

Are Our Cries Falling On Deaf Ears?

Gambia’s Open Defiance To UN Inspectors As Gambians, sometimes we feel as if our cries and tears are falling on deaf ears. The accounts that the activist, opposition politicians, journalist, commentators, media analysts and human rights organisation detailed about the Gambia, are rendered futile because the international diplomatic wheel continues […]


Yahya: A Big Tree That Must Be Cut Down

Indisputable! The remaining questions: How do we chop down the tree? When do we chop down the big tree – before the start of new project or at the end or somewhere in-between? The answers to these questions are not simply what we wish but what we could, what’s feasible […]


Pay Day For Dictator Jammeh

By Lamin Saddam Sanyang, The Netherlands In shaa Allah we are almost at the end of the barbaric, cruel and brutal reigning of President Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh. Like employees get their wages and salaries at the end of each pay-period, so is President Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh and his bunch of criminals […]


History of Fishing Industry In Kombo

This video documentary is the work of the historical fact-finders of the  University of the Gambia. It gives a detailed survey of how traditional fishing was conducted was conducted prior to the introduction of modern technology. It also explains the transformation and development of the Fishing Industry in Kombo. History […]

Religion Society

Imam Or Image-maker?

By Ebou Gaye Imam or Image-maker? I am fully convinced that you are well versed in Islamic Studies, But I very much doubt your sincerity as an Islamic scholar People ask whether you are really an Imam or an Image-maker, Based on your recent sermon which many of them see […]


African Leadership Studies: Beyond Theoretical Exceptionalism

Paper presented at the 16th Annual International Leadership Association Conference October 30 – November 2, 2014 / San Diego California Baba G. Jallow, Creighton University, Some scholars de-contextualize Africa’s leadership and developmental crises by attributing them to the mistaken and untested assumption that Western theories and styles of leadership […]