
Re: IMF Considers Gambia Bail-out

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By Bax

“Third World” countries, especially the African countries, must either take the bull by the horns and abandon their participation in the current Global Capitalist System or continue to serve the interest of the capitalist west and reduce their peoples to the wretched of the earth..The escape of a few from poverty into affluence and riches,which is often showcased as the success of the system, is an illusion…The system is designed to keep us the way that serves their interest : sources of cheap raw materials and labour, as well as Markets for their finished goods and services and regular sources of income through interest payments and debt servicing….Dependence on Foreign Aid ensures control and manipulation..

In his works titled ” Deterring Democracy”, Naom Chomsky discussed : National Security Council Document No. 5432, entitled, ” US Policy in Latin America”, dated August 18,1954 : “The major threat to Us interest is posed by “nationalistic regimes” that are responsive to popular pressures for “immediate improvement in the low living standards of the masses” and diversification of the economies.The tendency conflicts not only with the need to “protect our resources,” but also with concern to encourage “a climate conducive to private investment” and “in the case of foreign capital to repatriate a reasonable return”.

If you are saying to yourself, well that’s 1954, then you haven’t listened to James Wolfensohn, former World Bank President, delivering a speech to a group of students at Stanford University, sometime in 2010/2011…Mr Wolfensohn stated that the world he knew and grew up in, was one where the rich,powerful West (about 1/5 of world population) controlled 80% of global wealth while the Third World countries (4/5 of world population) controlled 20% of Global Wealth…He projected that by 2050 the world population is projected to reach 9Billion, with almost 8Billion living in the Third world..He said that this population disparity and the technological advancement of third world countries will alter the structure of the global economy and change the balance of control of global wealth by 35% to the West and 65% to the developing world..

Mr Wolfensohn sees this new reality as “Turning the world on its head”…because according to him, ” all the organs of running the world were designed to accommodate the fact that the rich West controlled 80% of Global wealth…” He sees this new change as a “threat” that must be confronted by the younger generation in the West…He thinks allowing students from third world countries to study in advance institutions in the West is “madness”…Very interesting indeed…



  1. Bajaw

    Good job Bax; I believe the IMF & the the corrupt Westerners making meals out of Africa & the third world’s predicaments have ready complicity in our pathetic leadership who will swear & promise the earth & sky before assuming the mantle only to be far worse & corrupt in stealing & embezzlement once ascended the throne; instead of progressively working to decentralise in democratic dispensations & genuine development in equal opportunity for all….

    Now Kaironews where are you???

    Please get me the heartening news on the preliminary report of the release of our heroic comrades in the US… Now, who said our collective efforts & criticism of Uncle Sam can’t work in our favour…??? Our Gunjur boy Michael Scales, you are a TRUE friend of Gambia; our efforts are proving your initial assumption wrong…. Gambians, our collective efforts can’t only conquer the idol worshipping satanic kanilai predatory murderer BUT can conquer the world with our collective determination together… God bless Gambia; Ameen.

  2. Deyda Haidara

    Hello Bax, am very happy to contribute my quota on your article.
    Firstly Noam Chomsky did not teach us what we did not know and thought by great African political economist in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. Referring to Karl Max, one will understand that the basic three economic systems i.e. (capitalism, socialism and communism) are relatively mathematical, social and structural sciences designed for the distribution and ownership of goods and services derived from materials and human knowledge or know how.
    As our independence fathers said and insisted, the reason why Africa and Africans remain poor is purely cultural, psychological and mental. Culture plays a great part in people’s development or regression thus examples abound to compare what went right or wrong for the past 60 years when the eastern, the oriental, pacific, south American, Arabic and African people were almost on the same economic footings. Over the years almost all took off economically speaking except Africans, why? Culture is the main driver of a people future. When I say culture I do not means songs, dances, arts and sports as many Africans interpret it to be. Culture is the sum total of a people’s mental and material existence and their desire to be respected, strong or left alone. When one talks about western or Asian culture, one’s mind goes straight to their economic and material existence and not merely arts crafts and sports. A people’s culture is progressive, stagnant or retrogressive. As Africans we do not need to learn anything new that Africans did not apprehend and comprehend. What we need is to apply progressive culture in our daily lives thus be honest, loving and helping each other in our material and distributive systems. Basically we all know that some advance countries that do not have natural resources have adopted this progressive culture to upkeep their people to higher economic state of living.
    As for Mr. Wolfensohn, the only fitting answer to his fears of a future just world is the one served by the former slave masters who pleaded against the end of their free labor. In other words Wolfenson is simply a wolf in the cold alpines, he does not earn my respect.

  3. Lafia Touray la Manju

    Colonialism ended in Gambia 50yrs ago and yet Bax wants us to blame Britain for our economic woes of today. This nonsense upon slit. We are where we are today in economic terms because we have being irresponsible in managing our our economy and choosing a bad political leadership.

    Did bax even know that at some point after the 2001 elections and until 2010/11, Britian was given 100 million Dalasis every year in direct aid to The Gambia. Where did it all go? Britain had to stop giving this money directly because they weren’t happy the way it’s been spent. They are now doing it through the EU in line with the Cotonou Protocol but even that has proven to be a problem because of human rights concern. Already 86million Euros eye marked for Gambia (free money) is being frozen amidst concern over the country’s poor human rights records.

    Blame your leaders, not Britain or the West. We need to learn to be responsible.


  4. On balance I would side mildly with Deyda. My friend Bax sounds like a soccer player who would rather play rugby. That is more akin to “standing the world on its head”

    We are all entitled to stand on the starting line.

    What is it with the African mindset that thinks capitalism lives only in the home of the West.?

    If Capitalism was soccer….African’s would be the new supa rich of the world.

    Open your minds and free yourself from self doubt.

    I knew poverty….I lived and breathed the tag of being firmly in the lowest class. I never sat my 11 plus….my teachers said I was useless.

    Capitalism does not discriminate against gender, race or poverty…or aquired intelligence.

    You join the party and risk everything. In a democracy…the door is waiting for you to arrive and walk through.

    The persuit of happiness and a debt free life is everybodies right.

    All you need is an idea, ambition and belief.

    Follow the words of the positive….not the frustrated.

    “I didn’t get wealthy because because I wanted to be rich.

    I got rich because I was sick of being poor.”

    • Deyda Haidara

      Hi Mike, I partly agree with you specially on the individual fulfillment front. However I am of the view that certain amenities should be collectively owned for the common good. Shall I say that wealth and knowledge cannot open all doors for reasons best known to the housekeeper and this is where you and I defer. Suspicions and fears are part of human realities and can play a decisive role in any society specially if history has witnessed certains facts of live. However as you rightly said, Africans should not be frustrated but rather try in our daily lives to catch up and surpass specially that GOD endowed us with abondant material, natural resources and human resources to move fast and really fast provided we embrace the progressive or positive culture that I mention in my write-up. Yes we should beleive in ourselves and the capacity to change and turn our fate into an economically developped Africa.
      Our collective will can get us there if we want it.

  5. Bax


    You’re the one talking about colonialism and blaming Britain…I did not even mention either of the two…I talked about how the current Global Economic/Finance system was designed and works and this has been backed by the words of no less an official than former World Bank President, thus:

    ”  all the organs of running the world were designed to accommodate the fact that the rich West controlled 80% of Global wealth…”

    Anything that alters this balance is a recipe for “instability”, he warned…What’s so difficult for you to understand..?

    I never absolved any African Leader from the woeful economic, political or social failures of the entire continent, but we must go beyond the narratives to understand the various factors at play here.. (including mismanagement, poor leadership, etc).

  6. Bax


    I have no doubt that you worked hard to be where you are today but the advantages you had over someone in a third world country are numerous and endless…One such advantage is that your part of the world, which constitute only 20% of world population controls 80% of world wealth, which circulates around the economies of your countries…Moreover, you (the West) have had such a start ahead of us (developing countries) and an unfair control and monopoly over technology, that it is hard to imagine how our industries (where they exist) can compete with yours for production and markets..Unless we look for an alternative system, or enjoy the sort of technological transfer & preferential treatment China, Taiwan, South Korea, Israel, etc enjoyed/are enjoying, we will be doomed to serving your interests till dooms day…These are the glaring facts before us and your narratives (capitalist media & paid “experts”) no longer carries any weight in sincere, independent minded academic circles or “holds any water” for a great number of people in third world countries..It is just propaganda alla Nazis style.. (tell it so often and it becomes reality).

  7. jaddus the higher priest

    the problem is we all know what needs to be done to acheive prosperity to all, but only’if we are all ready to suffer.Knowing that the current world order is serving the interest of few .the question is, is African pupolace will be ready to suffer for their posterity in such materialistic minded world.

  8. Deyda,

    A very wise man once said to me…..”If God decreed that commonism would exist for all on Monday… and capitalism was banned.That we all lived in similar houses, drove the same cars and ate the same food…..AND SPOKE THE SAME WORDS…and shared the same thoughts.

    Within 12 months…those who were previously rich before would become rich again.

    ..and those who were poor before would become poor again”

    Thank God we are all unique and thank God for our differences.

    Thank God we are all human….and are born with two of everything.

    • Deyda Haidara

      Hahaha! Mike am a muslim and as such capitalism is permitted and encouraged. Our phrophet Mohamed was also a businessman and helped his first wife Khadja in her business activities. However monotony in goods and services as in communism is not my take. What I meant is some public amenities are better off in government hands than in private hands i.e airports, rails and trains etc etc of course management of such can be privatized as in road constructions and tolls. You see Mike, African and Africans lives are a reality apart from Europe and Europeans lives, not the the human factor of course but the cultural factor. Unless you want to flatter us the cultural difference is what sets us apart. What we need as africans is an awakening and will to excel ans improve our collective living condition. We have a long way to go and every second is etheir a waste or a success; I finally pray that GOD help stop our individual greeds, injustices, corruptions and hate and take us in a mode of positive culture. If so GOD decreed within 25 years there will be no ghetteos in Africa.

  9. Bax…..tell that to Amadou Samba and Taf Bell and Yahya Jammeh.

    Nigeria has more billionaires than France, Portugal and Spain combined.

    • Bax

      Mike…The question is…? Did you make your wealth the way Nigerian Billionaires and Yaya Jammeh made theirs…? I don’t know for definite how Amadou Samba made his wealth, but it will be interesting to find out how it all started…

      And like I stated before, the escape of a few into affluence does not change the fact that the system will reduce the vast majority of people into poverty and objects of exploitation…

  10. Lafia {Gambian}

    One could make a “reasonable” argument to suggest that the EU and the US have been applying indirect sanctions on the Jammeh administration for quite some time.

    If as Kairo News suggest the IMF are about to come chapping on Jammeh’s door again soon. Will he fear its da big bad bogey man baring more bad tidings?

    The international banking world has gone daft.

    Today they even buy your bad debts…and if a nation is strapped for cash….they just print a few extra billion and shove it into the global system.

    Why don’t they give every man woman and child….$100,000 each and to hell with tax…for 12 months.

    Then we can all buy chinese bonds.

  11. Bax, I have always been a big fan of yours {I kid you not}. You are a genuinely decent Man. I have no doubt if you choose politics as your chosen profession….Gambia would have better future.

    But lets peal this back to the bone.

    You construct your manifesto to win the hearts and minds of voters.

    I market my product on price, service and efficiency.

    Where we are uniform…is that we both “sell” benefits.

    Where we differ, is that if I don’t achieve enough customers I go bust.

    If you don’t get enough voters, you can sit tight and do virtually nothing for 5 years…and still survive.

  12. Deyda, I have lived with Africans for 30 years. I married two of them.

    The last time i prayed was in the mosque in Banjul. I also had a business partner who was an incredibly devout muslim.

    What goes on behind closed doors is nobodies business. What matters is trust and cooperation and setting an agenda that has an objective.

    One story I found from conversation exchange was that your prophet was in a cave in a mountain and the arc angel Gabrial visited him and said..”.Go forth from your village and seek an education.”
    Your prophet {peace and blessing be upon him} followed this advice and the islamic faith prospered.

    When you visit the great citidels of Islam…you can only open your eyes in wonder…and be in orr of this very capable and dynamic religion.

    I have been to Dubai….I was in heaven.


    Disneyland is the dream..


    .Dubai is the reality.

    • Deyda Haidara

      Mike your this statement “What goes on behind closed doors is nobodies business” speaks volumes. I will take it in the positive light until proven otherwise.
      The Chinese at one point had to close their doors and when they open it.. waw… everything went RED all over the world. Should African learn from this experiences?? your answer is as good or bad as mine. We are also a billion african souls and 60% of it below age of 25.
      Finally I strognly believe that our friendly partners should help progressive africans uproot african dictators (for they have the military means) and restore democracy, honesty and rule of law. By doing so every continent will benefit as none is an island as we all need to trade amongst ourselves.
      Dictators survive by the guns, the secret police, and terror. The sacrfice to uproot dictators are always costly and its citizens need their partners help.
      Of course we have to free ourselves but when the dictators partners are powerful ones, it will make the job more difficult for freedom fighters.

  13. chris gordon

    I’ve seen few such forums where such eloquent comments prevailed. I am American and would love to engage with each of you responding to this article.

    From my perspective, your comments all have their relative merit – and should be shared openly with all that will listen. I think too, there are some other issues that should be considered.

    At the end of the day, we’re all challenged and what we’re born in to is what we know to be normal. Although the Internet has given cause for a distinct flattening of our world (together with lots of other technologies), there is a very real ‘ebb and flow’ of ‘power’ and ‘control’ in our world. It has always been this way and it always will, for humans are greedy and this trait has equal parts advantage and evil.

    Just as Mongolia once ruled the world, so did Rome, so did the British, so did the Americans, and so on. We are now witness to a change in empires (as we know them) from west to east and influence from north to south.

    The best thing we can all do is get out of bed every day and be the best we can be, for one day, Africa could be North America. If we can use history as a guide, it is sure to happen. But no change (that is worthwhile or sustainable) happens overnight. If everyone thought/responded as you have here, our world would be a much fairer place – not to mention peaceful.

    From this American to each of you – thank you for your insights. Long live a free Internet. I may not have ever known about you all, were it not so.

    FYI – I am doing some domestic and foreign perspectives research on Mr. Jammeh and would welcome any perspective any of you are willing to offer. I am, of course, very familiar with the name Deyda Hydara and don’t know if the moniker used here as Deyda Hydaira is of any relation, but I again welcome the collaboration. My position is neutral and I have no vested interest in any position other than factual. I have no position or relationship with Jammeh, nor any personal grievances against him.

    I can be reached at

    Chris Gordon

    • Luntango Suun Gann Gi

      Ha,Ha,Ha, Chris, thou canst be “neutral”!!! You have just admitted that your are an Imperialist American! Jammeh wants to dethrone American Imperialism (and Gay-ism!) – so you can’t really be neutral there, can you?? Good luck with the research … and thank you for your comments about our Bantaba/Baraza (“forum” to you Anglos!).

      • chris gordon

        @Luntango – you write as a well educated person, but you appear to be very angry and I think this taints your ability to be objective. I can assure you that your label of me, as would be the same for the lion’s share of Americans, is flatly inaccurate.

        Believe it or not, not all Americans are ‘imperialists’ and not all support everything that our government does. In fact, there is a steep political divide in the United States between right and left and many of the policies you see, or perceive to see, meet with serious resistance from the general public. I frankly think here are many issues at play for which you’re not privy that factor into any body (government or other) that give cause for decisions to be made as they are.

        I’ll break the ice and again say I’m open to discussion with you if you’re so inclined. I won’t bite!


        • Luntango Suun Gann Gi

          “Luntango … you appear to be very angry and this taints your ability to be objective”. Chris, you Yanks are full of BS! Your Senator McCain (I call him MACBRAIN – as in Mad Cow Disease!) has just called Chanchellor Merkel “Foolish” because she disagrees with MACBrain on Ukraine. I would have made him Personna Non Grata there and then for insulting the Chancellor! I can assure you that MACBAIN would NOT dare call Jammeh “Foolish” in The Gambia!

          You say: “I work independently with firms that do consulting for governments, generally, and I have taken a project to analyze public perceptions about Yahya Jammeh. I am unsure why this is not believable.” Repeat: “I AM UNSURE WHY THIS IS NOT BELIEVABLE”.

          Because it is BS Chris! Who in the USA would pay you to “analyze public perceptions about Yahya Jammeh”!!!!

  14. Deyda Haidara

    @Chris Gordon, as you might learn later in this forum all of us have experiences in the Gambia whether as Gambians or friends of the Gambia. You are most welcome! I Deyda Haidara am not the real one but do know him and admired him since my childhood as strong believer and defender of free press hence his ultimate sacrifice gunned down by the Jammeh regime in 2004. I am his ghost lol.. What we share in this forum is that Jammeh is not a democrat but rather an arrogant dictator, a killer and a thief. For sure Jammeh does not respect the rule of law and rules the Gambia as his personal property. That’s one the reasons we are here exposing him and along the way chatting and educating our ourselves.
    I for one beleive in the ameriacn dream and have seen it work without prejudice to any races living in the US. Yes we also thank the US for bringing us the internet to connect the world in a manner never seen before. I remember sending my first email in 1999 using a modem called US Robotics which use to make an awful noise that scared the cats away, lol. When I first attended a conf/expo called ISPCON in Baltimore in 1995, I heard John Chambers CEO of CISCO routers saying ” the internet will change the world” and there and then I agreed when I saw the technology combinning voice video and data passed thru the copper cable, I said waw! and took a lot docs and gave it friends in West Africa.
    Having said the above, I do beleive that Africa will one day be like the US except the mistakes that the US did in its history. I am a colourless person who beleive in honesty, justice, hard word, rule of law, peace and alternative presidential term limits. Unfortunately we do not have this in the Gambia and in many african countries yet but we will get there when the collective will of Africans arises from our deep slumber as a lost people.
    For information on Jammeh and his rule please read this statement from RFK foundation:
    Finally I will keep your email but cannot give you mine yet for reasons known to all gambians who know how the Gambian dictator works. This is how bad dictatorial terror system is, everyone is careful in fact I do not personally know any of the forumists here at Kairo. Isn’t that sad?
    Once again welcome Chris.

  15. Luntango Suun Gann Gi

    @Deyda Hydara: The “American Dream” is a Nightmare for African Americans. Visit the Equal Justice Innitiave (EJI) for an example. Really, DH, how can you ignore/praise an Evil System just because you are fighting another? You just need to have a basic understanding of World Affairs since WW2 to know how evil the USA has been around the world. The USA is a Global Nightmare.

    • Deyda Haidara

      Luntango, I have gone past all the rethorics about imperialism, neocolonialism, racism and all the rest of the ism. The problem is us Africans. China was colonized and today no chinese complain about the past colonial rethorics, India and Vietnam the same. Why should africans continue to burry their heads into someone else brains and blame all their shortcomings on others alone. Unless you move away from your subjective thinking the collective will to move fowrard and rectify our poor situation will take a long time. The day Americans voted for an african american president specially one who’s dad is from your country “Kenya” that day I stopped acussing America of racism. As for the American system let me tell you nations have no firends but interest. Chinese safeguard their interest as any other nation so should Africans and Africa look after our collective interest. You should thank the US for making the internet medium possible so that you, others and I can discuss and exchange ideas without knowing each other. I beleive in positive thinking and also acknowledge our shortcomings, give praise where it is due and blame where it is due. One should also differentiate between a government-president and the people of those countries when criticizing lest you stuck in the brains.
      I remember when you and I exchange about a lady now minister in the Gambia’s monster government becoming an enabler of dictatorship but this did not deter you from heaping lovely praises on her just because you are weak on beautiful women.
      Long live the American and the African people. Down with dictatorship and its enablers.

  16. Lafia Touray la Manju

    Oh come on Luntango, don’t start again; this tasteless utopian Pan- Africanism. I understand you don’t wear suit because it’s too western.


  17. Bax

    “The “American Dream” is a Nightmare for African Americans.”

    Hahahahaa. ..It’s not just the (masses of) African Americans, but all who refuse to bow down to their silly, arrogant and foolish idea of “exceptionalism” and National Interest…

    As one political commentator puts it : (referring to their threat of “All options are on the table” against Russia)…

    “This power drunk tyrant is well and truly sliding under the table..”

    • Deyda Haidara

      Bax you think China, Russia and North Korea even next door Cuba cares about the US exceptionalism, hell no! If African Americans where that frustrated as as think why didn’t they return to Africa. Don’t tell me Indians own the US and Blacks have equal rights in the US of course that is OK. Please let’s not go that route because it will derail our focus which initially was about the IMF and the Monster’s economic mismanagement. Look, the issue is not about a powerful and weak country, it’s about making ourselves respected and this can only be achieved by two things; military and economic might. Africans lack both not because we cannot do it but we refuse to do it as yet and keep taking refuge in scapegoats. Who cares if Africans are not happy?
      As Gambians, the US is not our problem, our problem is Jammeh and his enablers.

      • Bax

        Deyda Haidara….Actually,these countries you mentioned, do care and take very seriously, America’s declaration of ” exceptionalism” and America does not like it at all…But that’s a discussion for another day..

        As you rightly stated,our focus should be on the African/Gambian issues and brain storm suggestions on how we can extricate ourselves from the man-made economic predicaments, with its seemingly insurmountable political and social problems, that we have been trapped in, as a people, for as long as our memories can recall…..

        I don’t know whether we should borrow a leaf from the Chinese and draw down the “iron curtain”, in order to sort ourselves out first, but we certainly need to take a step back and assess/re-assess our role, and participation in this set up called the Global Economic/Finance System…And that begins with the people because the leadership are too easily corrupted by the system and turned into its puppets, rather than our servants..

        As far as bailing out The Gambian economy is concerned, and in view of the efforts by diaspora activist groups to isolate Jammeh, my humble advice would be: don’t waste your time with the IMF because it will not listen to you…For the “experts” at the IMF, only one thing matters : MONEY ( if an activity gets you money, it’s good…To hell with the consequences : Massive retrenchment, reduced public spending : schools,hospitals,pensions,etc can all shut down for all they care…They don’t want to know…Don’t be fooled by all their “expert analyses”…It’s propaganda..

        The Gambia, like many desperate countries, are deliberately straddled with loans that the “banksters” know they cannot pay but will be willing to service, even by “robbing Peter to pay Paul”…And that’s serious money…$184 Billion annually by 2010, according to World Bank…It’s no CONSPIRACY THEORY..It’s a fact…Greece is a clear example..

        • Deyda Haidara

          Yes Bax, once a country is equipped with nuclear weapons and the capacity to lunch them specially in great distance, earns his word and respect. The Iranian case is good point of discussion.
          Yes I agree that the IMF and WB are financial institutions and are not bothered much on plolical and rights propaganda. However all other aiding institutions bilateral or multileteral can be subject to good governance conditionalities.
          On the home and in my humble believe, we should remove Jammeh by all means necessary.

    • Luntango Suun Gann Gi

      @Bax: Yea, yea, Bax – “All options on the table against Russia”!!! They are NOT just “drunk” but MAD if they think they are gonna go to war with Russia over Ukraine. Merkel told them so in Munich today – and that idiot Senator McCain called Merkel “Foolish”!!!! In her own country – they called her foolish! Arrogant Americans with extreme bad manners – she is his HOST!!

  18. Luntango Suun Gann Gi

    @Deyda: Now who is “burying his head in the sand” Bro?!!! The US of A is the No. 1 “Enabler” and PROTECTOR “of Dictatorships” in the world for the last 100 years!! Wakey wakey Bro – just talk to any Latino neighbour of yours. I am sure you have heard of Chile, Mobutu, Apartheid, The Shah, Saddam Hussein, Mubarak, etc etc – these were all Uncle Sam’s Little Darlings. Just Google “Chomsky”, DH Bro, and you will be enlightened in 5 minutes flat.

    @Lafia: I wear suits to work in UK – and at 6ft 2in and athletic I look bloody good in it (judge trying to kill far prody Nderryia with jealousy – lol!). It is just that in Africa – Banjul, Dakar and Nairobi – I love my Kaftans and my Africans love me in it (the girls go CRAZY – and Nderryia goes NUTS with jealousy lol).

    Seriously guys, you can’t shut down the debate about Uncle Sam’s CRIMINAL and GENOCIDAL behaviour world-wide. OK, ISIS were disgusting and criminal to burn that Jordanian pilot. But just enter SHOCK & AWE in Google Images and see how the USA/UK set FIRE to the city of Bagdad and BURNED ALIVE thousands of people. Open your eyes brothers – if you want me to support you in condemning amateurs like Mugabe you must also condemn the murderous professionals like Bush and Blair.

    • Deyda Haidara

      Lungtango, I never heard you criticizing Jammeh and his regime. As the proverb goes silence is guilt.
      Secondly I have no time fighting someone else fight, I have enough on my plate.
      Thirdly I will not burry my head in the past when our present condition in the home front is not solved.
      Finally, you as a Kenyan has fought hard to get president Uhura from the net of the ICC, yet you failed to condemn a tyrant who sent you packing out of the Gambia. Don’t also bite the british hand that feeds you and your familly.
      Have a nice weekend.

      • Luntango Suun Gann Gi

        Uhuru, Uhuru with a “u” Deyda Bro! You have been watching too much of Star Wars (the pretty Black lady there is called Uhura). Thanks for the compliments though – Uhuru has not sent me a “Thank You” card for getting him off the ICC rap yet!

        I think you are being economical with the actualities when you feign ignorance about my efforts, but you are 100% wrong to say “sent you packing out of the Gambia”.

        99% of British citizens in The Gambia abide strictly by the law as foreigners and are meticulous in paying all the tax dues, vehicle maintenance, etc. Even the BIG MAN who accused me found that I had kept a digital audio recording of everything 24/7 – it is so easy with technology nowadays (I was advising a Black British Police Officer facing discrimination recently – and once she set up the 24/7 audio recording even HER OWN behaviour changed: she stopped overreacting to the provocations because she had evidence). Anyway, the point is that I live strictly by the law whichever country I am in and I was never “sent packing by Jammeh”. An important fellow wrote something similar in 2001 too – only to see me and Baba Jobe on GRTS – chatting at the Roots Festival!!

        PS: DH, you seem to have fallen for “Chris”s charms – I hope you did not send him an e-mail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        • Deyda Haidara

          Just go kiss the so-called BIG MAN’s hands and bend down low. It seems the cold weather is not sustainable for old africans. Don’t double talk me and kissing the british respect for laws. You found them in it whiles your brothers are busy fouling them big time.
          Lastly have respect on people you don’t know by throwing on them the african-american slang word BS. You can cannot teach us anything except maybe how to more be rude and disrespectful.
          If I don’t fall in a lady’s charm more a man like me. Rest assured that even you will not have my email.

  19. An American researcher with a G/mail account.????

    Yeh sure….lol !!!

    • chris gordon


      Odd you find it impossible that a researcher from the US has a gmail account.

      I work independently with firms that do consulting for governments, generally, and I have taken a project to analyze public perceptions about Yahya Jammeh. I am unsure why this is not believable. I have been doing this quite a long time and have no hidden agendas whatsoever.

      My door remains open…


  20. Guys……. just got an e/mail from Ban Ki Moon offering me $2,500,000 compensation for being the victim of an internet scam.

    All I gotta do is send £50 to a Nigerian guy and they will transfer the money into my account.

    Lol !!!!

    Please advise.

    Will anybody give me £100….and I will reassign it to you.?

  21. Forward Bax but,don’t waste your precious time responding a greedy mike of a politically booga booga be-easiness-man who would not have lived in the Gambia not for a moment if it were a Gambia of the voice of the people of the Gambia. Bax i follow reading lots of your comments but not when responding to people.

  22. “Mr Gordon”

    The subject matter of this highly respected forum is the IMF.

    Perhaps you would care to give us your informed opinion on the IMF?

    Seeing as you are interalia with western government.

    Can you explain why the Americans constructed the IMF ?

    Why was it formed in 1943 When the war in Europe and Japan was undecided? Was this not somewhat optimistic ?

    The United States is self confident to claim to be the worlds most powerful democracy on earth.

    Why then should the United States hold the majority of shares in the IMF at 17%,,,,closely followed by Germany, France, Japan and the UK.?

    Explain why the United States is the only shareholder that has a “super veto” and can block the interests of any other member shareholder?

    How can the western nations further all rights on there high minded Democratic principals when being party to such an apparent and undemocratic system of international money brokerage as the IMF?

    Do you think the IMF is a democratic institution worthy of its stated aims?

    Do you agree with me that shareholding in such a “democratic” institution should be equal and free of any member having the final say over the wishes and rights of all others?

    What do you think the stated aims and ambitions of the IMF are?

    Finally….Deyda has explained fully why an e/mail exchange with an internet stranger….is viewed with great caution…by Gambian’s

    Most if not all Gambian online exchange has at one time or another been cyber attacked, by unfriendly sources.

    Indeed, many Gambian’s have suffered either directly or indirectly from disclosure of name and political dissent.

    Remaining diligent and cautious….for some can mean the difference beteen freedom from torture, dissapearence and in some cases.. even death.

    I would caution you against revealing your address to any one. I would not canvass the identity of any other prospect online.

    Everybody knows who I am….I am well past caring.

    The English are not so easily intimidated.

    Over to you sir ?

    Have your say.

    • chris gordon

      @Michael, I am not expert enough to have a debate (political, philosophical or other) about the IMF, so I will have to respectfully decline a position on this one.

      I will only say that I know the organization has been accused, in some cases perhaps rightfully, as being predatory. But I also know they’ve helped a lot of people. I think the nature of any deal between people requires that both parties to it to be sober and accountable, otherwise human nature can tend to follow an ugly path.

      Re: my research here, I am not working for a US based interest. Although I can certainly see where one (many?) could have interest in knowing what ‘the public’ views of the political stability in Gambia for the reason that it could have an effect on decision-making. One example would be an investor(s) interested in investing in the region and wanting to know what the political dynamic looked like at any given time. If stable and the leadership looks workable, “I’m probably a player”. If not, well, then “probably I’m not”, sorta thing. This happens all the time.

      Re: the comment from (above) @Ggapm, as “Forward Bax but,don’t waste your precious time responding a greedy mike of a politically booga booga be-easiness-man who would not have lived in the Gambia not for a moment if it were a Gambia of the voice of the people of the Gambia”, which I believe was directed at me, begs the question; who do you folks here want to hear your arguments? If you’re unwilling to engage with outsiders, then what good is your time spent sharing frustrations with each other? For the only way you’ll every achieve progress is with consensus.

      In response to this:
      A) I am non-political for the purposes of my interest here. My craft disallows it.
      B) I have found Kaironews on the Internet – a public place
      C) I have been respectful to all, and for whatever the duration of my participation, I will remain so.
      D) If Kairoews prohibited outsiders/new visitors, I am sure they would make it known
      E) I am not Gambian, have no family in the country and will very unlikely ever live there.

      Lastly, I appreciate that there are a good number of Gambians – perhaps all of them – that have been adversely affected by Mr. Jammeh’s rule, as much of what is available about him publicly makes him out to be a nasty guy, but I can’t fight that battle. What I can do is listen and report facts and this is what I will do. My hope is that my little piece of research helps improve things, even if just a little bit for the people of The Gambia. If I am honest and accurate (and I will be), my work should do just that.

      So that it is spoken, I’ve asked no one for their contact details and will do no such thing as canvassing for them. I am happy to post all of my interests and dialog here. As I am not looking for deep seeded secrets, rather things that are factual and available in public spaces, I’ve no need to go offline, personally. And if no one here is willing, then so be it and will atke no offense.

      In parting and if I may offer any piece of advice to all of you in this forum, engage with those that wish to engage with you – no matter their origin. All but @Deyda’s response has been of a suspicious/unwelcoming nature and I think this only serves to defeat your (seemingly) collective purpose; change. Please know that the only way you’ll achieve what you’re seeking is through consensus. Even another coup d’etat is near certain to fail to solve the problem you’re seeking to cure for the long term. Tell your story and tell it to as many people as will listen. Do a good job telling your story (you for one are very capable of this) and people will be more inclined to be endeared and care. Despite your intellect, Michael, your (near) parting comment spoke volumes to me as, “Everybody knows who I am….I am well past caring” – albeit I seriously doubt this is what you really mean.

      In me, you have a friend – not a foe. You may take this for whatever it is worth.

      Good tidings to you and you have my respect,

      • Deyda Haidara

        Hello Chris, I know you should be dissapointed about some responses. Many here are too suspicious, frustrated and angry but as you rightly said it is rather a recipe for failure than progress. We Africans have too many problems ranging from tribalism to mere jealousy and hatred yet some of us call ourselves GOD fearing people or good people. Some of us see your name and conclude that here is white man immunizing and trying to get smart, not thinking you might even be a black, a woman, or even a president of a country or CEO or Head of ….despite the anonymity of the net….lol.
        Don’t get discourage as you and us can learn from each other.
        I for one will not negatively critricize someone who has not said anything negative. It’s simple logic and respect.

  23. Lafia Touray la Manju

    Mike, well said. Churchill wanted to go to Normandy on D-day. Only the King stopped him.

    I don’t share your anti American sentiments though.


  24. Lafia…..Me anti American ? Surely not !!!!

    I was brought up on Otis Redding, The Beach Boys and Martin Luther King Jr.President Kennedy, The Vietnamn war….and the killing of my idol John Lennon. My generation came with many good ideas. Now we are old….and looking back…what did we achieve?

    The common denonminator of all negative online discourse is Government….not the people and there respective cultures.

    Governments go to war…people are the casualties.

    There is something fundamentally wrong with governments.

    After 65 years of thinking…..I still do not know the answers.

    Do you?

    Churchill said…..”Democracy is a poor form of government, but all the others are so much worse”

    Was Churchill finally defeated in victory?

    Our friend Chris Gorden placed two key words for consideration.



    I think he as my support.

  25. Lafia Touray la Manju

    Mike, I did not say you are anti American. Just the sentiments you expressed in relation to US-IMF relationship.

    I agree with most of your other comments but unfortunately we can’t do without governments. So I guess the best we can do is to keep striving for improved or better governance in the world over.


  26. It’s pleasing to note our consensual objectives concur. Lafia.

    I would be very interested to read Mr Gordon’s final report.