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No Country Needs Gambia’s Impasse Experience

Gambian President Adama Barrow told the defence students that no country should experience the challenges the West African country went through, particularly during the political impasse that followed the nation’s December 2016 elections. Barrow’s remarks are contained in a press statement issued by the President’s Press Director Amie Bojang-Sissoho. Read […]


Col. Sanneh: ‘I’ve Been Lied About’

The Executive Director of the National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA) wonders why “anyone will fabricate lies about me.” Colonel Alhajie Sanneh was reacting to a Kairo News article penned by an insider at the NDMA. “I’ve been seriously offended by the so-called insider,” Colonel Sanneh said. “The article’s content depicts […]


Democracy Doesn’t OK Lying

Undoubtedly, True Democracy cannot be separated from noise. That’s the beauty of this system of governance. It thrives when people are guaranteed the right to speak or express themselves without restrictions. But no democracy guarantees the peddling of lies. Even the post-Jammeh era democracy in the Gambia too does not […]


Africa Needs To Do Its Homework

In matters of international relations, specifically bi-lateral and multi-lateral​ agreements or communiques, treaties and the like, it is not the responsibility of the partner or adversarial country or nation state to “look out for your interest”. It is the responsibility of both parties to maintain an absolute and total diligence […]


Exposing Deyda Hydara’s Murderers

For more than 12 years the family of the assasinated Gambian editor has been asking one question: who killed Deyda’s Hydara? It’s a question that would not be answered by a government that promised to protect life and property. A government that prides itself with guaranteeing maximum security. Like many […]


Weep Not My Beloveth Gambia

Weep not my Beloveth Africa and indeed my Beloveth Gambians and The Gambia. My modest plea to the Gambians, current Gambian regime and all stakeholders is to engage in a public safety campaign to advise, educate, train and sensitize the African​ and Gambian public about the dangers of the proliferation […]


The Chief Justice Speaks For Me

By Foday Samateh The most important news from The Gambia since the Council Elections happened last week was not the Attorney General’s bombshell news briefing on the freezing of 88 bank accounts, 131 landed properties, and 14 companies belonging to or directly associated with the exiled despot Yahya Jammeh. Nor […]


Celebrate Africa, Bridge The Borders

We are a sad people today because amidst the positive strides we have achieved, yet we wake up to be reminded that domestic violence is still a reality. A reality that there are still women use as suicide bombers, women denied the right to an education just like the recently […]