Alieu Demba’s Tragic Story

Alieu Demba lost the fight to terminal cancer
Alieu Demba on his hospital bed some days back before losing the fight to terminal cancer!

Despite our superbusy schedule, we felt obliged to pen a few lines for Alieu Demba, a young Gambian who  combed the Sahara desert and crossed the dangerous sea in search of a dream that doesn’t exist at home only to find himself battling terminal disease. It was a battle Alieu couldn’t live to recount. The young Sukutarian last Saturday died at Heidelberg hospital in Germany without fulfilling his dreams. Like most Gambian travelers, Alieu too wanted to work hard and earn money to better his life and that of others. Demba died a week after German doctors ran out of options. This motivated Gambians with good heart to launch fundraising drive for Alieu. Their goal is to help the young man return  so he could try luck in traditional healing. Support for the young man started pouring, with some people pledging to bankroll his air ticket cost. One woman even volunteered to escort him to the Gambia. Her belief was that “any of us could be in Alieu’s shoes.” Now that Alieu lost the fight to survive, the good Samaritans are appealing to Gambians to help ferry his remains to the Gambia for a fitting Muslim burial. While we join friends and the family to mourn a young worthy son of the land, Kairo News wishes to congratulate all those who stand firm for their sick brother. Alieu Demba was gone but he must have appreciated the overwhelming support Gambians have accorded him. That is the true Gambian spirit we have inherited. It is the spirit we struggle to own. We hope this spirit will be maintained. We pray that Alieu rest in Eternal Bliss.



  1. May God bless his soul and reward him in the highest place in heaven .

  2. May Allah have mercy on his soul.

  3. May his soul rest in perfect peace… Ameen.

  4. Rest in peace…