

Arise Bishop Rev James Yaw Odico

Reverend Canon James Allen Yaw Odico, dean of the St Mary’s Cathedral was consecrated and enthroned, the Bishop of the Diocese of Gambia, formerly the Diocese of Gambia and the Rio Pongas. The solemn five-hour enthronement service of Canon Odico to the office of Bishop of Gambia was officiated by […]

News Religion

Jammeh Explains Islamic State

Three weeks after he had unilaterally declared The Gambia an Islamic State, President Yahya Jammeh is at last defending his decision. Gambian leader declare the constitutionally recognised secular nation an Islamic republic. “Recently, I pronounced The Gambia as an Islamic State and Republic on the basis that the majority of […]

Religion Society

‘Keep Your Hands Off Islam’

Leave Islam With Clerics Political leaders have been advised to “concentrate on their executive responsibilities and keep their hands off Islam, which should be left with clerics.” The erudite cleric’s comment comes after Gambian leader banned female genital mutilation. President Yahya Jammeh also threatens to deal with any religious and […]