‘Rewrite Jammeh’s Ugly Histories’

The Gambia’s new President, His Excellency Adama Barrow congratulation, I hope you will quietly settle down to govern your people fast. The leaders of the Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS) and the whole world have done their own part, you have no excuse whatsoever to lack behind. The world watches in bated breath as you navigate the restive waters of Gambian politics. All you will need is an open and forgiven heart to lead this great nation forward. The ugly histories of former President Yahya Jammeh must be rewritten as fast as possible. Your effort to do this will be an interesting millennium research. Jammeh’s Gambia was the complete opposite of the Smiling Coast of Africa. You must therefore be ready to reposition the Gambia to symbolize its original status. All these will depend on the people you will bring into the governance structure. Ensure to bring and attract the best professionals within the Gambia or around the region, as we are all one. The history you made today wouldn’t have been possible without our ECOWAS leaders, especially Nigeria and Senegal. We were all in this together with the Gambians.

As you settle down, national security will be an area you must watch with caution, as Jammeh’s influence within this sector will not easily fizzle away without a very deep social surgery. You must attend to this with all urgency to weed out his (Jammeh’s) dogs within the security corridors. He has a lot of armed lieutenants who could try Gambian national security, if not checked, monitored and regulated especially the loose and undocumented arms in their hands. I will be making periodical contributions to your government from time to time.

Once again, congratulations to you Mr. President. The Gambia will become great and that the Smiling Coast will smile again through you. Allah Akbar! God is Great!

Dr. Joseph Sunny Ifedimma (Nigerian) PhD expert in Counter terrorism and Allied critical crime cases, Manchester England


One Comment

  1. “The leaders of the Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS) and the whole world have done their own [UGLY} part, having allowed the dictator to both choose be out of reach of justice and to loot $12 million of poor,pooor,poooor, Gambian resources, you have no excuse whatsoever [not to follow suite] to lack behind”!!

    Yeah you better make sure your government stacks up to it, or we are gonna miss all that looting and politiking!!