Shyngle Nyassi’s Last Seminal Interview

Gambia’s Lion Political Hero who will never be forgotten! Shyngle is a True Patriot who died with his firm beliefs in equality and justice!

“I forgive all those who wronged me, all those who maltreated me, I forgave them all, because it was for the sake of fighting for a better and freer  democratic Gambia I crossed path with them and they violated me. It was not because of me personally or my Nyassi Kunda family. I forgave them,” the sombre words of the Late UDP Lion, Momodou L. Shyngle Nyassi of blessed memory.

A rare in-depth interview of The Gambia’s fallen hero. The late Momodou L. Shyngle Nyassi was a prominent figure of the opposition United Democratic Party until his sudden death in New York, United States on October 7th 2013.

As part of reviving his legacy, Kairo Radio management decided to do a replay of a detailed interview of the fallen Lion who answered to his Lord’s call without accomplishing his mission of freeing The Gambia from the clutches of dictatorship.

The late Nyassi was prominent Foni native who whose ancestors fought to drive away Bainunkas in Foni Kansala. He explained how the Nyassis and Sanyangs alternate chueftaincy mantle without a fight.  Shyngle talked about his passion for politics, his successes and defeats in a region where he stood firm against tribal politics.

Mohammed Lamin Sillah, who brushed shoulder with the Political Patriot several time in The Gambia, allocated him enough time to educate Gambians on so many issues, including the history of UDP’s politics of tolerance, inclusiveness and peaceful resistance.

Tune in to Kairo Radio’s emotional recap of the seminal interview. This was the last interview the late Shyngle Nassi did shortly before his shocking death.

The late Shyngle Nyassi seemed to have prophesise his own death, when he openly forgave all those who tormented, oppressed and violated his human rights. With clean heart, Mr. Nyassi willingly said: “I forgive all those who wronged me, all those who maltreated me, I forgave them all, because it was for the sake of fighting for a better and freer  democratic Gambia I crossed path with them and they violated me. It was not because of me personally or my Nyassi kunda family. I forgave them.”

Sadly, the Lion Politician died a week later. His remains were flown home for a fitting burial.

For a detail read on his burial, read:


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