

Enough Is Indeed Enough

 Enough is indeed Enough When people are determined and ready they can dislodge tyrants from power. Yes, unbearable social conditions call for radical reactions from those affected particularly if the powers that be wouldn’t budge. It happens in Ghana, Burkina Faso and even in our neighboring Senegal. In the Gambia […]


The Die Is Cast; What Next?

The conviction and subsequent sentencing of the opposition United Democratic Party leadership, supporters and opposition activists has again reminded us about the Jammeh regime’s callousness, cruelty and disrespect for human rights and the rule of law. The regime’s heartlessness have over and over gone over the roof. It has simply […]


True Leadership Aisha Teaches Us

There was nothing soul-soothing than seeing a leader serving people, especially the underprivileged ones – the people who are mostly forgotten. Watching Nigerian First Lady Aisha Buhari standing serving guests, which include orphans and poor, at an Eid dinner she had organised raises my enthusiasm level that change in Africa […]


Jammeh Feeds Gambians With Donkeys

Kairo News editors have been bombarded with reactions shortly after the publication of a story in which state security agents cautioned relatives and close friends to avoid eating President Yahya Jammeh’s voodoo-infested beef that awaits  unsuspecting shoppers at the market.  The talking agents have evidence that the voodoo-obsessed leader mixes […]


Tribalism: Constitutional Constipation

                    My Marxist/Leninist/Maoist Comrades cum Friends and I had been locked in disagreement. No matter how I marshalled my arguments I could not persuade them that Pan-Africanism was an African Personality to the World Working Class Movement. Indeed within Pan-Africanism we faced possible unnecessary “ruptures” between […]