Tag: Politics


ECOWAS Shuns Child Marriage

PRESS RELEASE Ministers responsible for children affairs from Member States of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) made a political declaration and took a common position against child marriage during a meeting which witnessed them adopt the ECOWAS Child Policy and its Strategic Action Plan (2019-2023). The declaration was […]


Halifa’s Letter To Omar Jallow

Dear Mr Jallow, SUBJECT: YOUR ACCOUNT OF MY DETENTION IN 2005 WAS WRONG I am still wondering what you were trying to prove by giving a distorted account of where I was detained in 2005 when we were arrested as members of the NADD leadership and arraigned before Justice Paul […]


Re: 1994 Coup: Intellectuals Should Apologise

Max, 1. Halifa did not associate or hold discussion with the soldier(s) about ministerial position. He said the interaction was brief and indicated instantly to him/them that he would respond to their offer. Why are you twisting the facts? 2. Halifa has already indicated elsewhere that he wanted to put […]



A Gambia Press Union delegation Tuesday paid a courtesy visit to the Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC) to discuss issues geared towards strengthening the relationship between the media and the Commission. The GPU delegation, led by Mr. Sheriff Bojang Jr., President of the country’s umbrella union and professional organisation […]


How TRRC Witness Embraces Forgiveness

By Abdoulie John The first witness to testify before The Gambia’s Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC) Tuesday ended his testimony with an emotional closing argument that left the audience in tears. Former Police Chief Ismaila Chongan had overcome a long-held grievance to preach forgiveness. “I am happy to wear […]


PDOIS Reiterates ‘System Change’ Call

By Abdoulie John The top brass of the Peoples’ Democratic Organisation for Independence and Socialism (PDOIS) reiterated the need for The Gambia to move from regime change to system change, describing it as “the way forward.” PDOIS Chairperson Sidia Jatta and Secretary General Halifa Sallah successively echoed this concern Sunday […]


Gambia 2018: Personal Experience and Observations

By Saul Saidykhan To close out this series, I circle back to my initial allusion to what I deem the bane of contemporary Gambia: lack of any enforcement of Regulations or Standards (where they exist) in Gambian social or public live. I’ll present the reality by segment. First, my initial night in […]