Search Results for "a"


The Gambia: A State On The Right To Prosperity

This is a quick and short response to the so-called editor of the irresponsible, unreliable and one sided Freedom-NO-news-paper “caution my own description”. The editor wrote on November 6th 2017 in his headline Gambia is a paranoid state. It said that a thousand kilometers journey starts with the first step […]


Gambia, A New Approach to Education

Dear Editor, I wish to use your widely followed platform to introduce the above topic “Gambia, a new approach to education” to provoke constructive dialogue amongst Gambians concerning our educational system. For many years, I have been observing a certain advantage trend in conventional schools or English schools to be […]



A Catch 22 Situation! December 2016 marked that fateful month in which the people of the Gambia, inspired by a Coalition for change, mustered that ultimate courage, temerity or the audacity to make their final and resolute stand against dictatorship. The resultant triumph coupled with the shrewd, decisive and timely […]


Mai Relieved And Redeployed

Fajara, 10th November 2017 – The General Public is here by informed that His Excellency, Mr. Adama Barrow, President of the Republic of The Gambia, acting under the provision of Section 71 (4) (b) of the Constitution of The Republic of the Gambia, has decided to relieve Mr. Mai Ahmad […]


Why Jobarteh Gets It Wrong

Dear Editor, I wish to respond to Mr. Madi Jobarteh´s November 5th article headlined “The Police Must Protect The Right to Protest- #OccupyWestfield.” Mr. Jorbateh got it all wrong this time. First and foremost, our today’s Gambia Police Force is far from being partisan as you ironically and indirectly indicated. […]


The Gambian Democracy And Its Discontent

By Sheriff Kora, Tyler, Texas The Gambia’s democratic transition is back in the limelight, and the political debate this time is not centered around the callousness of a bloodthirsty dictator. The discourse and fury is focused now on a plethora of issues ranging from the practice of selective bias, the […]


Fighting Impunity: Major Breakthrough In The Gambia

In what is a major breakthrough in the long fight against impunity in The Gambia, two senior government officials have revealed that the Gambian government has decided to comply with the rulings of the ECOWAS Court in the cases of murdered Deyda Hydara, disappeared Chief Ebrima Manneh and tortured Musa […]


#OccupyWestfield Is Provocative

Dear Editor, Please allow me space to weigh in on the unauthorised so-called demonstration #occupywestfied which was scheduled for last Saturday. First and foremost I want to ask the organisers why they want occupywestfield now. The choice of words, place and time is very central in this case because the […]



Dear Editor, Please allow me to use your widely read newspaper in introducing the caption ‘lessons from Ghana’ and perchance stimulate a constructive national submission and healthy debate amongst Gambians. Fellow Gambians, in our drive towards nation building, socio-economic and cultural development, I wish to join the numerous Gambians, who […]