
Religion Society

Imam Or Image-maker?

By Ebou Gaye Imam or Image-maker? I am fully convinced that you are well versed in Islamic Studies, But I very much doubt your sincerity as an Islamic scholar People ask whether you are really an Imam or an Image-maker, Based on your recent sermon which many of them see […]

Freedom News Religion

Gambia’s Sugar-coated UPR Report

Due to public demand, Kairo News has decided to bring you the Gambia’s 2014 Universal Periodic Review report that was presented in Geneva on October 28. Gambian activist victims – Dr. Amadou Scattred Janneh and Musa Saidykhan – were in Geneva for the programme.   I. Methodology 1. This Report […]

News Religion

‘Islam Is Not A Play Card’

Islam is a serious religion with clear teachings and principles set for Muslims to follow, which is why people must not use the religion as their play card.  “Language never makes anybody a good Muslim.” The above statement is contained in the Eid-ul-Adha sermon of Detroit Imam. “The world is […]