GMC Leader Tells Gambians “Remain Calm”

Mai Ahmed Fatty/Blasting News Photos

One of the Gambia’s opposition coalition leaders has advised Gambians to “remain calm” because the country “cannot afford instability.”

In a message posted on Facebook, Mai Ahmed Fatty who heads the Gambia Moral Congress, wrote that coalition partners are working round the clock to restore sanity.

Read below GMC leader’s reaction to Yahya Jammeh’s misguided televised statement disputing December 1st presidential elections. Mr. Jammeh had earlier lost the contest to the coalition candidate Adama Barrow.

“Remain calm. We are working round the clock to restore sanity. The world is with us. The Gambia cannot afford instability. Be assured that the will of our people shall not be disrupted. As the current custodians of public mandate, we know what we are doing. We ask that you retain confidence in our capacity to tame this transient storm. Yet, we must do all in our collective ability to keep the country united, stable, peaceful and loyal to the President-elect. We shall get over this, in one piece. Long live The Republic of The Gambia!”



  1. Momodou Lamin Sise

    Please do not ask us to be calm, this is not a matter that one should be calm about. We need decisive leaders that are going to come out and call this act what it is. This is an illegal action that should be condemned.

    The only language that Yahya understands is what he speaks, he has no respect for the law and i hope no one comes hear with any ideas of legal action.

    Thank you.

  2. Gambians too on our own have our alternative plans at advance stages for this development which some of us anticipated all along & expected from the MANIPULATIVE kanilai KILLER DEVIL; Gambians are prepared to march & terminate yaya KILLER DEVIL & few mercenaries in Gambian security uniforms & the Syndola Militia who were been trained & prepared for this day IF & WHEN NECESSARY…

    This is why DEVIL yaya hid behind the Constitution which it never observed & respected at anytime before to continue to remain in office & do anything possible to cling on; yaya hired some computer expertise, from example, to create some false & fake facebook profiles of Coalition supporters “threatening Jola ethnicity for revenge” to concoct & create a falsified reason to renegade on the initial “acceptance speech” which was pretentiously stage-managed to buy time to look for any ways possible to cling on at all costs…

    Yankuba Colley among the foot soldiers, have been assigned to launch complaints to the sub-regional & International organizations offices on alleging “aprc supporters being attacked” to set the premise amongst others to fabricate some “genuine-looking” reasons for the whole plan being hatched…

    Now it’s clear & manifesting that the Gambians aren’t alone on our own in this fight; we WILL CERTAINLY triumph over the kanilai DEVIL & disciples come RAIN, SHINE & THUNDER…

    When an oppressed people unify against a common enemy & enablers, God is certainly with them; Insha Allah…

    Long live the Gambia

  3. It is a good advice Hon. Fatty but as a concern citizen too my individual advice to the coalition leadership is that, they should be very much in liaise with the Ecowas, A.u and the U.n. at this point in time. I too deem it necessary, a U.N security council meeting on the Gambia as soon as possible as a Senegalese statesman have already suggested.

  4. This is a call to all gambians.Yaya jammeh must vacate the seat of the presidency of the gambia as he promised by january or else we are gonna attack.There is no time to sit and wait for the internatiinal community to bail the gambia out.The citizens of the gambia can bail themselves out.We did it on Dec 1st and we can do it again.IF THERE IS A WILL, THERE IS A WAY.Nothing is impossible..This is a call.Yaya jammeh must go.Now we have a reason.Meanwhile we are calling on all gambians to remain calm.YOU ALREADY HAVE SPOKEN SO

    • It is about making the international community aware of the stakes in Jammeh’s bad dreams. The Gambia is not outside the internatinal community whatever individual opinions or views may be held of the international community. I am optimistic too that Gambians are undoubtedly capable of bailing themselves out as they did prove on Dec. 1st, a citizens’ day of work that I was not part of. This great opposition coalition of the Gambia, I believe too, has the integrities intergrated to stitch back every fragment together.

  5. The President -Elect has indicated that he has opened lines of communication with Jammeh to assist him to change his mind and respect the results. Let’s hope that he sees sense and leaves office by January 18th latest, but no one should be in any doubt that Jammeh will leave office, once his term expires in January 2017. Hon. Mai Fatty is right. Let’s remain calm until our mandate becomes legally and constitutionally due in January 2017. I believe Jammeh’s 5year term ends on January 18th 2017. There’s still time for him. Let’s be calm and exercise patience for now.

    • Bax , I think you have crazy thinking in believing that jammeh will have sense and leave by January 17th 2017. You need to understand that jammeh is a tyrant and an evil human being . It is only pressure , threat and force that would help to take back our country. I welcome military intervention as well as serious threat from US, U.K. ,AU and ECOWAS to ensure that jammeh is gone

      • Max…It’s just a hope I expressed; The hope that he will see sense and do the right thing..I’m not expressing a fact.

        Remember that he had done U-turns in the past, when he realised the consequences. One such U-turn was the hijab directive. So, let’s hope that the reactions register on him.

        • A terribly woven entanglement of the beautiful Gambia’s political fix though, one like me is convinced now that the average Gambian citizen is smart enough to handle a national mishap of the magnitude in the Gambia presently. The mental insanity of Jammeh and a few around him is what the people of the Gambia are dealing with. It is no doubt to me that most of the country’s wealth he has been reaping from its poor people and also begging in their name around the world are spent on military hardware. We don’t know where those hardware may be hidden…………………Jammeh is a bitter-hearted person. May Allah whose religion he claims to be devout to, shed light in his heart abondantly.

        • Bax , I have been told you long time ago that jammeh is not going to leave power freely without being force or threaten . The election was done peacefully and everyone including himself agree that he did not win election but he took a U turn now . We are now in the territory where we must use force or serious threat for him to leave . The kind of language I am hearing from the spokesman of the coalition is not the language that jammeh will understand. The language we the citizens should say is that ” Yaya jammeh is wanted dead or alive “. He has committed a treasonable offense by committing a constitutional coup and he is no longer a legitimate leader of our country. Mai Fatty or Halifa trying to calm The situation with false assurance is given him time to make more dangerous plan . We must be ready for blood set whether we like it or not . Yaya is not going to leave freely . He is a terrorist and a con-artist. Going to court is to legitimize him as a leader of our country. To be honest with you I am frustrated that you cannot still understand that you are dealing with a dangerous human being. In USA , when a criminal committed a crime or take people hostage the police will send a swat team which has the responsibility of getting the criminal dead or alive. It is the same situation we The Gambian people find ourselves. Our goal here is to get him alive or dead . No negotiations for his personal freedom period.

  6. Calm and calculated when faced with a tyrant like jammeh. The people will eventually win.

    Jammeh is provoking an angry reaction so he can show us the beast he is.

    He is finished just a little bit left of it…

  7. The reason why we are calling on gambians not to take to the streets is because jammeh and his inner circles hatched a plot to kill the president elect and his people once there is an uprising.But without an uprising they cannot do anything .We can diffuse the situation without any uprising from the citizenry.We want the gambians to still show maturity.We want gambians and the whole world to show jammeh and his cronies that we are matured enough to take on him without any collateral damage(s)or any lost of life, except for his and his cronies.Another reason is that jammeh has had a plan, the plan was to throw the Gambia into chaos, and then capitalize on that so that the people of cassamance can join him and declare cassamance and the Gambia as one country.He knew very well that Senegal will try to bail the Gambia out and in this case the cassamance rebels will be energised.Jammeh took credit of the fact there has not been any major rebellion in cassamance since he came to power.This is because of his ties to that area, he assumed.At this moment, as I am writing this, there are people from the Gambia who are mobilising the peoples of cassamance to come to his aid.I cannot put any numbers as to how many,but it is the reality and it is happening. His plan was and is still to drag Senegal into our Gambian affairs so that cassamance can see otherwise.We are here by notifying the Senegal authorities to take heed.We are also appealing to them to give us the green light to cross into the Gambia from a strategic point to take care of this monster.There are more than 30 strategic points that can be used to show jammeh the way.He never beg for mercy so he don’t know what it feels like.We want gambian peoples to remain steadfast.PLEASE DON’T TAKE TO THE STREETS FOR THAT IS ALL WHAT HE IS WAITING FOR.LET US FIRST MAKE HIS PLANS TO BACKFIRE, AND THEN TAKE IT FROM THERE.LONG LIVE THE GAMBIA. THANK YOU

  8. Jammeh is taking his case to the Supreme Court of the Gambia. We gambians demand that let president elect Barrow be sworn in first, and the the Supreme Court can hear the case.We all know our judiciary is not separated from the executive so therefore they will rule in his favor.

    • Why we call the Gambia’s predicament a ‘mishap’ is because you can dub its supreme courts, The State Criminals’ Gas Station. The bogus supreme courts of the Gambia is exactly where Jammeh, his khaki-ed clique, the cronies of dark-glassed bogus state security and ‘green’ enablers are energised.
      Mentioning the names of Gambian courts in this predicament of the country in my opinion, falls short of respect to the genuine cause of the Gambia’s opposition coalition of exemplary statesmen and women. Hope our supposed-to-be-relied-upon-courts of the Gambia are holding a different perspective and stance of the country’s resolve different from their previous demonstrations. We all must be proud of the members of our security apparatus who are or may be willing to use their heads rather than their hearts, for a lunatic by the name of Yaya Jammeh.