‘Don’t Lose Barrow’s Inauguration Momentum’

A prominent Gambian activist has called on the Transition Team of President-elect Adama Barrow to redouble their “vigilance and determination” as the countdown to the inauguration becomes close. Assan Martin wants the team to keep up the inaugural momentum. 

“The Coalition needs to take up the momentum as the defeated incumbent is not cooperating,” the New York-based lawyer Assan Martin told Kairo News.  

Over these past weeks, outgoing President Yahya Jammeh has made many desperate moves geared towards derailing the election victory of the opposition Coalition. Following his volt-face about the election results, his party has challenged the verdict of the people in court. Jammeh’s latest move consists of trying to delegitimize the regional bloc ECOWAS from having a say in Gambian matters.

Martin said the Gambian masses have decided in electing Adama Barrow to preside over the destiny of the country. “Many institutions have already endorsed President-elect Adama Barrow, and his support base keeps growing,” he stated.

In such a context, he advised the Coalition to revisit their strategy.  “Conscious of their responsibility towards the Gambian people, they should start naming a cabinet as well as appointing ambassadors etc.”

He then added that members of the Coalition should start exploring ways to make sure they would not fully only rely on outside intervention forces, but also see how they can energize and mobilise the Gambian masses that elected Barrow President.



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