Dictator Jammeh’s FAO Award Misleading

Gambian Vice President toiling at his Boss’s farm. Shameless!

As top civil servants get muddy and undignified in Kanilai, with the slave master walking majestically in inspections, with broad smiles and wondering how easy he was able to use the ‘animal farm’ concept to hoodwink and control low self esteemed educated elites and illiterate on equal measure. The FAO lazy and misplaced officials in Gambia attempting to massage the ego of a brutal maniac of an African dictator, gave President Jammeh an award for fighting hunger. In actual fact the award should go to Gambians in Diaspora who feed and cater for every needs of Gambians, rather than the man who swindle millions through different corrupt measures, including foreign currency manipulations to cause hardship and pain on his people.

Below is a link to some surveys that put many things in perspective that, lazy NGO official misses:

2013 Demographic and Health Surveys reported 25% (1 in 4) of all children under 5 years stunted, 16% underweight, and 12% wasted. Fiull report can be downloaded here: http://dhsprogram.com/…/publication-fr289-dhs-final-reports….

Can someone tell us where the ‪#‎FAO‬ arrived at the 5% undernourishment rate being reported here?

“The farming activities are part of events marking the celebration of the second FAO award given to The Gambia in her efforts in reversing the trendof malnutrition and undernourishment to less than 5% in 2015 and the MDG 1c target of reducing the prevalence of undernourishment.”

It’s tells a lot about our country when the government finds it easier to lie to the people than work for them.

Cutesy of Dr Jaiteh



  1. This Vice President Isatou Njie saidy is the biggest hypocrite and heartless woman in the history of The Gambia. This woman approves everything her boss does. Seeing her pretending to be farming when her children are all in the United States and at the same time lying to Gambian people that everything is fine , is the biggest lie and hypocrisy one can think of. Jammeh can only have such people as his closest adviser if she even do her job . The woman careless about her children future. Her children should be ashamed of her .

    Jammeh used such occasions to have sex with young girls . He will never attend any formal ceremony at kanilla without taking advantage of young girls . What a despicable and evil human being he is.

  2. Max, you should have some respect. Isatou Njie is a well respected woman who sacrifice for women and child rights. She deserves to be respected for her work. How can a bunch of you attack a decent woman like that.

    • Dear sister Binta, it takes a lot for one to assume responsibility of any public office and Gambians must start to learn that fact. There families too, perhaps mine also, must bear in mind that the president, the vice president and onwards are only civil servant and not extended FAMILY- DREAM- COME-TRUE makers.
      However, I am urging Maxs to refrain him self from all vulgarity that he maybe tempted with in any of his future comments, which absolutely is not the case out here either.
      And also another fact; the contrary opinions that are not synonymous to our JALI culture
      should never be considered grudgeful opinions. Leeeeeeeeeave the public office, if you don’t want attention from the public.

    • Binta Saidy, where is the decency in a person who stood aloof while young children were executed in broad day light? The same person who sided with and defended people who inflicted atrocities against Gambian people for the last many years. As far as I am concerned Max was very nice with this lady. There are worse things to be said about this good-for-nothing animal who cares nothing about the Gambian people. Mark my words, her days are coming and numbered!!!

  3. Binta , respect is not demand it is earned . This woman didn’t deserve my respect because I have seen or heard about stories of so many women whose children were missing , disappeared or killed under watchful eye of Isatou Njie saidy while her children like Lamin saidy, and others are enjoying and safely living here in USA . Tell me what sacrifice she did on behalf of women and child rights ? Binta saidy ,did you put yourself in the position of the mother ‘s of chief Ebrima manneh , Ebou lowe , koro Ceesay , 14 Gambian students massacred and others who were under the command of Jammeh and Isatou Njie saidy ? How would you feel if these people were your husband , father , nephew , brother or uncle ? I think you are too ignorance to call Isatou Njie saidy a decent woman when she is heartless beast . Do you know that she is dictator Jammeh’s chief adviser and she is heart beat from presidency . Why should I respect someone who aid the murderer , child rapist , sexual predator , child molester , a corrupt and evil president , someone who violate the rights of citizens every second . Binta if you are sexually abused by Jammeh , you won’t be here calling Isatou Njie saidy a decent woman ,who respect women and child rights . Don’t you know as we speak we have Gambian young girls who are sexually abused and raped by Jammeh , who Isatou Njie saidy has been supporting for the past 20 years . Please get some education .

  4. Binta, is the same Isatou Njie Saidy who presided over the April 10/11 2000 student massacre and openly came on the media and lied that those students were armed and shot each other the one you mean to sacrificed for women and children right???

    Not sure if the same Njie Saidy who stood on national TV and justified the August 23rd mass summary execution of mile 2 prisoners and called it an act of Allah worship you are referring to as a respected woman who sacrificed for women and child right.

    Remember that 3 years 10 days today the bodies of those ple are not seen and nothing is being said about them.

    Waiting to get your clarifications.

  5. Binta njie saidy cannot be a respected woman I was listening to the interview with pa ndery saying that Chief manneh went to back way to Europe and died in the way which is a lie. So we can’t call her a respected woman the same njie saidy says that Chief manneh is in U S so how can we trust her same on her.