African Games Sccess Proves Gambia Has Many Budding Talents

Sometimes sport throws up stories of human spirit that you cannot help but watch with a warm smile – as Gambia’s first-ever African Games achievements showcase in Rabat.

Winning the African Games beach volleyball gold medal, silver in 100m and gold in 200m in Morocco was quite a surprise for a country that has had its share of struggles. Gambia has felt a great surge of confidence due to this win that will help mend some of the difficulties and help Gambia to keep feeling the pride it has always maintained.

Rank outsiders to win any silverware, the Gambian team repeatedly cited the importance of being a continental beater – a mission statement that we all struggled to believe at first.

“Greatest story in beach volleyball”

Gambia’s poignant victory was not just the major story of 12th African Games. This is one of the most emotional, most incredible stories in the history of volleyball.

There was an amazing scene on August 21st after the final whistle when all the players fell to their knees for celebration. It really was emotional and anyone who saw it won’t forget it. But after beating both Mozambique and Rwanda, who were all one time champions of Africa, Gambia’s victory was not simply down to fate. They were worthy winners.

The Gambia men national beach volleyball team had beating African Champions Morocco 2-1 in front of home fans. However, the conclusion, although painful for the Moroccans, provided a fairytale ending to a gloriously unpredictable tournament.

The golden era of Gina Bass

Gina Bass stormed to victory in the women’s 200m at the 12th African Games in Rabat on Friday to beat Africa’s fastest sprinter Ivorian Marie-Josee Ta Lou with 22:58 as Ta Lou scooped bronze with 23:00 second.

Earlier on Bass won silver in the women 100m, making her the most decorated Gambian sprinter ever. These are heroes of the nation that have sacrifice, fought and won Gold, on behalf of Gambia either dead or alive.

This is a year (2019) that will ring for eternity in our history. Nonetheless it was a fairytale ending many celebrated beyond borders, but again the success had set a new challenge for all those you have a stake in our sport development.

But crucially, Gambia also had a talented pool of talents to back up our new found courage – for all the understandable talk, there is otherwise surely only so far mental strength can take us.

Muhammed L. Saidykhan
GNOC Press Officer


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