Problem

By Reuben Abati When President Yahya Jammeh of The Gambia conceded defeat after the December 1, Presidential elections in that West African country of 1.9 million people, the gesture was widely hailed and described as an indication of great hope for democracy in Africa and particularly for The Gambia, which […]


Gambia’s Political Crisis Concern Doctors

Press Release The Gambia Medical and Dental Association (MDAG), on the Political Situation in The Gambia. The Gambia Medical and Dental Association of The Gambia (MDAG), is a professional body which brings together all medical practitioners in The Gambia with one of its objective being: “To provide professional and technical […]


More Condemnations Pour On Jammeh

STATEMENT BY THE INSTITUTE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA ON THE ANNULMENT OF RESULTS OF THE GAMBIA’S PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION BY THE OUT-GOING PRESIDENT ON 9 DECEMBER 2016 On 1 December 2016, Gambians went to the polls and voted in the country’s Presidential Election. On 2 December 2016, the […]


Gambian Security Seize IEC HQ

The Gambia’s security forces have taken over the headquarters of the electoral commission, its chairman says, as the country’s president refuses to accept his loss in recent elections. Alieu Momar Njai told the BBC that staff were barred from entering. President Yahya Jammeh initially conceded defeat to Adama Barrow in […]


GYU Defends Will Of Gambian Voters

Gambia Youth for Unity Stands in Solidarity with the Will of The Gambian Electorate The Gambia Youth for Unity (GYU) joins patriotic Gambians both at home and in the diaspora in condemning outgoing President Yaya Jammeh’s televised statement rejecting the outcome of the December 1st Presidential elections. Yaya Jammeh had previously lauded the Gambian electoral process as […]