Search Results for "a"


Not All Barking Dogs Bite

Mr. Yaya Dampha, the achievements of the Barrow led coalition government are quite evident but shouldn’t take merely a sense of partisan political perspective to reiterate that fact. In that case, those you refer to as political virgins are naturally likely to become politically adulterated by the politically espoused individuals […]


Money Smart Week Is Back

I wish to remind Kairo News’ esteemed readers about the Annual Money Smart Week 2017. Read our last year’s article [] that dealt with the Money Smart Week concept in detail. As a reminder,  2017 Money Smart week runs between April 22 and 29. The program, which helps consumers better manage […]


Why Barrow’s Underminers Are Failing

By Yaya Dampha It is barely three months since President Adama Barrow took full charge of the Gambia. His government took power from the present day worst dictator whose 22-year rule had been marred by extrajudicial killings, abductions, tortures, economic indiscipline, imprisonment of innocent people, disappearances, exiling and total dismantling […]


Burundi Men Get Laid But Women Get Screwed!

The call that opposing views must be managed by impregnating the women and torturing the males must be rejected with the contempt it deserves. This call reminds me of Quentin Crisp who once said “Men get laid, but women get screwed”. The call is a perpetuation of serious male chauvinistic tendencies. […]


Gambia Lifts Importation Restrictions

In its efforts to “pursue an open and liberal economy aimed at boosting trade and economic growth,” the Gambia government has lifted restrictions in Importation of onions and potatoes. Find below a press release issued by the Barrow government to that effect. Press Release: Lifting of Restrictions on Importation of […]


UDP Leader Wants NAMs To Serve National Interest

By Abdoulie John United Democratic Party (UDP) leader hopes the National Assembly Members voted into post-Jammeh Parliament will put the country first in serving the interests of the electorate. “We indeed elected the candidates under party tickets, but we expect them to represent all of us as a nation, irrespective […]


Barrow Meets Ghana Military Command

President Barrow and Group of Ghana Armed Forces Command and Staff College! Deputy Chief of Defense Staff, Major General, Yankuba Drammeh, today introduced the Syndicate of Class 30 from Ghana Armed Forces Command and Staff College to His Excellency, President Adama Barrow at his office. Deputy CDS Drammeh said the students […]