

The Owl And The Pigeon

Kikiyan and Pura (A Short Story) By Suntou Touray As it happens, many people accuse the Owl (Kikiyan) of being a witch. These accusations puzzled and troubled the Owl so much so that it took matters in its own hand to clear its cherished and reputable good name. The Owl […]


The Deyda Hydara I Know

Deyda Hydara, the Gambia’s leading journalist whose December 16th, 2004 assassination remains unsolved, meant a lot to me, especially during my formative years in journalism. Here is a man who taught many of us to be who we are. He also brought Alhaji Saramadi Kabbah (nephew of the late Ahmed […]


Jammeh's Diplomatic Mismatch

Since the conviction and subsequent sentencing of the Gambia’s seven diplomats in London, so many unanswered questions have been raised yet no one – even government officials – could piece the puzzle together. We at Kairo News too are limping with our own questions: how did the massive tax-dodging scam start? […]


HUMRA’s Geneva Trip A Success

Gambian activists and media personalities have worked hard over the past 20 years in exposing all the heinous crimes and human rights abuses committed by the Gambia’s dictatorial regime. However, to a large extent the collective force of diverse activist haven’t succeeded in focusing international attention on the dictatorial rule […]


‘America and Britain Are The Enemies’

A YEAR SINCE JAMMEH’S ATTACK AGAINST THE WEST It was a little more than a year ago, Wednesday the 9th October 2013, that the Government of The Gambia in Banjul officially issued what it called an exposure  of “the United States of America’s hostile actions against The Gambia since 1994.” […]