Search Results for "what"


Young Gambian Drowns In Germany

Another sad news greeted Gambians in Germany where a young Sarahuleh brother, Ebrima Jawara, drowned. Jawara’s tragic death occurred after he went to swim with two other friends in a lake at a remote town. The three men – all new arrivals to Germany can’t – swim. They underestimated the depth of the […]


Gambia’s Opposition Conundrum

By Deyda Haidara Today I am fired up ready to share my views and experience in the political field on the ground. Firstly I would indulge readers to read this piece with an open mind devoid of nepotism, tribalism, regionalism or sectarianism. Thank you. For those of us on the ground, […]


Darboe: President Jammeh’s Amnesty Not Genuine

“These disingenuous attempts to continue oppression whilst trying to show a humane face will backfire, Yahya Jammeh does not understand what it means to let people be free, the oppression is not stopping by mere pardoning  of some prisoners and jailing or detaining of others” Lawyer Darboe retorts. Lawyer Darboe […]


Gambia Taken To Task In Geneva

The Government Of The Gambia Taken To Task In Geneva Recommendations On The Armed And Other Forces Of Repression Third & Final Part On 18th and 19th June 2015, Mr. Christof Heyns, the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, participated in the 29th session of the United Nations […]


UDP Brufut Rally A Success

34 APRC youths defected to the opposition United Democratic Party last Sunday, August 16th at the rally held in Brufut. The leader of United Democratic Party, Lawyer Ousainou Darboe hails his party’s rally in Kombo Brufut a success. Lawyer speaking at the rally said, Gambians are leaving the APRC in […]


Source Of Gambia’s Representation Failure

By Lamin Sayang, The Netherlands  We have a political system where chiefs are appointed and not elected by those they preside over. Governors imposed on regions by political appointment. We clearly feel and sight complete disassociation between the nation and the state. Brothers and sisters, did we ever consider these as foul plays […]