UDP Aiming For Grand Serrekunda Entry

UDP Brikama and Kombo youths on vans to meet the touring convoy in Foni.

The United Democratic Party is sending a clear message that they are a force to be reckoned with in Gambian politics. Fleet of vans and cars are heading towards Foni to meet the touring caravan, giving it one of the biggest welcome parades to Serrekunda later today. According UDP program organizers, over 45 cars and mini vans will form the head of the convoy from Kafuta all the way to Brikama. From Brikama, more supporters will join the convoy to Serrekunda for a rally.

The UDP caravan tour reached Jarra in the Lower River Region on Saturday. They visited several villages before making the night stop at Sankwia. Our reporter expressed a confident mode among the tour group as they near the end of the tour in Kombos and Serrekunda.

The UDP officials expressed delight in the renewed support and invigoration in their ranks across the country. Whilst in URR, they received a tumultuous reception in Touman and Kantora. In Kassy kundentertainedunda, the traditional festival mood delayed the tour for longer than expected. In other neighboring villages, people line up the street, clapping, yapping and running along the convoy.

In bigger villages like Demba kunda, Numuyel, Gambisara, and others, the caravan wa accorded a fitting reception with major figures in the town opening the meetings for them. The villagers allocated several youths to accompany the caravan to Serrekunda.

The caravan made a night stop in Bansang where they were entertained with the traditional kankuran [masquerade] dance. In all the villages and towns, the message was ‘Gambians should end entrenched fear and the suffering’. The party leaders explain how they will reclaim the battered the Gambia and repair its ills – economic, politics or social.  The party leaders also spoke on the need to end ‘back way to Europe.



  1. bravo bravo the UDP. God protect you all. alabarika deh……………..

  2. Lafia Touray la Manju

    UDP Gofund link for your kind donations:

