Cabinet Members Agree To Deliver Exemplary Leadership

Cabinet retreat/state house website

We the Cabinet Ministers of The Republic of The Gambia held a retreat at the Coral Beach Hotel, Banjul, The Gambia from 5-7 May 2017. The objectives of the retreat were:

To position Collaborative Leadership and Dialogue as a core value among Gambian Leaders;
To create a platform where relationships of trust and communication between key leadership is strengthened to help restore social harmony;
To stimulate discussion and analysis of ways to achieve more effective and holistic strategies for inclusive processes that advance governance in the country;
To provide opportunity for participants to build a joint commitment to concrete actions that will enhance collaboration;
To lay the foundation for an Infrastructure for Peace and Social Cohesion; and
To collectively agree on key priorities of the government and refocus on ways forward.
We were addressed by His Excellency President Adama Barrow who commended the meeting for recognizing the importance of peace and reconciliation as an essential requirement for democratic stability and economic development. He urged us to strengthen the capacities of the Ministries we lead; create policies to ensure transparency and accountability of public officials; enhance youth employment; promote women’s equality and empowerment; ensure judicious use of state resources; and to demonstrate high standards of integrity.

We were also addressed by H.E. Fatoumata Jallow Tambajang, the Minister for Women’s Affairs and responsible for the Office of Vice-President; Dr. Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, former Prime Minister of Niger and currently CEO of NEPAD Agency; H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ibn Chambas, SRSG, UNOWAS; Dr. Abdoulaye Mar Dieye, Assistant Secretary-General and Director of the African Bureau of UNDP; and Dr. Fatima Denton, Director of the Special Initiative Division, UNECA.

We reviewed and discussed wide ranging topics including: the Gambia’s National Development Plan (NDP) in the context of Africa’s development agenda; and strengthening mutual trust and confidence among the different ministries to respond to the wishes and aspirations of all Gambians in achieving “One Gambia, One Nation, One People.”

  1. We pledge to perform our duties guided by the following principles:

Probity, accountability and transparency;
Justice and rule of law;
Effective Civil Service delivery;
Patriotic Altruism;
Resort to legal means for dispute resolution;
Openness to new ideas and criticism;
Modesty in lifestyle; and
Collaboration with regional, continental and international stakeholders.

We are individually and collectively committed to the great people of The Gambia, and will be guided by the Constitution and the laws of The Gambia.

We pledge to accelerate the socio-economic development of The Gambia by prioritizing the following:

Accelerate economic revival and transformation underpinned by:
strong economic management;
robust institutional development;
reinforce the enabling environment for the private sector, and domestic and foreign investment;
expand the industrial sector, trade and regional integration;
redynamize the tourism and fisheries sectors; and
ensure effective land use planning and management.
Promote investments in infrastructure and energy;
Modernize and revitalize the agricultural sector and agribusiness, with the aim of achieving food security and rural development;
Promote youth development and employment;
Ensure the safety and security of all Gambians;
Provide health care and education systems.
Mobilize domestic and external resources to support development efforts.
Strengthen citizens’ engagement in governance and development, with attention to gender equality and empowerment of women and youth;
Enhance rule of law and justice, and establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to promote social cohesion and durable peace; and
End The Gambia’s isolation and strengthen its relationships with other countries in the sub-region, the continent and the rest of the world.

We commit to the implementation of this Compact and will establish a monitoring and evaluation framework to track its progress.

We thank the UNDP, UNOWAS and UNECA for sponsoring this Collaborative Leadership Retreat.
Done in Banjul, The Gambia, on 7th May, 2017

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