“We Are Very Satisfied” With Gambia’s Ongoing Reforms – UN SG Rep Ibn Chambas

The United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General for West Africa and the Sahel, Dr. Muhammed Ibn Chambas said the United Nations is pleased with the Barrow government’s commitment to the ongoing reforms processes in The Gambia.

“Today, we leave The Gambia very satisfied that the commitment is there on the side of the government and the people of The Gambia to move ahead with these reforms.”

The UN Special Envoy also briefed the President on the consultations the team had with different stakeholders like political parties, Civil Society Organisations, and development partners, all of whom, he said, underscored the importance of moving forward with the reform process in The Gambia.

He went further to explain that the 2016 elections ushered in a new era in The Gambia, which saw various reforms programmes like the Constitutional Review Commission, the Truth and Reconciliation, and Reparations Commission, and the Security Sector Reform enjoys strong support from the Gambian people.

‘’We remain engaged, we remain committed, so on an occasion like this, we would like to reiterate that the President and The Gambian community can continue to rely on the UN and the International Community, which is still ready and willing to accompany Gambia through these reforms.’’

Dr. Ibn Chambas, who was accompanied by the UN country representative, said these remarks after an audience with President Adama Barrow at the State House in Banjul. He was at the Presidency to express the UN’s gratitude to President Barrow for hosting this year’s West African Sahel Women’s Open Day on Peace and Security.

‘’We appreciate all the facilities and the excellent hospitality extended to us from the UN but also to the delegations from the different ECOWAS countries and the Sahel who were here to discuss on the role of women in peace and security and development in our subregion,” UNOWAS boss stated.

Source: #Statehouse


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