Jammeh Didn’t Create DUGA; He Can’t Destroy DUGA!

BY Ousainou Mbenga
Based on a picture taken of me and Omar Faye, the ambassador of the Republic of the Gambia at the commemoration of Father Anthony Gabisi’s 30 years of service to the Catholic Church in the Gambia, the Freedom online newspaper posted an editorial titled: “DUGA, what’s the difference between Omar Faye and Yaya Jammeh”? Well, I will leave that to Freedom’s editorial board to answer. But I will pose my own question: what’s the difference between the Freedom Newspaper editorial and me?
Let me reaffirm my position once more. I am a revolutionary. I am not a “head hunter”.
I am in this fight for the long haul to ultimately transform our beloved Gambia in particular and Africa in general into a new society with revolutionary insights and foresight.
We have come a long way to allow a mere picture to take us off our path of resistance against tyranny and our “eyes off the prize”. I honestly don’t need to defend myself or DUGA but rather drive home the necessity of attaining political maturity in this period and into subsequent generations. In order to build a proud future Gambia, we need a highly sophisticated citizenry capable of exhibiting political maturity. The picture can only sway the politically naïve and those who choose to remain willfully ignorant.
I have always abhorred injustice and repression, wherever it raises its ugly head. My abhorrence spans the African world, from the Gambia to Washington DC and beyond. That invitation was an honor by the Gambian Christian Association, which I gladly attended. The picture is just a picture, nothing more.
Putting the Omar Faye issue aside; was it not my own flesh and blood that served as the first Minister of Agriculture in the Jammeh regime? Didn’t my niece serve in the Jammeh regime? Didn’t a comrade of mine join the Jammeh regime? In all these instances, did I give up the fight against the neocolonial Jammeh regime? Absolutely not! I have maintained my unwavering stance against the Jammeh regime since their “lift onto the saddles of power”.
The fight against Jammeh’s tyranny to me has nothing to do with family, friends and neighbors (waa Banjul). But also, Jammeh cannot in any way destroy my principled relationship with family, friends and neighbors.
It reminds me of when comrade Fidel Castro and Bill Clinton crossed paths in the corridors of the United Nations and shook hands. The incident achieved “breaking news” status and got highly debated in the US media for days on end. Many willfully ignorant republican and democratic leaders chastised Clinton for shaking hands with their “enemy” and a “dictator”. Fidel exhibited absolute political maturity and shook Clinton’s extended hand.
We are in this fight to win on our own terms; not Jammeh’s. Therefore, we will not leave any arena or terrain the APRC operates within goes uncontested, even within his support base. The Jammeh regime is standing on a “two legged stool”, we have broken two legs of the stool, which explains the balancing acts to keep steady from falling, such as the “massive prisoner pardon”, the subtle signs of “meaningless reconciliation” and “meaningless peace”. Even though the regime is dying but not yet dead, we will continue to fight for a politically conscious proud- future Gambia as oppose to a country of “blind patriots” at the service of one tyrant, Jammeh. We must win the vast majority of the people to eradicate the social backwardness that came with the AFPRC – APRC regime. Most of his support base knows the end is near; you have nothing to lose but Jammeh and your chains. Discard him into the dustbin of history and redeem yourselves.
I want to thank all the sons and daughters of our beloved Gambia who refused to be swayed from reality and keep their “eyes on the prize”, particularly my comrades Pa samba Jow and Ngange Demba Njie, likewise the Gambian Outsider, who weighed in on the matter. We must cultivate the terrain for political maturity and social responsibility. A proud – future Gambia is on the horizon, let’s build it from the bottom – up. Gambia cannot coexist with Jammeh.

                                 WE WILL WIN! JAMMEH MUST GO! JAMMEH IS GOING!


  1. Fair & balance, in my opinion I don’t see no deffrnt between Yaya jammeh and Mr mbye of freedom.however, jammeh lie to survive,mr mbye lie to survive,jammeh divide ppl, mr mbye do divide ppl,jammeh never last with ppl, mr mbye never last with ppl, jammeh kill ,mr mbye kill as well bcuz how many families get distroyed by mr mbye the only dffirent in this two is mr mbye is more of intertainer and ,I wonder if he will step his foot on Gambian soil after jammeh era,go and get descent life mr mbye u are disadvantage to this struggle ,your wish is jammeh to stay longer so that u can use that opportunity to lie and make living we are now realize your true color I rest my case

  2. Luntango Suun Gann Gi

    Pa Mbai got called “JackASS” & “Head-hunter” in one week – LOL! Nice one!!



    Comrade Mbenga says: “The Jammeh regime is standing on a “two legged stool”, we have broken two legs of the stool, which explains the balancing acts to keep steady from falling”.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Luntango says: Eh? If something has 2 legs, and “we have broken the two legs” then SURELY no “balancing” is possible?? The something MUST FALL because BOTH legs are broken!!

    Comrade Mbenga says: “I have maintained my unwavering stance against the Jammeh regime since their “lift onto the saddles of power”.

    Luntango says: Comrade Mbenga, His Highness JACK-ASS HEAD-HUNTER put a photograph of you with the AFPRC Spokeman Ebou Jallow and other AFPRC supporters at The Gambia’s Washington DC Embassy in Freedomnewspaper – I am sure Mr. Jackass Headhunter MD PhD will recall the photo.

    Comrade Mbenga says: “Based on a picture taken of me and Omar Faye, the ambassador of the Republic of the Gambia …”

    Luntango says: “His Highness JACK-ASS HEAD-HUNTER’s response is understandable considering Sam Sarr’s visit to the Ambassador followed by Sam’s RECONCILIATION with Jammeh”. He feared you may do the same!